July & August Tracker!!!!!!With no reciept yet

Under severe weather conditions...

Hi everybody! I am in a very urgent situation. I am scheduled to have my finger prints done at 1:00pm on Dec.10. However, from today(Sunday, the day before Dec.10), we have been having freezing rain and the severe weather conditions might cause all the campuses, and lots of places to close, and travel is strongly not recommended.

I live 1 hour and 45 min. away from the immigration office in OKC, so I am wondering:

1. How can I find out if OKC office is closed or not. Shall I call National customer service line to find out? I feel so helpless, I wish we could get hold of OKC office on phone, but all the phone numbers I googled online are disconnected.

2. Can I reschedule on the same day? Because it would be so dangerous to travel all the way there. However, no show will lead to the termination of the case too. I guess we can explain later, but that would be a lot of work later too.

I thought about trying infopass tomorrow morning, but I doubt they update that even if they close their office due to extreme weather.

I really need your suggestions. Thanks a lot in advance!
Hi everybody! I am in a very urgent situation. I am scheduled to have my finger prints done at 1:00pm on Dec.10. However, from today(Sunday, the day before Dec.10), we have been having freezing rain and the severe weather conditions might cause all the campuses, and lots of places to close, and travel is strongly not recommended.

I live 1 hour and 45 min. away from the immigration office in OKC, so I am wondering:

1. How can I find out if OKC office is closed or not. Shall I call National customer service line to find out? I feel so helpless, I wish we could get hold of OKC office on phone, but all the phone numbers I googled online are disconnected.

2. Can I reschedule on the same day? Because it would be so dangerous to travel all the way there. However, no show will lead to the termination of the case too. I guess we can explain later, but that would be a lot of work later too.

I thought about trying infopass tomorrow morning, but I doubt they update that even if they close their office due to extreme weather.

I really need your suggestions. Thanks a lot in advance!


I know people have done "Walk in" with/without Infopass and completed their Biometrics well before the scheduled dates, because of prior commitments, convenience etc. USCIS staff at most of the DOs are very nice and do oblige. So, I guess, if you explain and complete your Biometrics at the earliest, it should be fine. Postponing the final interview date will be the one, which if postponed will bring a long delay in the processing time.

This is only my opinion. I wish you good luck.
Well it's about darn time, maybe you can post your sig (lol) I think we've been asking for months.

Trini, just wanted you to know that I have you in my prayer for your interview tomorrow and you will be fine. I Pray that you get your passport stamp on the spot and the good thing is you will be getting permanent as oppose to conditional.:D

Cellebrate with some dumplin & curry crab or a nice hot pelau. This is from your fellow country neighbour.:):)
Coho, thank you so much for your reply. I felt much better after reading your msg. Later I also found some other posts with regard to rescheduling fingerprints on www.immigrationportal.com.:) I could sleep after then, although trees kept falling down due to the icy storm here in Oklahoma. I called 800 number and they tranferred the call for me and I got to find out that OKC office is actually closed today due to the severe weather conditions. I sighed with relief finally! They should automatically reschedule us, but just in case, it is better for me to send the rescheduling notice too.

Again, thanks ang good luck to everybody.

Trinigirl, good luck tomorrow at the interview!
Trini, just wanted you to know that I have you in my prayer for your interview tomorrow and you will be fine. I Pray that you get your passport stamp on the spot and the good thing is you will be getting permanent as oppose to conditional.:D

Cellebrate with some dumplin & curry crab or a nice hot pelau. This is from your fellow country neighbour.:):)

Thank you, you have made me very hungry. LOL
Good Luck Trini...

Hi Trinigirl.

Goodluck to you.
We will be eagerly waiting for the goodnews from you after the interview.
Hi Trinigirl, Just wanted to wish you goodluck on your interview tomorrow. Try to relax as much as possible and only give answers to questions that you are asked. Keep them short and simple and say a little prayer before you go. Everything should be alright.

Hope your interview goes well and you get approved on the spot! - Same to everyone having an interview anytime soon!
Houston DO interview

I have recieved IL letter today (no update online)! My interview is February 13th in Houston DO.:D I cannot wait. It seems that I am gonna be able to visit my family after 4 years of waiting...
Good luck to all of you!!!
Can we get I-551 stamp on passport

Our interview is scheduled on Jan 9 and we need to travel out of country in first week of Feb which we cannot delay. So, if our GC does not come by that time, can we get a I-551 stamp on Passport by doing INFOPASS or something? Also, if they don't allow that, can we travel on AP or do they cancel AP and EAD during your AOS interview?

Is there anyone in this forum who had his/her interview and haven't received physical GC even after 3 weeks or so?

