Labor Processing Times in California Due to 245i Part6

PERM program for filing LC in SF

got any idea about this?

(2) Reengineered Streamlined Processes (PERM Program): In 2001, phase out the two-tier certification process in which SESAs first review employers\' certification applications, confirm that the employer is paying a "prevailing wage" and help advertise the opening to ensure there are no domestic applicants for the job opening. The DOL Regional Office then reviews the cases and if it determines there will be no adverse impact, allows the employer to seek the alien\'s admission from the INS. In the streamlined process, employers will apply directly to either of two DOL Regional Office sites (San Francisco and Philadelphia).

As this reporter reported earlier today on thia Breaking News, the foregoing plan (2) will be launched starting from release of the PERM regulation in June or July, followed by the launch of PERM alien labor certification filing directly to either San Francisco Service Center or Philadelphia Service Center. The SESAs will be phased out except the business of wage determination and temporary nonimmigrant alien labor certification programs.
Reply to ABX

My lawyer received a letter from SESA stating that my case has been forwarded to DOL.

Hope this answers your question.
Yeah it is true

DOL is trying to implement part (2) but starting June-July time frame they will come up with guidelines for this process which will be implemented eventually starting March 2003 this has been in the news ever since August last year. You can email the people at the Oh Law Firm to get the most accurate info on this.

But what will it mean to people who still have their application pending at the SESA at that time no one knows.......
My case transferred to SF DOL. but I dont know the case number.. Pl. read the msg.

I called SESA a month ago and was told that
My case got transferred to SF DOL..

 but I dont know the case number.. I never got any letter from my HR or Lawyer. I can not contact my lawyer. My Immigration HR retired from our company./. (there is a new person, but i cant get hold of him).

how do I find out what is my case number?. when I call 415-975-4617, I have to know either my case number or my employer tax id and phone number(what is this phone number and how do I find out _my_/company phone number).. since I dont have an answer, I just cant find out my status.. Also, I am curious to know (make sure) that my case indded has been transferred to SFO DOL.

btw, my PD is June 20, 2001. (i dont know if that is RIR or NOT).

thanks for your time and help
your case must be RIR else it would not be forwarded...

Try to get your employer tax if from your W2 that you have used for tax filing this year... That is enough I think...
Check this discussion - Traking DOL list for California due to 245I Part 3

Seems case 09510999 certified on 03/27/2002.
No Title

Does that mean that all the cases being transfered to the DOL are all RIR cases?.Im confused as to why then there is so much delay. If the Non RIR cases are not being transfered to the DOL, does that mean that there are more RIR cases compared to Non RIR?.
Totally confused.
Has the DOL date moved beyond 11/02?.
July 14th is a Saturday... wonder how that date has come up !!!

July 14th is a Saturday... wonder how that date has come up !!!
List updates for SESA and DOL just to analyze the movement

HI Guys,
Can we make two lists seperately for SESA and DOL-SF. This list should even include the approved cases and the approval date this will give us a pattern. From all the information what i have read and get from our attorneys, DOL has recruited lot new staff and contractors they are under training and it should start moving fast. So if have this list then we will be able to find the actual fact of this news articles and statements.
Good news..

That DOL has gotten some new staff to look at the Labor certs is surely a good thing....tracking the change in the DOL processing time will be a big help!!