Lets Start Jan 2002 Appointment, Delhi Thread.

Sudhir, I was able to talk to consulate yesterday

After half an hr redialing effort, I was able to talk to somebody in the consulate. The person asked me my case number, from my case number he was able to tell my name but then said that my packet 3 hasn\'t reached.
Not sure how to find out whether it didn\'t reach or whether it has reached but not entered in their system...
I tried 419-8062 around 12ish EST.
Guys I finally managed to talk to Delhi COnsulate at 419-806211:45 PM EST.

The person was very courteous. Gave him my case no. Says that my packet 3 is in system and appointment will be after 60-70 days. Asked him when I should call back for interview date. Said call in 1st week of Jan. I was wondering why he said that even though we will come to know of Jan dates in End of Dec.
Gurus - Pls reply.

My 140 approved AOS. Can I file for 824, with the receipt Can I go for Delhi CP. Or I have to wait for 824 approval.

Appreciate any reply.

For Delhi US Consulate AC-140, you dont need I-824 to be filed at all.

My friend has his AC-140 in Delhi. He did not file a I-824 at all. He has I-140 approved with AOS. He was offered an appt. in Dec, but he could not make it so he requested a Jan Appt. He has been asked to call around Dec 15th for his interview date.

My Packet 3 reached there on 9th, then resend which reached there on 29th. After that I also have the same story. She said that the status is "Waiting for P3" - I got angry - then she said I am updating your status to "Packet 3 received" and confirmed my address - I really dont know what is going on. That lady (Chitra) sucks - she doesnot know what she is talking.
No Title

Sudhirkumar, when was your friends appointment in Dec. I also have an appointment in Dec but I want to prepone it if possible.
NEW UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Pls

Is there any one whose packet 3 has been received by US embassy delhi after Nov 27 and called them to enquire status. Please upadte me on following.

# Have they entered data before even your call ?
# Are they opening packet-3 now days.

I have called them and they have entered my case in system during call it slef. The lady on the counter told me that they are not opening new mails because of Anthrax fear. I dont know whether she
was lying or that is the case. So please let me know if there is any
case that they have entered the case ( after Nov 27) before even calling them....

I guess same thing is happaned with AKS1234.....

Thanks in advance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What date do u mean (Nov 27??)

I got my packet 3 hand delivered on 11/19, but strangely,
the person at the counter enetred data into the
system (after confirming that he saw the case)
and returned all the P3 forms back to my brother.
when my brother insisted that he deposit the forms,
he was told not to worry and that I should get an inetrview date
within 2 months.
(My p3 was mailed from US sometime nov 13th)
Similar problems, is there anything I can do?

My packet was mailed by fed ex on Nov 12th, so it should have reached the consulate by now. I called up the consulate half an hr back and some lady picked it up, I guess it must be Chitra. (She mentioned that Swami is on vacation). I gave her my case number, she knew my name, she asked my indian address (don\'t know why?) and asked me that its not in the system. I explained to her that it should have reached the consulate by now. She said it takes 3-4 days for the packet to enter the system and 3 months to get the interview...
I read in this thread that some people mentioned that the person at the consulate entered the info in the system during the phone call.
Can people share how they made the person enter the info during the call. Is there anything else I should do?
Thanks so much.
Delhi interview

Tell her that P3 has been sent and has been acknowledged by you ...so it should have been in the system. Since your packet was mailed on 12th ..it should reach have reached around 16th or 17th ..Give them a call around 24th ...That should give them sufficient time.
Called consulate last night

Was answered by some lady.
I gave her my case number and asked "are all my forms ok,
is my case in system"
she was able to tell my name from her side , asked me to
confirm my address. She said all is ok and that I should call dec,end or Jan beginning for
interview date.
I asked her name, and she said she cannot give that!
anyway, asked her to double check name of spouse
and chil,.all seemed in order. let\' see....
Avi, My friend had called them up around Nov 10th. They told him he can get a Dec appt.

At which he told them he cant make it in Dec. So tthe gentleman, made a change in the system which says they havent recd. his P3 yet. SO he would not be given an appt. in Dec. He was asked to call back around Dec 15th to remind them to get a date in Jan.
I had the same experience. They asked me to call in Jan 1st week for the interview date.

If the dates are posted on the web on 15th of every month, I dont know on what basis they are asking us to call them in Jan 1st week for Jan interview if the dates will get posted already on Dec 15th (hopefully). I have a feeling because of the holidays, some guys expecting Jan interviews may spill over to Feb.

My p3 was entered on 11/13. earlier i had confusion, when I called on 11/9 - lady was able to verify my home address etc then I thought that they have received everything and when I called on 11/15 to get the info for interview she said "ur P3 was entered on 11/13 and we wont be able to say anything soon."

Hope it helps.