Labor Processing Times in California Due to 245i Part6

Means Reject !! Reject !! and Reject !!

The above feelers to the Certifying Officers clearly indicate the direction. Reject, Reject and More Reject !!. Talk about changing the rules in the middle of the Game !!. Also DOL very well knows that all the RIR 245is in all the Regions are over now. Then why this apathy towards tax paying law abiding Legal Non Immigrants. Now this only gives more authority to the Certifying officers to put more queries, More rejects resulting in exponential increases in the processing times.
Can labor Certification be transferred

My friend wanted me to know whether an existing labor certification(that has already been approved) be transferred on to his name..He is planning to join a new company and found out that a labor certification was approved on his job title..( He is a consultant in that company) and he is plannnig to accept a permanent offer....

Please let me know..
LC questions

I know this sounds dumb and i should probably ask my lawyer these questions, but it would be great help if any of you guys can answer these questions. Thanks in advance.

i sent my GC papers to my lawyer office in Georgia during april 2001. some months later i was told ,i would be getting my labor clearence in feb 02. Now, seems it is going to be delayed. I want to find out the following details, help me please
1. when was my application actually filed
2. what center
3. is there a way for me to track my application and check if any questions have been asked by the labor dept.
4. when should i expect my LC to be approved.

my h1b is sponsered by a consulting company in Atlanta. so far i have been working on a project in CA. this project ends soon and i will be looking for a new project thru the same consulting company. is it OK if i have to move to a differnt state for the new project ? How are these situations handled ?



My lawyer sent me a note today that my case has been forwarded to DOL SF. I don\'t know any other details. Will post as soon as I know more.

My PD is 7/10/2001.
DOL processing date?

Hello friends,

 Which is the processing date for DOL ?. I mean the date
 SESA processes and transfers to DOL or the date DOL
 receives an application ?

 My labor PD is 05/07/2001...
No Title

Does that mean that if SESA denys the labour or issues a notice of findings then my compay will have to readvertise and go through the whole nine yards again.I work for a startup and I am not really sure if they would be willing to do that looking at the market conditions around because they can easily hire some citizen or GC holder and do away with all the GC processing hassle.
has someone recently got worried not coz these types of messages are popping up when my PD is PD is 8/3/2001.
sad and worried

The answer to Vishnu\'s question is YES. It happened to me last Aug\'01. My employer went thru the whole process again for past 7 months and we are applying again next month. This time my attorney is ready with all the documents/ evidence to answer any kind of queries. This memeo which came out last week was just official memo. CO\'s started following the new instructions from last year (Jun-Jul time frame). If your employer went thru the pre-req\'s for RIR process really, they shouls have sufficient evidence to justify. Good luck.
How do you know CO\'s have been following these new instructions?

If this is the first time a memo went out with the new instructions, then how could the CO\'s be following those instructions since last year?
Thanks in advance for sharing any info you have.
The Labor Certification Criteria

Even though the employer did not layoff similar occupation employees, the Certifying Officers are required to take additional action, should they gain the information that there was a general layoff by the employers in the specific industry and in the specific area for the occupation.
 What does the \'speicific industry\' mean? Suppose if we are in IT department of a mortgage company(Mortgage industry is doing very good and has tremendous recruitment going on for both IT and NON-IT Jobs) would we be still affected because of lay offs in IT industry?

DOL asked my employer to re-justify again for RIR last april and thats one of the point in this memo. I am following up on others cases from last Jan. Also, while talking about the memo to my attorney, it wasn\'t a big surprise to him (us) because he had lots (& lots) of cases back from DOL last year asking to advertise & document the recruitmnet again for RIR or it will be pushed to the reg process..
Yes you are right..

We Indians are the most intellectual lot in the World. Yet, we lack courage, settle for less, fight among ourselves with no unity,, from whichever dimension you look...We mourn in silence, speak aloud in debates, pinppoint the flaws to the minutest detail, still we lag behind in the face of life.. I recently read a book on the civilization which clearly said that Africans refused to enter this country without their familiies and relatives.. And a special provision pertaining to the immigrant law had to be signed immediately to bring the Africans together with their families, children and relatives at one stroke, although they had to face problems in the name of slavery.. We are meekier than that..
We leave our parents , forget our relatives back home and we either cry/enjoy by ourselves making sure we donot help others nor willing to stand up to an issue... All said, we are paying for being intellect...
Any other foreign national would have entered this country only after he is confident that he donot miss anything by being far from home..

Silly as it sounds, but this is the truth...A working day off from work by all Indian software professionals in this country would mean a loss of more than $924 million....Statisitcs from a Software Immigrants Study....
No Title

Who sent your Receipt? In other words, when did you receive your WAC#? I want to know whether SESA or DOL sends that infomation.

Thanks in Advance.

I don\'t think all people will stop work for one day. Be realistic. If you stopped, you will be laid off immediately. There are so many people are waiting outside to get the position.
So, no one will care about you