Los Angeles, CA - N-400 Timeline

congratulations iluvfra

i passed my interview as well. it's a long wait for me though. my schedule was at 10, and i was already there by 9:30. I didn't get called until 12:30 but the interview only took about 10-15 minutes. It was very fast. IO asked me 10 civics questions, asked me to read and write a sentence and only asked for a proof of selective service.

IO said i should expect to be included in the dec. 19 oath date.
Where were you seated? I was also there with my wife for the 10:00. We arrived at about 9:15am. December 19th would be awesome!!!
i was seated 2 seats across the box where ou place the interview appointment sheets.... i was wearing a striped shirt. :)
My wife (blonde), and I (brown hair) black tie were sitting right in the middle isle accross the window... :)

beacon29, just study and review the questions... she asked me if I had a preference (old or new test)....don't worry!
Question to all analytical gurus...

We (wife and I) passed the interview this week on Nov 12th. What are the chances to get scheduled for the December 19th ceremony?

Just wondering what your thoughts are.... thnx.
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Hi Iluvfra,

Apparently they can schedule up to 12,000 on Dec. 19 (in 2 sessions). I'd say that you have about 70% chances to make it this year. If you don't get your letter by Dec. 1, you will probably go for the Jan. oath. I'd be optimistic.
You are right they can schedule up to 12,000 on Dec. 19th! Well, I'll just hope for the letter to arrive soon... I'll keep you guys posted... Thanks
beacon 29: i just studied the old set of questions but actually, the IO didn't even ask me if I prefer the old or the new one. Good thing, the computer printed out questions from the old set!

iluvfra: judging from the pattern the oath letters come, we should be receiving the letters next week. keep your fingers crossed!
Where were you seated? I was also there with my wife for the 10:00. We arrived at about 9:15am. December 19th would be awesome!!!

congratulations to all of you :):):)
i passed the test the same day 11/12/2008 too @ 1:15 :D:D

Please let s know when you receive the OATH Letter


I did a little bit of research on this forum to determine how long it may take to receive the oath letter (OL). Well, I don't really see a pattern here as times vary from 9 days to 2.5 months. The next large ceremony is on Dec 19th with a total of 12,000 folks to be naturalized.

Does anyone have any insight into who schedules, where (DO or CSC?), and when people are typically scheduled???

When I receive the OL, I will post it on this board.... Thanks to all.
I passed the interview today!

I am very happy to announce that I passed the naturalization (marriage-based) interview today.

I parked in the Los Angeles Mall parking structure which is right across from the USCIS building for $13.20. I waited in line outside the building lugging my huge briefcase full of documents for at least 30 minutes. I was a bit embarrassed because I was the only one with that huge luggage. I arrived in the waiting area at 1:55 pm. The waiting area was full. Family members were told to go down to the lobby because there was no room. Some 25 applicants were sent to the 4th floor for their interview. My appointment was at 2:15 pm but was not called in until 3:25 pm.

My interviewing officer was very thorough, going over each item carefully, and taking notes on a piece of paper and updating the computer. He was very nice the whole time though. It took a total of 30 minutes from the time I was called in to the time I was shown the door.

I was asked nine civic questions from the 96 question-and-answer which I answered correctly. I wrote a sentence that he spoke and then read a printed sentence.

He asked for additional proof that my wife and I are still living together. I gave him a document from the DMV, our joint bank statements, and our property tax bill. He made copies of them and gave me back the originals. He also went over our daughter's birth certificate.

I asked him if he knows if I would be joining the December 19 oath ceremony but he said he does not know. He told me to expect for the letter for the oath in the mail in 3 weeks. I thanked him and wished him a good night as I was going out the door.

That's it!

I'd like to thank this forum: it's owner, moderators, and the members who tirelessly contributed to my knowledge in preparing for one of the biggest and most important interviews of my life. Thank you very much!
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2 weeks after interview, no oath letter yet

I passed the interview in LA office on 11/3. Still no oath letter yet. I am concern that I will miss the 12/19 oath event sicne typically the oath letter arrived one month ahead of oath date. Any comments?
I would suggest you have infopass to find out the detail. I had the same interview date as yours. Made infopass a few days ago and was told that I was scheduled 12/19 2:00PM oath, so I think I am one of the 6,000 people for afternoon session. don't know for sure if the other 6,000 people for morning session were all interviewed before me. I think you should be scheduled for 12/19 oath too. I haven't received any oath letter since infopass. it is kind of suprised to me since I was told that the notice was printed in last week. Maybe they haven't sent it out? For the folks with a later interview date, maybe it is better to have an infopass fo find out if you are one of those 12,000 for 12/19 oath. Hope it helps.

I passed the interview in LA office on 11/3. Still no oath letter yet. I am concern that I will miss the 12/19 oath event sicne typically the oath letter arrived one month ahead of oath date. Any comments?