Likely Delhi Interview (July, August 2004)

Hi Austin,

My papers were forwarded on April 29 to ND; you can look at my case details on the PL’s analysis forecasts an August interview most likely for me. As we discussed earlier, there are so many variables but it’s best to assume the worst case scenario and be hopefully surprised pleasantly if they do give a July appt!

i hope that PL's forecast should come true for me.anyways hope for the best and prepare for the worst!!
good luck.
how exactly these dates for interview scheduled?are they done only in the middle of a month or automatic manner(as skb mentioned)?'cause they also have to send pkt4 according to it.
any views would be welcome!
Hi Austin,

Since we don’t have any recent Delhi experiences on this subject, we could go by BOM or MDR where it seems that once the date is fixed the P4 is mailed. Alren posted today in the Mumbai forum that he received his p4 that was mailed on May 5th so Mumbai is mailing P4 as and when they finalize the dates. One can only assume that ND does the same. Maybe if someone who went to ND in March – May this year could post their experiences with P4 dates and interview dates. If they mail it after publishing the interview date – 21st of a month then we’ll have a real scramble arranging tickets and other stuff!

Rjain2 said:
Hi Austin,

Since we don’t have any recent Delhi experiences on this subject, we could go by BOM or MDR where it seems that once the date is fixed the P4 is mailed. Alren posted today in the Mumbai forum that he received his p4 that was mailed on May 5th so Mumbai is mailing P4 as and when they finalize the dates. One can only assume that ND does the same. Maybe if someone who went to ND in March – May this year could post their experiences with P4 dates and interview dates. If they mail it after publishing the interview date – 21st of a month then we’ll have a real scramble arranging tickets and other stuff!

The date on the letter was 5th. I had called the consulate on 9th night (10th in India) and they had told me the interview date.

The packet was mailed from Washington on 5/21 to me.
i feel that they give approx.4 weeks between interview date and getting pkt4.i have seen that in also but those are few cases where guys mention when they received pkt4 (mostly BMB/MDR cases)
Hi Austin,

We’ve all lamented about the lack of New Delhi info in the cptracker and the paucity of P4 information overall. I think the best bet is to call the Consulate in the first week of a month to see if they have scheduled your interview for the subsequent month. Once the interview date is provided, getting P4 is more academic as they allow window pick up also in case one is running short of time. I suspect that cptracker users enter the interview date once known and then get busy with travel arrangements and interview related preparations.


Looks like my packet finally made it to NWD consulate

Well finally I got a message from Delhi Consulate that they received my case file and they would schedule my interview in forth....

And this when my case was sent to Delhi on Feb'20 2004... I called up consulate atleast 5 times in last two months and talked to NVC and so did my lawyer in the past few months. I have no clue when they received it yet but last friday I got the above mail message. So maybe if there are no holdups again.. (which now sounds like a wishful thinking :) ) I would get the interview scheduled in July / Aug...

Am thinking of calling them next week to check on the status of the case
Hi njcpdel,

Looking at the tracker it seems that your case took a really long time to get registered @ the Consulate. I’ve found that an email to them normally gets a response very fast, even though they may say that the interview will be scheduled in the forthcoming months. Anyway, we’re all at the last stage and will get interviewed very soon unless there are any scheduling faux pas. Keep your status posted so that we’re aware of the progress and can compare notes. :eek:



Looks like someone misplaced your file along the way.
In such cases, from what i have read on this forum and from the CP tracker, your interview will be sooner rather than later. So be prepared for a July interview.

so list for expected july candidates is increasing day by day.anyways all the best njcpdel.hopefully we all will be there in july list.
Hi Austin,

It may seem that the July prospective candidates are increasing but most probably it is normal volumes, the exception being that ND folks are being communicative for a change and exchanging info and updating the . In fact I see that there are 5 May entries @ ND according to the tracker (P_L, Godbole, CPFromDelhi, NJCPDEL and myself)! These are record updates for the reticent Delhi crowd who passively observes others exchanging info…..

In June ND scheduled 183 EB appointments which are nearly double of May’s 93 (I’m going by number of people being interviewed rather than unique case #s). The person I talked to in May at ND mentioned that they normally take 4-6 weeks after receiving case to arrange the interviews. So most probably the folks with the early May entries should have a better change of July.

Either way we are all very close and it should be a win-win for all.

Enjoy the long-weekend.

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hi rjain2,
it's already been 6 wks since my papers reached ND.should i call or send email next week to ND?other wise waiting for list to be published in mid june seems quite far.
and i'll be the next one to enter my details in cptracker(i haven't done it till now!!)
good luck.
Hi Austin,

I think that e-mailing now may get the standard response that they will schedule it in the forthcoming months. My lawyer suggested that she’ll send an email around 10th of June and that there’s no harm if I want to call around that time. May be other exp. ND CPers can tell us how they found out.


i'll go with ya one more week!!
one query:i don't have birth cert.but do have non-availability of birth record cert. from local MC and 2 affidavits(notarized).but problem is they are one from my father and another from my dad's brother but no affidavit from it compulsory from both parents or this will do?i submitted them to my lawyer,he never objected to u think ND consulate will have some problem with it?
thanks in advance.
austin316 said:
i'll go with ya one more week!!
one query:i don't have birth cert.but do have non-availability of birth record cert. from local MC and 2 affidavits(notarized).but problem is they are one from my father and another from my dad's brother but no affidavit from it compulsory from both parents or this will do?i submitted them to my lawyer,he never objected to u think ND consulate will have some problem with it?
thanks in advance.

Absolutely not!. While it is preferable to take it from parents, it cannot be
mandatory. It is actually parents/or/elder relatives who are aware of the

thanks raju595.
i was just reading alren's interview exp. thread in mumbai one of the posting(forgot the name of the guy)he mentioned that he was asked for income tax clearence cert.(at mumbai airport).never heard of it before.any clues about it,guys!
austin316 said:
thanks raju595.
i was just reading alren's interview exp. thread in mumbai one of the posting(forgot the name of the guy)he mentioned that he was asked for income tax clearence cert.(at mumbai airport).never heard of it before.any clues about it,guys!

This is a requirement that is enforced on behalf of Income Tax department of
India (usually for individuals who are going abroad the first time).

If you have not earned any taxable income in India during the last year, and if you have been living and working in US then you don't have to provide this certificate.

If questioned, explain the situation and show your passport.


Supplementing Raju’s explanation, there’s an annotation in the Indian passport towards the last page or so, stating that "income tax clearance is not required or emigration clearance is not required".

Hi folks,

I’m expecting a July interview @ ND and was scooping out some airfares from the D.C. area – the best even in the peak season seems to be Air Canada via Toronto. My question is:

1) I suspect we need transit visa for Canada, can anyone confirm?
2) On return with the GC papers is the POE considered to be Toronto?
3) If #2 is yes, then is there any technical issue one should be aware compared to POE being say JFK or Dulles airport?
4) Can the POE of the spouse be different then primary candidate if she is returning at a later date?

Would appreciate responses from anyone who has experienced similar situations.

