Maryland SESA Tracker

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7 year extention


How about my situation...My LC was filled in Jan'2002 with MD
My 6th year for H1 is ending in April 2004. Any one suggest me to go for extention? More over i have not received receipt date from MD.

same boat

I am in the same boat as you are? Please post if you heard anything or decide to do something about it.
7th Year Extension


I had applied for my labor with Reciept date May25, 2001. My H1 was expiring on April 2, 2003 and 6 years on August 12, 2003.
My company while applying for renewing the H1, they made an application as 7th year extension citing my pending Labor applications which was 22 months old. It was applied during mid Feb, 2003 and the approval for H1 renewal came in June 2003.

My suggestion is if your application is pending for more than 365 days, your 6 years expiration date is fast approaching, don't wait
for last minute. Apply it well in advance.

Disclaimer : I am not an attorney, please get some advice from an attorney before you act on anything.
7th year extention

Thats the main point what if you have not received the receipt from the state. What one should do in that case?
Any Updates?

Any updates on the processing? It has been more than three weeks since we heard that they were processing July 01, and I guess they should have reached Aug 01 cases. I tried several times but could not reach Sherlander Miram, did anyone else had the luck to talk to anyone in MD SWA?
I tried on both the numbers( 2050 & 2058) One says the processing date as July'01 and the other says June25th '01.

Seems like it has stuck once again...:mad:
Did anybody talked to SWA recently?
file sent to phili

Got a fax from my lawyer forwarding the letter sent from the dept. of labor at philiadelphia saying the received my application.

Date Submitted: 05/14/2001
Phili Receipt: 09/12/2003
Current Processing Time: 05/2003

There are another 4-5 months waiting time before I can apply for the I-140/485.
7th year extension

My 6 years on H1B expired on 10th July 2003.

My labor in MD was applied in RIR May 31st 2002 (fortunately I had received the receipt - size is similar to that of business/visiting cards).

My employer (my HR/Attorney was very helpful) had filed for my 7th year in the month of June 2003 (got it converted to premium process bcoz of me being very tense, etc. etc.) and the H1B petition had the subject line clearly mentioning that my case is a 7th year extension and that a copy of the proof of 365 days pending receipt as an evidence for the 7th year petition.

Received my H1 approval within 10 days of it converting to premium :)

Let me know if you need further details and I can refer to my 7th year petition papers and get back to you.

Good luck everyone.
Anyway to get the receipt

Is there anyway guys that I can get the receipt for the LC filled in dec 2001 if have not received it yet?
Receipt date for labor cert

Hi Guys,

I asked my attorney about the receipt date for my labor cert and she replied to me that they have received control# for my labor cert.

Does any one know what does this control# mean?

LC processing

I noticed that Bright posted a message on Sept 10th in the Philly DOL forum. So he probably cleared SESA. Maybe somebody can update the online tracker.
I did call my lawyer.
According to her MD is moving with very good speed and we should hear something from DOL by the end of Oct. My receipt date is Aug 14,2001. (RIR).
Any information on non RIR

Anybody know how is it going for NON RIR cases. Is it moving at all or not? Any guesses on that one.
Re: RFP for reducing the backlogs

I got very mixed feelings for the whole drive that has been initiated. It is good to know that they got their asses kicked real hard now, until this issue came into the presidents blackbooks. From experience, I can see that NO contracting firm is going to be able to be of great help. Since the immigration laws are so complex, that it will be very difficult for any firm to assist in this. The only people who are intimately familiar with these laws are the educated aliens and not those mexican cab drivers ....

Also, the very fact that since this project will be under BCIS will debar all other (alien recruiting) consulting companies to bid on this (who may be the most competent).

So guess what, who is going to work on these cases, normal americans who does not have a !@#$ing clue about the immigration laws. And did I mention that there will again be a spike in RFE's issuance.

All in all - it is a good move but not sure how much fruitful ???
Thanks to all who are actively participating/using this Forum.
It has been informative and very helpful.
Can someone help me posting my information on the `MD Labor Tracker' ?
ID: Apnet43
MD SWA Recd date:11/01/2001
Receipt Recd date:02/20/2002
Type EB2/RIR
Thanks in advance
Thanks Fox and Hementa for your input..

Fox, you must be very close to approval, if not already approved

updated info attached:cool:
I think there is a time delay about 20 days between State sending case to DOL and DOL informing lawer about receipt of this case. Normally we hear from DOl about the receipt means that the case is approved by SWA. But Does state informs about sending the case to Philly DOL to an individual OR lawyer?
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