Likely Delhi Interview (July, August 2004)

Can spouse come to US on tourist visa

I am likely to get an interview date in June.July and also planning to marry a few days before the interview. I was thinking if my fiance gets a tourist visa now and later after marriage she can travle to US on the tourist visa. Considering that fact that when she applies for the tourist visa she is not married and after marriage she won't get tourist/H4 visa and her GC may take couple of months.

Another question, I have to move houses, so how do I go about changing my address with the embassy. Also, for my wife GC can I give a different C/O address.
Hi Skb14,

I’m surprised that your interview has not been scheduled even though your application was received in March @ NWD! The best bet may to call them, it’s not easy getting through (see my earlier post in this thread) but you should talk to someone there about the delay. They respond to emails also but talking will be better – just patiently use the redial option.

On your marriage question, if you get married before the interview, I gather that the wife can be added to the DS230 prior to the interview date. See the forum for postings detailing the process to be followed. The tourist visa option is very dicey and doesn’t work all the times.

Incidentally, have you posted your case on the ?


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You should have received a reply from NWD. But if you have not send an email again with your case number as the subject and ask about the status of your case. Also, if your case was sent to the embassy in March then July is probably when you will be interviewed.

Interview schedule

Yep, even I had expected that interview would be scheduled by June. I have sent emails many times but always got a standard reply that it will be schedued in the forthcoming months. I have tried calling them and I will try calling tonight.

will keep you guys posted.
Hi SKB14,

You are right, the email response is standard and of no use. I thing the best bet is to call them and talk to an officer – may be if you could claim some urgency it might help but the urgency has to be serious!

Good luck with the call and tell us how it went.

Finally spoke to the Embassy

So finally many hours of redialling I got to speak to a lady at the Embassy. She told me that I can expect something by end of June or early July. I asked her usually embassy finishes scheduling for the following month by middle of the previous month and she told me that interviews slot are generated in an automatic manner. Frankly, I think that is load of bs. However, early July is still okay if it happens. Lets stay tuned.
Hi Skb14,

I'm glad that you finally got to speak to someone at the Embassy. I also think that the automatic date generation is a bit of a sham.

If they are looking at end-June then shouldn't they know by now, if not, that means that they are still slotting the candidates for June. They published the May dates on April 27th so there may still be hope for June for you! Did she say when the June dates will be published? Chennai already has it's updated and Mumbai seems to be getting ready.


June, July, August and God only knows when interviews

After staring at and brooding over the May interview cases for an infinite amount of time it seems that the Employment category immigrant interviews seem to be a low priority issue with the Embassy. The latest date that the papers were forwarded to New Delay Embassy were 26th January for the May interview dates. So the Feb and March have still to be scheduled. And SKB's papers were sent in March and the expected date is in July. So it seems that the interviews are being scheduled in the fourth month after the papers are being sent by the NVC.
Also, they seem to be taking an inordinate amount of time in making the dates public. The June dates have not yet been announced. God help someone who is scheduled for early June and has not yet received the Pack4, (i hope it is not me).

But, life could be worse. We could still be waiting (like many others) for our I-140's to be approved.

Interview schedule

You are right about the dates. But let me put a word of caution- that although my date was March but the packet was entered by the embassy staff only on March 25th - almost the end of the March.

Good luck

I read your comment on marrying few days before the interview.

Be preapared with a lot of photographs from marriage and may be from early ceremonies (if any). Recently married couples are being asked a lot of questions (due to a lot of fraud in GC process) and might be a victim of "Name Check Procedure" (Your wife in this case). Which visa are you going to apply for your wife to bring her to USA.
I am not scaring you but warning you to be better prepared for everything. Do some more research on this issue?

Other CP gurus please comment on his situation.
June Interview dates

The good news is that there are a bunch of E3 and E2 cases this time.
Looks like ND has finally got down to clearing the employment cases backlog.

That is something to Cheer about for ND CPers.


I’m repeating an appeal by P_L that was posted previously to solicit any June confirmed interviews for Delhi; we know that lot of Delhi CPers are following the forums passively! Would appreciate if these folks also participate in the discussions.

The interview dates posted today seem to have caught up with the backlog and are giving March NVC submission interviews in June – this seems to follow the previous norms of @ 3 months average between NVC sending case to NWD and the interview date. Let’s hope that they keep this norm up for scheduling the early-May submissions in July!


I too agree its encouraging to see that embassy is try to catch upon E2 and E3 cases. Just curious, does the largest case number that got an interview in June is indicator of any ternd?
Now, my hopes are pinning on July dates.

Good luck to you too.
passive Delhi CPer

i am one of those passive Delhi CPer who would go through once a day but never contributed in it.i'm following these discussions since past one year(since my I-140 was filed).but now i'll try my best to be part of it as i'm also waiting for my interview from LAZY NEW DELHI embassy.
my papers were forwarded on 1 april to delhi.called up yesterday and got reply that june dates are full and i should expect july dates now and should call after june 21.guy also told me that they take 4-6 wks to schedule interview.just want to know from when exactly this time starts-when they receive our papers or at their own wish??
Hi skb14,

We are all guessing (the same way) about the scheduling process -- the largest case # most probably gives a good indication of the latest NVC send date/Case entered @ the embassy. Since there is no one in the for a June interview date for ND, we have to resort to these guesstimations about the submission and scheduling process. PL and I were discussing that the critical factors must be:
* Date of case entry by the Embassy -- a good guess is 7 days after NVC sent date
* # of EB slots per months – they seem to allocate about 9-10% to EBs.
* Any other scheduling factors -- # of officers available, urgency of case if any, etc.
* If everything is equal, they may give an earlier interview date to an earlier case #.

I'm being unnecessarily anal about a process where we’re at closing stages; the difference in getting the interview seems to be +/- 1-month!


Hi Austin,

Welcome into our little forum, please update your info on the .

The response given to me was exactly same -- I talked to the staff in early May -- they said that it takes them 4-6 weeks to schedule the interviews after receiving them from NVC. They also told me to call them around June 21st (please see my earlier post in this thread about this subject). Since they posted this month on May 20th, I suspect that they are hoping that we’ll look up the site on June 21st see our Case # there and not call them. If the Case is not there, they’ll say the slots were full so call around July 21st.

By and large, this process seems to be applied to all!



I think you have a valid point and infact I also thought on the same lines. I will try to get as much documentation as possible. Earlier we were thinking about changing her last name, so do you suggest we wait till her GC interveiw so that embassy has one less reason. Please comment.
hi Rjain2,
my papers were received at ND around 12-15 april(guessed it,'cause even embassy guy didn't know the exact date).and with same dates guys in BMB and CHENNAI have already got june dates of around 22 or 23 for interview.
wonder whether delhi has more rush than other consulates 'cause if skb14 is waiting since march then how can i expect interview in early july!!
also would like to know when your papers were forwarded to ND from NVC?
The cut off date for June interviews seems to be March 11.
So, folks whose papers went to ND before 22 April should see their names on the July list.
Of course, this is an educated (i hope) guess.