Thanks in advance !!!
Well guys this is it. I have been up for about an hour and went to bed late last night making copies and putting things in order so I'll be organized when ask. I have said my prayers and I'll keep saying them, I trust in God that things will work out for my family and I. I think my husband is a little nervous, he's not good at remembering things and the fact we've been together 10 years next year I hope they don't ask him out of the way ?.
When he courted me it was a fairytale and I have not told those stories in a few years so if asked I'll be happy to answer, as every time I reminisce I fall in love with him all over again. Well I'll be getting dressed about 8:30 it now 8. and hope my husband makes it home from work on time.

Thank you for all the wishes. You guys have been truly a second family here in the months that I found this site. So thank you and I'll let you know what happened. Today you make me feel like a star that can do anything, and so I walk in there....BTW with my hubby and attorney, and be confidant that we can get through this.;)
Well guys this is it. I have been up for about an hour and went to bed late last night making copies and putting things in order so I'll be organized when ask. I have said my prayers and I'll keep saying them, I trust in God that things will work out for my family and I. I think my husband is a little nervous, he's not good at remembering things and the fact we've been together 10 years next year I hope they don't ask him out of the way ?.
When he courted me it was a fairytale and I have not told those stories in a few years so if asked I'll be happy to answer, as every time I reminisce I fall in love with him all over again. Well I'll be getting dressed about 8:30 it now 8. and hope my husband makes it home from work on time.

Thank you for all the wishes. You guys have been truly a second family here in the months that I found this site. So thank you and I'll let you know what happened. Today you make me feel like a star that can do anything, and so I walk in there....BTW with my hubby and attorney, and be confidant that we can get through this.;)

Good Luck!
Our interview is scheduled on Jan 9 and we need to travel out of country in first week of Feb which we cannot delay. So, if our GC does not come by that time, can we get a I-551 stamp on Passport by doing INFOPASS or something? Also, if they don't allow that, can we travel on AP or do they cancel AP and EAD during your AOS interview?

Is there anyone in this forum who had his/her interview and haven't received physical GC even after 3 weeks or so?

Thanks in advance !!!

I think you should be able to get your stamp on the spot after your approval. San Jose office seem to be giving the stamp put of theirown free will. I did not have to ask for it after my application was approved. In any case, if after your approval the IO did not stamp your passport, it won't hurt to let him know that you plan to travel in a couple of weeks and ask if he/she could kindly stamp your passport. It might help if you bring along copies of your itineray if you already got that to prove your point. Goodluck.
I think you should be able to get your stamp on the spot after your approval. San Jose office seem to be giving the stamp put of theirown free will. I did not have to ask for it after my application was approved. In any case, if after your approval the IO did not stamp your passport, it won't hurt to let him know that you plan to travel in a couple of weeks and ask if he/she could kindly stamp your passport. It might help if you bring along copies of your itineray if you already got that to prove your point. Goodluck.

Thanks a lot buddy ... I will surely carry our itinerary with us -- as we are finalizing the tickets this week. Stamp in passport certainly will help.

Do they cancel/take away EAD and APs at the Interview time?
GC Approved!!!!

Well guys just got home and as you see I've been approved. Got their, waited for my attorney got called in about 15 to 20 mins. later. Once I saw my IO lady I knew we would be a match in heaven. I told her my attorney has not made it here yet, she ask if you would like to go on without him and I said yes. Took us in, small talk a sec, then ask if she could swear us in, did that and on to the case. Now my husband is a very quite man and I told him to answer yes or no, but he didn't. The interview more went like a conversation of her getting to know us as a couple. She asked what we had to show we were cohabitation and I gave her what I had and few pictures of us and the kids, she told me my kids are great looking and that my son was very handsome. Ask me what year I came and nothing of my overstay, but did ask you it took so long to file after we got married. I told her a was afraid I would be deported and get the 10 year ban. She said it was good I finally filed because going through deportation proceeding is very stressful on the family. The thing she wanted to know most about was our children, mine and my husband and what the relationship was with my kids father. She then told us I was approved and I can file for citizenship in three years I smiled, she smiled and I kissed my hubby and side honey I'm approved and he said I know, I just heard. She took pictures to make copies of and then said congratulation. I thank her and said thank you for a the pleasant interview then she walked us out and that was it. BTW the attorney never showed up as a matter of fact my hubby just told me he left a message to call him.

I did not ask about name check, stamp or anything she told me my card should arrive in two weeks, then go to SS and have them update my info. Thank you guys again for all the support. I'll still be here to update the sheet and cause drama with some of the peas. LOL;)