Likely JUNE CP at CHENNAI- track here!!!

Re: question on employment letter

Originally posted by spulapak

How long before the interview date can an employment letter be issued? Is there any requirement as to the length of time the letter is issued before the interview?

I'm expecting an interview in June, but I might have to go to India in early May so Im wondering if its OK to get the employment letter issued right now.


Hi spulapak:

I don't think this a matter. It's Ok, if you take it couple of months b4 the interview date as long as you submit the current paystub at the time of interview. One of my friend went through the same and had no problems.

Good to see May dates are online...

But the June dates won't be online until after the 10th of May. We can check with the consulate around the 7th of May and get a confirmed date-helps to make travel arrangements.
Re: Link to interview dates...

Originally posted by sv4G
Hi Guys:

Check this link... regularly to see if they come up with June dates... currently, it is showing May dates... Hope this helps...


You are right SV4G, This time they published 4 days before than normal date.
Hopefully they may publish early for next month too. It will be good to book the tickets early. Especially detroit travel agents scaring me by saying it is very difficult to get the tickets in June.

Thanks for the guys who told that it is not that much difficult to get the tickets in June. Now I am a bit relaxed.

By the way are you guys planning to take the vaccination here in U.S or in India?? Which is better??

One more doubt :
I applied for PCC 35 days back in Chicago consulate. They told me that my indian passport office(HYD) did not sent any clearance yet.
They also told me that they can issue the PCC if they won't recieve the clearance with in 45 days from Indian passport office. So they asked me to contact after 10 days. Is it true?? Can they issue the PCC without getting clearance. I just want to make sure from you guys also.

One more doubt :
I applied for PCC 35 days back in Chicago consulate. They told me that my indian passport office(HYD) did not sent any clearance yet.
They also told me that they can issue the PCC if they won't recieve the clearance with in 45 days from Indian passport office. So they asked me to contact after 10 days. Is it true?? Can they issue the PCC without getting clearance. I just want to make sure from you guys also.

If the consulate told you this, trust their word. I have seen other people post with the same info-so must be true. Good luck. :)

Luckily they made the issue of PCC time bound.

So, they send out the enquiry to Indian authorities and wait
45 days for some kind of answer. If they receive ALL CLEAR (OR)
No response, then they issue the PCC.

Originally posted by Rajeev Kumar
One more doubt :
I applied for PCC 35 days back in Chicago consulate. They told me that my indian passport office(HYD) did not sent any clearance yet.
They also told me that they can issue the PCC if they won't recieve the clearance with in 45 days from Indian passport office. So they asked me to contact after 10 days. Is it true?? Can they issue the PCC without getting clearance. I just want to make sure from you guys also.

If the consulate told you this, trust their word. I have seen other people post with the same info-so must be true. Good luck. :)

Hi kumar_sam

Nice to hear about that. Just want to let you know that My experience with Indian consulate in Chicago, regarding the PCC was bad. Guess what I waited almost 3 months on the PCC clearence and endup paing about $165 in total under emergency service as my wife was leaving India by that time and needs her passport so badly as the travel date was just abt 3 days away. They told me the same ( 45 days thing )

I hope this won't be the case in ur case and exect to see this go through smoothly. I reapplied for the PCC just yesterday by paying $20+15 as mine will be expired by the end of this month which was issued already. I have to see how this goes this time...

Just want to give you a heads up... Keep in touch with Indian consulate,chicago.


Regarding 'By the way are you guys planning to take the vaccination here in U.S or in India?? Which is better?? '

My thoughts on this is... it is better u take them in India itself as u may have to go through all the medical tests there itself.

Originally posted by sv4G

Regarding 'By the way are you guys planning to take the vaccination here in U.S or in India?? Which is better?? '

My thoughts on this is... it is better u take them in India itself as u may have to go through all the medical tests there itself.


I completed CP in Chennai in Oct 2002. I had taken all required vaccinations from here. I got a list of vaccinations from Dept of state website and showed it to my health care physician. First a blood test was done for immunity check. Anything I did not have immunity for, I got a vaccination. I don't remember which ones, but I got 2-3 shots. I also carried written proof of having received those vaccinations. Dr. Vijayalakshmi in Chennai accepted that report and I did not get any additional shots there.

Some vaccinations can trigger allergic reactions and I had enough time to recover from any reactions while still in the US.
Thanks to all for the information

Hello Rajiv, Raju and SV,

Thanks for your inputs.

Good that you told me your experience with Chicago consulate.

My wife is planning to go to India in may 1st week itself. So, I will talk to them again and I will go personally :
Because, we also have to include spuse name in our passports. Also I am planning to take the birth cirtificate for my wife from Chicago consulate.

Hopefully they may do all of this with in one (at the max two) day(s).

Re: Thanks to all for the information

Originally posted by kumar_sam
Hello Rajiv, Raju and SV,

Thanks for your inputs.

Good that you told me your experience with Chicago consulate.

My wife is planning to go to India in may 1st week itself. So, I will talk to them again and I will go personally :
Because, we also have to include spuse name in our passports. Also I am planning to take the birth cirtificate for my wife from Chicago consulate.

