Likely JULY interview -- CHENNAI --- TRACK HERE...


You should not have any problems with the higher salary.;)

Unfortunately, without tax papers/W2s and paystubs, your CP is destined to doom- unless you show that this petition is for a future job. You will need a current job offer letter from your sponsor and a good reason why you are not already working for them (assuming you are here in the states.) Good luck.;)
Rajeev Kumar,

Thanks for the feed back.
I am in the process of applying for my I-140. With the info you provided will it be a good idea for me to go ahead with the process or just drop here and go back to India after completing my six yr term.
If I don't have W-2s of last three yrs, there will be more chances of getting rejected.

I got H1 on Oct'2000 from present company and they are sponsoring my GC. I got VISA stamped with in USA from this company.
As I didn't get project, till now I am doing some odd jobs. Recently I got a project and started working. From now on I can have paystubs.

Would Rajeev or some one in this thread advice me, whether to go ahead with the process or drop the idea of applying I-140.
Did you or some one in this forum come across of anyone with this type of situation, if so did they got VISA

Thanks for your valuable suggestions.

Sai. :confused:

I need more details to tell you how safe or unsafe CP can be with your circumstances. For example, do you have a H1b for the'odd jobs' you are doing for another company? If you have had a second H1b and paystubs/W2/tax returns with a legitimate company for all the years you have stayed in the USA and now your sponsor can put you on payroll, you have a very good shot at sailing through CP. Another option is to go to India and wait for CP and come back with the Green card-if your employer is willing to give you an offer letter and continue the process. Consult an attorney for a professional opinion. You can also post more details about your situation and we will try to help. Good luck!;)
Rajeev Kumar,

I don't have H1 for odd job. I used to work for survival and they used to pay by cash.
During last two yrs I did not generated any pay checks, basically I am staying illegally but with valid H1 and Visa.
Recently I got a project in Software and started working.
Last yr I requested my comapny who holds H1 to start my green card. Recently my labour was approved. Some of my friends advised me to opt for CP as I don't have W-2's of last three yrs.

Even if I go to India my employer can still process my GC and can give offer letter. I don't have any problem with my employer and they are ready to help me.

If you need any further info from me, please do let me know.
my e-mail id is

Thanks for co-operation.


As you have pointed out, you have been in liiegal status all along. Even at the I140 stage, INS can ask for evidence that the company can and has been supporting you. If you get through that hurdle, you will be asked the same questions at CP. They will also ask for the past 3 years tax returns and W2s as well as some recent paystubs. In your case, you are unlikely to succeed with no tax documentation. You can try one of 2 things...

1. Go back to India; continue with the I140- but apply for CP and prolong it just so that the tax returns from here won't be a factor- in other words, stall the process at NVC by a few months-to make it atleast one - two tax years after you leave US.

2. Continue working for your sponsor and again stall the process so you can get 3 years worth of tax returns and go for CP.

AOS is too risky for you. If the INS finds out about the illegal status they may tag you with unlawful presence- and that will entail deportation along with restrictions on reentry into US-essentially precluding your immigration aspirations. Consult a good attorney; also browse this forum and ask the same question at Ron Gotcher's website- he can give you more answers. Good luck!;)
July/Aug Chennai Appt

I am likely to have interview at Chennai in July or Aug.
My P3 review was completed 15th May and sent to Chennai on 21May. Does anyone know how long it takes Chennai to receive the documents?

When does chennai update the appt dates?

Hello Guys,

I see some of you already have an appt date with Chennai Consulate. Typically when does the Consulate publish the appt dates for the following month? Does anyone have idea abt when July dates will be published?


It takes a week for the consulate to acknowledge your queries after NVC has sent the case over. The Consulates usually publish the dates for the following month on or around the 12th of the preceding month.
St. Louis as POE

I searched this forums, and did not find anybody having their PoE as St.Louis. My tickets are booked through St.Louis ( STL ). Does anybody have information how good/how bad it is ?
Re: Booker,

Originally posted by Rajeev Kumar
It takes a week for the consulate to acknowledge your queries after NVC has sent the case over. The Consulates usually publish the dates for the following month on or around the 12th of the preceding month.

Thanks for the info Rajeev

What is the amount of DD we need to give at the embassy otherthan $335 which was already paid at StLois? Thanks in advance.
interview date?

Just wondering, when can we start writing to the consulate to find out the interview dates?

chencp2003(July Hopeful)
July CPers...

You guys have been a very QUIET bunch! You should start writing today. Use the Volunteer system so that you don't upset the Consulate with too many inquieries. Use One person a day to send emails. Good luck.;)
Re: July CPers...


I would like to volunteer to send the email to the embassy. Can you please guide me on how it works. I haven't done it before.
Do we send a bunch of MDR numbers together to them?

My case was sent from NVC to the embassy on April 24th. I am hoping that I would get a July appt.

thank you!
Rajeev Kumar is Right!!

Rajeev is Right!.

Probably we should starting sending mail to Chennai Consualte regarding july interview. I have send an inquiry along with my personal request about July interview today (June 9th). Who is willing to volunteer for June 10th?

Has anyone received P4 at Indian Address?

Hello Likely July CPers,

Has anyone received P4 at the Indian address yet?

If so could you please let us know when you got it so that it would be helpful for everyone!!

I already

sent an email to Chennai asking about the probable interview date on last Friday 6th June. But I didn't get any reply from them.
