June-Revalidation Application tracking

Hi All..............

Do not mind, might be my posting here give you all a bitter in taste. My details are as follows

St.Louis RD:- May30

Still I am waiting. I think all you guys come after me.Please take deep breath and relax. Let you guys know once I receive good news. Thanks..........

Hi Thanks for the response! One more question, Did they send one envelope for both of them? so what happen to his application.

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Did you call the DC office to check on the status, since seems like by now you should have received or atleast see info on fedex, ups ..etc assuming you used the courier service to send the documents.
He got his and kids passport stamped with visa and his wife with query in the same envolope in prepaid FEDEX.
I am expecting first and best post from June thread ---- Folks where are you guys , come out and post "Received PP".

he he
reval_wait: SL sent: 2 June, SL received: 3 June, DC:?
Amit1793: SL sent: 3 June, SL received: 4 June, DC:?
LC_Virginia: SL sent: 4 June, SL received: 5 June, DC:?
bibhu: SL sent: 4 June, SL received: 5 June, DC:?
elradi: SL sent: 5 June, SL received: 9 June, DC:?
cubicle : SL sent: 7 June, SL received: 9 June, DC:?
carbon: SL sent: 10 June, SL received: 11 June, DC:?
vvrmsun:SL sent: 11 Jun, SL recieved:12 Jun, DC:?
gk_raj: Sl sent:16 June, SL received:17 June, DC:?
trackGC: SL sent: 18 June, SL received:20 June, DC: ?
aubrey79: SL sent:19 June, SL received:20 June, DC: 7 July
nikks: SL sent:27 June, SL received: 30 June, DC:?
Hi All..............

Best of luck it seems to be I am the last one in May thread. I got today my PP with visa stamp.

reval_wait: Thanks for your information.I got my PP yesterday.

Sure all you guys going to get it. Best of luck.
I have a question, once you sends your PP to st.louis for revalidation, does it again goes to DC for revalidation, if so how to check whether the PP has reached DC or not? I sent my PP to STlouis & reached on sept 02'03. does anybody has any number to check for DC if so?
spb999 : this question has been beaten to death million times. You can refer this thread and refer the earlier messages , you will get it atleast in 10 messages. If not , let us know , we will post the phone number.

sorry if I am rude .

Now news on my side (nothing on fedex), but looks like someone with June4 sent date just got their passport....

I think I better call up DC to check my status....
Congrats Bibhu....

This means they are processing 1st week of June.

Folks, Try to post your SL date,DC date and PP date when
u get ur passport.

From earlier posts I can make out that Bibhu dates are
bibhu: SL sent: 4 June, SL received: 5 June, DC:?
Very helpfull forum. Here are my details.

PP Sent to SL 4-june
PP Recd. at SL 5-june
PP Recd. at DC 16-june

and waiting....
PP Sent to SL 4-june
PP Recd. at SL 5-june
DC date: I dont know

I hope to get in next week
Updated status 09/04
reval_wait: SL sent: 2 June, SL received: 3 June, DC:?
Amit1793: SL sent: 3 June, SL received: 4 June, DC:?
LC_Virginia: SL sent: 4 June, SL received: 5 June, DC:?
bibhu: SL sent: 4 June, SL received: 5 June, DC:? PASS REC 04/09
Naman: SL sent: 4 June, SL received: 5 June, DC:?
NewDude: SL sent: 4 June, SL received: 5 June, DC:16 June
elradi: SL sent: 5 June, SL received: 9 June, DC:?
cubiclefun : SL sent: 7 June, SL received: 9 June, DC:?
carbon: SL sent: 10 June, SL received: 11 June, DC:?
vvrmsun:SL sent: 11 Jun, SL received:12 Jun, DC:?
gk_raj: Sl sent:16 June, SL received:17 June, DC:?
trackGC: SL sent: 18 June, SL received:20 June, DC: ?
aubrey79: SL sent:19 June, SL received:20 June, DC: 7 July
nikks: SL sent:27 June, SL received: 30 June, DC:?

Folks please update the above info it will help all of us