Hopefully they may do all of this with in one (at the max two) day(s).


Hi Sam:

Nice to hear from you and best of luck. Hopefully everything will be smooth :).

Originally posted by nkm-oct23
I completed CP in Chennai in Oct 2002. I had taken all required vaccinations from here. I got a list of vaccinations from Dept of state website and showed it to my health care physician. First a blood test was done for immunity check. Anything I did not have immunity for, I got a vaccination. I don't remember which ones, but I got 2-3 shots. I also carried written proof of having received those vaccinations. Dr. Vijayalakshmi in Chennai accepted that report and I did not get any additional shots there.

Some vaccinations can trigger allergic reactions and I had enough time to recover from any reactions while still in the US.

Hi nkm-oct23:

Thanks for your input on the vaccinations. I hope to do the same here itself after seen your experience.

Medicals In US

That is exactly what I did.. My appointment is on 21 May..but I went through the same process (like an initial blood work then vaccinations etc) here in US with my family doc.

In any case I plan to go to Lister lab.. just to be sure..

Hoping I dont need to get these vaccinations again...

About the medical tests, what dmn1 is doing is right.

I did the same thing. I went to my physician and got my complete
immunization record.

But candidates should note, going to Lister Labs, is not a choice
but a requirement.

The records that you carry from US, MAY help the Lister Labs in
avoiding some tests, or shots.

immunization & Other Q's

Hi guys,
After seeing your postings, I too felt that it is better to take the vaccination here it self.
One thing I would like to add to this is: It is better to take the immunization with in 2 months before your interview. One of my friend told that if it is more than two months, Doctors at Chennai may insist us to take it again.

Some other questions:

1. In other threads, I read that we need to have last three years of tax returns receipts (& W2 forms). Can any of you please tell me what do they want to check from these copies?? Does it mean do we have to work in U.S for at least 3 years??
Why am I asking this question is, I came to U.S only in March 2001. Before that I worked in the same company but in India branch office.
So obviously I can provide only two years of tax return receipts. Will they ask any additional things in my case??
Please don't think I am asking stupid question. I just want to clear about this 3 years tax copies policy.

2. I also read in other thread(likely May interview thread): Some body wrote that we need to have two notarized employment letters. Is it just for a safety purpose, or is it a compulsory requirement??

Thanks again in advance for clarifying my doubts.

If the tests show that we have immunization againt some disease
they should not suggest shots for that.

If there are antibodies, there are antibodies, it does not matter.

Tax Returns:

The consulate just wants to make sure that while you were
having taxable income in US, you were infact paying the taxes.

If you have lived for only the last 2 years or just the last year
then it is fine. Just bring that information.

The mention of 3 years is for those who have lived and filed taxes
for more than 3 years. It will be sufficient if they bring tax copies
for the latest 3 years.

Employment letter:

One letter is an absolute necessity. Over and above this it is
your wish and fancy. For dependents you can use copies.

My case got forwarded to Chennai Consulate on Apr 02 2003.
I am in EB1 category.
Is there is any chance in to get my interview in late May or 1st wek of June. My wife is pregnant and expecting by end June/1st week fo July. To be on the safe side should I ask for interview date some time in Aug. Currently I am at Bangalore.

Originally posted by Noproblem
My case got forwarded to Chennai Consulate on Apr 02 2003.
I am in EB1 category.
Is there is any chance in to get my interview in late May or 1st wek of June. My wife is pregnant and expecting by end June/1st week fo July. To be on the safe side should I ask for interview date some time in Aug. Currently I am at Bangalore.


Hello Raja,
You can see May appointments at "" to see if your interview is scheduled. As of my knowledge it is very less likely to be in May.
You can check with U.S consulate in chennai directly by making a phone call or by sending an email ( to them about your interview date. If it is not in may, your's will be definetly in June( as per the current trend).

Usually for EB2 & EB3, interviews will be between 20th and 30th of every month. But for EB1, I have seen the interview dates around 10th also.
So experinced guys may know more about it. I am not sure.

In anycase it is better if you check with the consulate directly by telling about your situation. Based on that you can decide whether to postpone your interview or not.

Best Regds & All the best,
Originally posted by Noproblem
My case got forwarded to Chennai Consulate on Apr 02 2003.
I am in EB1 category.
Is there is any chance in to get my interview in late May or 1st wek of June. My wife is pregnant and expecting by end June/1st week fo July. To be on the safe side should I ask for interview date some time in Aug. Currently I am at Bangalore.


Hello Raja,
You can see May appointments at "" to see if your interview is scheduled. As of my knowledge it is very less likely to be in May.
You can check with U.S consulate in chennai directly by making a phone call or by sending an email ( to them about your interview date. If it is not in may, your's will be definetly in June( as per the current trend).

Usually for EB2 & EB3, interviews will be between 20th and 30th of every month. But for EB1, I have seen the interview dates around 10th also.
So experinced guys may know more about it. I am not sure.

In anycase it is better if you check with the consulate directly by telling about your situation. Based on that you can decide whether to postpone your interview or not.

Best Regds & All the best,