July 2009 Family Based Filers - Post Here

Congrats SpanishGirl and AkaMuzik!!!

We have our interview tomorrow morning!! :eek:

I get so nervous with stuff like this, I'm scared my brain's gonna go blank, even on the simple questions! :eek:

Just need to think of the relief I'll feel tomorrow when it's over and I've been approved!! :p:D
Congrats SpanishGirl and AkaMuzik!!!

We have our interview tomorrow morning!! :eek:

I get so nervous with stuff like this, I'm scared my brain's gonna go blank, even on the simple questions! :eek:

Just need to think of the relief I'll feel tomorrow when it's over and I've been approved!! :p:D

You will be fine!! Breath :) we are all here for you!
Try to relax and do not be too nervous. I know it is easy to say because ours is over.
Do not volunteer any extra information unless asked for an additional evidence or
to substantiate your statements. Try to get a good sleep tonight and have your required documents for tomorrow organized. Do not forget to take originals of your passports, birth certificates, marriage certificate and anything else that was mentioned in the interview invitation letter. Tomorrow will be your day and you will be the one receiving congratulations. Good luck!

AkaMuzik... Congrats:):)
Congrats SpanishGirl and AkaMuzik!!!

We have our interview tomorrow morning!! :eek:

I get so nervous with stuff like this, I'm scared my brain's gonna go blank, even on the simple questions! :eek:

Just need to think of the relief I'll feel tomorrow when it's over and I've been approved!! :p:D

Try to relax and do not be too nervous. I know it is easy to say because ours is over. Do not volunteer any extra information unless asked for an additional evidence or to substantiate your statements.

Try to get a good sleep tonight and have your required documents for tomorrow organized. Do not forget to take originals of your passports, birth certificates, marriage certificate and anything else that was mentioned in the interview invitation letter.

Bring the most recent copies of your joint bank account statements, if you have any. We were asked for them and officer copied them to include in our file. It is a good idea to have ready for tomorrow any extra evidence to prove your marriage and to provide additional evidence upon interviewer's request. I had much more evidence such as copies of selected email correspondence in the past few years, photos and receipts from our recent romantic getaway trip, and more evidence ready in one of the folders that I have taken with us. However, I did not volunteer any extra evidence because our already submitted evidence was convincing and interviewing officer had no doubt in our marriage, which recently hit 5-year anniversary. Would she have asked us for more evidence, it would have been given to her but one at a time until she is fully satisfied. Remember, strategic and tactical wisdom is important for a success in any kind of situations.

Tomorrow will be your day and you will be the one receiving congratulations. Good luck!
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Thanks guys :)

I'm already shaking, wish I was as calm and collected as my husband!!!!... Last time I had an interview was for a promotion in my old job and it didn't go very well, think that's why I'm so damn nervous!! This isn't for a job I didn't actually need, this is for something much more important!!

IBC FINALLY added me to the account today! What a nightmare that's been... So I have our contract, with both our names and signatures on it, but no recent statements...It's a new account.

So we have all the stuff I submitted before - joint lease, letter from my previous employer to say I quit after I got here, flight itinerary (to show I had a return flight) etc etc, got an album of photos - wedding, family reunion, outings etc etc... Not sure whether to take my scrapbook now, it's just got basically the same pictures in it - shows something I put a lot of time into (although half complete =/) for hubby's birthday?? Got print screen of our electricity bill with both names on....

Anything else I should include?!
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Wow...the forums seemed to freeze up then. I swear I didn't click it twice!!! :p
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Thanks guys :)

I'm already shaking, wish I was as calm and collected as my husband!!!!... Last time I had an interview was for a promotion in my old job and it didn't go very well, think that's why I'm so damn nervous!! This isn't for a job I didn't actually need, this is for something much more important!!

IBC FINALLY added me to the account today! What a nightmare that's been... So I have our contract, with both our names and signatures on it, but no recent statements...It's a new account.

So we have all the stuff I submitted before - joint lease, letter from my previous employer to say I quit after I got here, flight itinerary (to show I had a return flight) etc etc, got an album of photos - wedding, family reunion, outings etc etc... Not sure whether to take my scrapbook now, it's just got basically the same pictures in it - shows something I put a lot of time into (although half complete =/) for hubby's birthday?? Got print screen of our electricity bill with both names on....

