Likely JULY interview -- CHENNAI --- TRACK HERE...

Re: July is getting hotter ;)

Originally posted by bvganesh
People Who are slated for July Interview: (most likely)
userid -- Date case was sent to Chennai Consualte from NVC.

cpwaltair2 -- 04/17/2003
kpriya123 -- 04/17/2003
bvganesh -- 04/24/2003
chennupandu -- 04/24/2003
ssn43017 -- 05/09/2003
chencp2003 -- Review completed on 04/30
kant -- Review completed on 04/30
ram1329 -- Review completed on 05/06

Hi bvganesh,

The NVC forwarded my case to the chennai consulate on May 9th. Please update my status in the list.

Re: Re: Re: can someone please clarify

Originally posted by kant
Hi Raju,

Thanks so much for getting back to me - her father's last name has been shortened to "Narasimhan" from "Narasimhachari" - do you think this would be a problem ? It is quoted as Narasimhachari in the marriage registration certificate. Do you think I need to re-apply for the registration certificate just to make sure that all docs match ? any idea how long it would take to obtain another marriage certificate ?


You are not clear in communicating.

At the outset let me assure you this should not be a problem,
however consider the following:

From your two posts this is what I understand.

Your father-in-law's name as it appears in his passport is the
SAME AS it is mentioned in your wife's birth affidavit. I think it
is 'Narasimhan', which I assume is not the correct last name!

On the Marriage Certificate, however it is mentioned as
'Narasimhachari' as the girl's father, which is right.

So, that means the MC has the longer format and it is correct.

So, 'Narsimhachari' is the right format but because it appears as 'Narasimhan' on the PP you have taken
an affidavit with the same format.

Now you are trying to make the MC show this same format.

You need to clarify this.

How does the name look in your wife's passport on the last page?

If it appears as 'Narasimhachari' then the easiest way is to get
a fresh birth affidavit with the name as it appears on the MC,
because the consulate would not see his passport.

About reapplying I am not aware how much time it takes in your
parts of the country. But my experience in AP is they expect the
parties to the marriage to be present in person to apply and wait
30 days to get it. I believe it can be expedited is some ways!

July is getting hotter ;)

People Who are slated for July Interview: (most likely)
userid -- Date case was sent to Chennai Consualte from NVC.

cpwaltair2 -- 04/17/2003
kpriya123 -- 04/17/2003
bvganesh -- 04/24/2003
chennupandu -- 04/24/2003
ssn43017 -- 05/09/2003
chencp2003 -- 05/09/2003
kant -- 05/09/2003
ram1329 -- Review completed on 05/06
Originally posted by ram1329
At what stage can we email chennai embassy about our interveiw date?

"Technically" speaking, we could contact Chennai consualte anytime and especially after the case reaches Chennai. Usually interview dates for the following month are not known before 10th of the current month. So, probably sending email around June 7th would be my suggestion.

Hope this helps.

Re: Collect last 3 years' Tax copies from IRS ----


I got my Tax Transcripts from IRS. They actually are just print out's and has my TAX ID (social) and other information.
But its not on an official letter head or anything of that sort.

Is that how they are supposed to look?

thank you
Re: Re: Collect last 3 years' Tax copies from IRS ----

Originally posted by cp_chennai_hyd

I got my Tax Transcripts from IRS. They actually are just print out's and has my TAX ID (social) and other information.
But its not on an official letter head or anything of that sort.

Is that how they are supposed to look?

thank you

It is our habit to feel uncomfortable when we do not see a officious looking letterhead, signature and a rubber seal.

But you are fine with the tax transcripts you got. That is how they

Re: Re: Collect last 3 years' Tax copies from IRS ----

It is our habit to feel uncomfortable when we do not see a officious looking letterhead, signature and a rubber seal.

But you are fine with the tax transcripts you got. That is how they


Great! Thanks :)
Interview confirmed on June 20th (so am not in July thread anymore)

Just received an email confirmation from Chennai.


Originally posted by cpwaltair2
Interview confirmed on June 20th (so am not in July thread anymore)

Just received an email confirmation from Chennai.


Congrats.. good to know that you got June interview eventhough your case forwarded to Chennai on Apr 17th.

Is your's EB1/2/3??

So other people like you (who's case forwarded on Apr 17th/around) may also expect June interview... Be prepared...Better if you send an e-mail to chennai/check your case numbers as soon as Chennai updates the website.

Good luck,
Strange as it might sound, I do not know the category underwhich my GC is applied. Definetly not under EB1. Attorney never told me, and I did not bother, as the whole process was more or less smooth. Waiting for some documentation to come from my attorney, once I get that, may be it is mentioned in one of them.

July is getting hot ;)

People Who are slated for July Interview: (most likely)
userid -- Date case was sent to Chennai Consualte from NVC.

kpriya123 -- 04/17/2003
bvganesh -- 04/24/2003
chennupandu -- 04/24/2003
ssn43017 -- 05/09/2003
chencp2003 -- 05/09/2003
kant -- 05/09/2003
ram1329 -- Review completed on 05/06
reply from chennai

From: Chennai, IV []
Sent: Friday, May 16, 2003 6:55 AM
To: ssn43017.'
Subject: RE: Case # MDR 2002xxxxxx

Appt is likley to be in July.

Customer Service Unit
American Consulate General
220, Anna Salai
Chennai 600 006
Phone - 91-44-28112060(dir), 28112000(board)
Fax - 91-44- 28112020, 28112027
Website -

-----Original Message-----
From: ssn43017
Sent: Thursday, May 15, 2003 10:21 PM
To: ''
Subject: Case # MDR 2002xxxxxx


My case was reviewed by NVC on Apr 29, 2003 and forwarded to Chennai on May 9, 2003. I like to know,

if you have received and when
Possible interview date

congrats ssn43017

It took longer but finally it happened !!!

You will get the July interview positively.

Congratulations!.... I had been following your case...... Initially you were having a possibility of May interview and then June.... and....

Anyway, you are sure to be in July... Wishing you good luck.

My case was sent to Chennai Consualte from NVC on 15th May 2002.
Still hoping for a July Interveiw.

I was expecting july interview and getting ready for July trip to India. Today i have received call from home back in India to inform my interview is on June 25th. My biggest concern is PCC. Embassy has received my passport on April 30th. I have some communications received in the first week of May asking my valid current visa approvals. As per contact, it might take 7 calendar weeks time to issue PCC. How much time it actually takes ? If we request is it possible to get PCC before 7 weeks time? Not sure how to go about this. Please advice me here.

I got my PCC at Huston in less than 4 weeks, infact if you talk to the Indian embassy people where you applied for PCC they will be able to issue you a PCC where in you have an emergency or haven't received a reply for the PCC from the Indian side. Please contact the embassy prefereably in person at the earliest.
Indian embassy is somewhat more flexible than what we are used to many things in USA. I am sure you will have PCC in time. Good Luck.