Just Called Nsc Io ..12:45pm Cst...latest Info...


I though of first not making too many calls But after that I have relaized that by making calls , atleast we are keeping them AWAKE to do and process some cases...I would say BANG ON...KEEP CALLING...I have called almost 6 times in last 1- 1/2 weeks...So bro...dial the number...GOOD LUCK...

I do not think you can create another service request while your first one is PENDING. I have opened up mine and got response in 1 WEEK and it says basically "....GIVE THEM MORE TIME". They will ask you to wait 60 days to get response and if you do not get it, you can reopen or open a new enquiry...

I do not think you can create another service request while your first one is PENDING. I have opened up mine and got response in 1 WEEK and it says basically "....GIVE THEM MORE TIME". They will ask you to wait 60 days to get response and if you do not get it, you can reopen or open a new enquiry...

Usually the response for the query is, in other words "GET OFF OUR BACKS AND ROTT IN HELL UNTIL SOMEONE REALLY WANTS TO LOOK AT YOUR CASE" :D
Called today

My spouse called today using POJ technique. Tried two times after the interval of two hours. Both the times, a male IO. "This is not the number to get your case status." Then both the times, they would repeat the prompts to select (other than the one that gets to them) and hang up.

I called uscis yesterday and asked status on case. She did not provide any information but raised service request. I had the same experience with InfoPass. Do you have any tips on how to mine this info?

- I have called all the times either in early morning or end of the evening...(it does not mean anything..but something to think about!!)
- When you call them, it rings and someone will pick up the line, DO NOT ASK THEM THAT YOU WANT TO KNOW YOUR CASE STATUS...Because they are not customer service people, they are office staff... presumanly IO...
- You should tell that for example " I have recent LUD...would like to know..." or " You see some approval which are very new compared to your old date.." something not related to your CASE STATUS (stay aways from using that word..)
- Once I tried CASE STATUS crap and I got the very rude answer "GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE kind of..." I tried again...use above tacticts and WORKED...

- Be polite...use words "Sir" and "Mem" very often...eventhough they kick you out...(WOH TERE MAI BAAP HAI PYARE...SAMJA KYA PAPPU...)

Hope it works..But it is purely a LUCK... GOOD LUCK...
My PD is 06/2002 and RD is 04/2004. i took a infopass and went to the center in chicago, asked them about my security and name check status, they said both are cleared. asked her whats the status of my case, she said its under review and after talking to her little bit, she said they are processing it by 485 filing date. just wanted to share with you.
Hi 'always in queue' ...

What was the response that you got from them after using this technique?

Could you please share with us ...Any thing new?

Nothing Special...They told me that My case is all good...waiting for officer..lots of cases are pending...give them some time...ur background etc are all good...just wait...Not of great use..but some news are better than none!! I guess!!


After reading posts of not so encouraging answer from NSC today, I have decided to call NSC and guess what..the same lady (most likely as she sounded very much same as the lady I talked to earlier...) answered the phone...she told me initially to call another number as she is receiving tons of calls!!:D After a pause, she asked me my LIN number and here are the latest & greatest...

- My case (and she said tons of other cases) are not assigned to any IO yet
- All the cases which are in staging area (pool) are "ALMOST APPROVED" as those cases were checked, verified by IO earlier and due to visa number availability put on shelf..now all the cases are in that staging area/pool waiting to assign IO
- It will be assigned to IO based on I485 date (this is strange contrast as earlier they told me that it will based on labor PD)
- They are "mainly" processing 2002 I 485 and very few 2003 got approved.
- Once it is assigned to IO, it may take a day or maximum week for approval or otherwise.
- ALL THE PENDING CASES WILL BE APPROVED OR OTHERWISE WITHIN 90-120 days from June 1st (this is based on their pending cases) in order of 02,03,04 year
- She felt bad for us (who are calling endlessly to her and other staff) as she was not able to provide more detail and accurate answer.
- Before June 30th - Most cases of 02-03 will be processed. It will slow down in July First Week and Second Week due to Holidays..So folks pray that we get it through before June 30th!!

Wish you all the Best...U guys are awesome and U all deserves to get CARD and much more in your Life...and you WILL...AMEN...
Thanks Alwaysin_Queue, your insights are helpful.

Just curious ! Do they intend to process PDs or RDs of 02,03 before June 30?
process by RD...from now

My two cents- I think when PD moved on June 1st they started sorting on PD and NOT RD. This probably makes sense because at that time not all PD's are current which means earlier PD should be given higher priority.

After the July bulletin was released last week, they should and must decided to approve by RD because PD is now totally irrelevant. Everyone I485 is eligible for approval, which mean FIFO!

Now every time i call, the IO mentions repeatedly that they are processing by RD even before you ask them...well..they don't let us talk anyway.

I think it is fair to approve by RD and that is what they should be doing. I know they are not doing that now but i really hope they change the sort order.

RD - June 2003
either case (PD/Rd) my case falls under both category . :) I hope whatever they are saying its true. I guess I will get some gmail sickness if i don't get email in next week or so.

getting tired and deleting all imp mail w/o reading when i don't see CRIS email is not there.
Whether it is fair to process by RD is open to debate.
A lot of labor cases were hopelessly backlogged (in 2001, 2002) - 2003 labors were much much faster.
So a 01 or 02 case would have been forced to wait till 2004 or 2005 to file for 485 whereas a 2003 PD case could've filed 485 in 2003 itself.

It is not an easy thing to solve (esp. when you bring in labor sub cases) .... I wish I knew the answer ....

I hope USCIS does the right thing and not do stupid stuff like approve a 2006/07 485 case when countless other cases are pending before that !!
I don't know which method is best to approve applications. But I am pissed because i am not getting definite answer from uscis about my case. If they tel lit will be assign to IO next week and it will take another week to get it approved then i won't bug them . but this is just killing. Later PD/RD are getting approved and I am stuck. I am happy for everyone who is getting approval. I hope I can also enjoy with you very soon. :)
July2003filer, I truly feel sorry to see you amongst us, waiting for approval. You should be approved a while ago if there is any method in this madness.

As JMJ said in one of the posts, this broken system in dysfunctional but we just have to wait it out a little more (I myself am preaching but barely practising it right now...though).

I sincerely hope your ordeal ends soon...just hang in there.

I think they are now staging based on I485 RD and that is what she told me.


She told me that they are intent to finish processing all 02 & 03 cases (I presume that it is I 485 Date basis) before June 30th. But how much you want to rely/trust on this...it is upto you...Good Luck (I hope she is right!!)

I understand your feelings completely...just do not delete any cash prize winner email as you may not need this card after you win any lottery!! Just Joking!! I tell you another thing after the time and hours, you have spent on this GC stupid rat race and this forum, you are eligible to get hired in NSC straight as CEO!!

Bud, you are the NEXT...I am almost reading your APPROVVVVVVVVVVVVVED....email...I can see that you are fainted after hit SUBMIT of your POST...for GOOD...
It's all BS and don't think they are going by RD.If you have enough luck and if you are in the pool then you will be approved soon.If they are approving based on RD,how are they approving 2005 and 2006 cases?.Lot of my friends who has RDs 2005 and 2006 got approved.

I called this afternoon(4:15 PM EST) and came to know that my case been approved but still i haven't received the email or no changes in LUD. The IO told me that it been approved 10 minutes back when i called.