Anything else I should include?!

You should be fine with what you already have listed. You have a good explanation on why you don't have recent bank account statements. So don't worry about it.

Take everything that you listed above but don't be pushing that stuff, if not asked for them. If your application had sufficient amount of initial evidence (e.g. copy of apartment lease showing both names, affidavits from relatives and friends, and anything else that shows both names and proves that marital union is genuine indeed) you should be fine. Relax and take a good sleep as your interview is tomorrow morning. Good luck! :)
Ahhhhhh!!! Lol. Okay, I'm good. :D

I feel a lot better after going through all our documents...hubby organised a few...and...missed some...:rolleyes: and I found our engagement/wedding cards. Okay, I think I might be going OTT, but I know once we get there we're going to have forgotten something!! Ahhhhhh!! Okay. Much better! :eek:

Thanks for the luck, I'm going to go to bed now to see if I can sleep!! :p

G'night everyone! I'll report back once we're done!!!
Ahhhhhh!!! Lol. Okay, I'm good. :D

I feel a lot better after going through all our documents...hubby organised a few...and...missed some...:rolleyes: and I found our engagement/wedding cards. Okay, I think I might be going OTT, but I know once we get there we're going to have forgotten something!! Ahhhhhh!! Okay. Much better! :eek:

Thanks for the luck, I'm going to go to bed now to see if I can sleep!! :p

G'night everyone! I'll report back once we're done!!!

Congrats AkaMusik and good Luck Nightkd!!
Thank you for the luck! :)

Good luck. Half the battle is overcoming one's own nerves :)

So true. I worked myself up so much this morning, I was fine until we got into the car and then the panic hit!

But guess what.....I'm now a Legal Resident of the USA!!!! :D:D:D:D

So here's my experience:

Our appointment was at 9:15am...We got to the office at about 8:50am. I took a minute to calm myself down :rolleyes: and we went in, gave our form to the right people and sat in the waiting room. There were two other couples there when we arrived, the first was called in... The other couple had a lawyer with them, who said "We're next."... So we waited a few minutes, expecting to wait at least 20 more minutes, another couple arrived... And my name was called. So we walked past the couple with the lawyer and followed the guy into his office.

He got us to do the oath and sat us down. (Just to be me, I pick the extrememly squeaky chair that screams every time I adjust my position!!! ;) hubby and I had a giggle about it anyway!).

The officer asks for our passports and hubby's driving license. He gets to my I-94 and says "So Charlotte, you arrived on a visitor's visa, did you intend to stay or did you intend to go home?" So I replied that I intended to go home.

He asked why I stayed, I told him "I came here to meet Alex and decided I wanted to spend some more time with him."

He then asks if we'd met before this trip and I said "Not in person.."

He pauses and then asks me if I had a job and where I worked in the UK before I came out here, I replied "Yes, I worked at the Department for Work and Pensions..." He asked what I used to do, "I signed people on for benefits." He gave a strange look and I thought "OMG, I've screwed up!!" after that he spent ages flicking through all our paperwork, while I was sat at the edge of my seat waiting for him to suddenly start quick-firing questions at me!!

Well that didn't happen! He asked me the 'yes' 'no' questions and then asked how we met. I told him "On the internet"...

He flicked through some more papers and asked if we had any more proof that we were a genuine couple, so we gave him our joint bills, engagement/wedding cards etc.. He flicked through those and asked "So, on the internet, what do you do nowadays, type in someone's name and...??" so I explained how we met on an RP site and he joked saying we don't expect an old guy like him to know anything about that, but his daughter met someone on the internet... Then he read the congrats card we got from Alex's work and asks him about his job (in Hydraulics) and says he has some experience...being quite chatty about it...and just has a general chat with him until he's finished looking through all the stuff. He hands everything back and flicks through our paperwork one more time, gets a stamp out and stamps "APPROVED" on our forms!!! :D Says we should have the Green Card through within 2-3 weeks!

We got out of the building and into our car at 9:15am!! PHEW.

TBH most of the time we were in his office was him flicking through our paperwork, circling things, going through other things... He asked about a sign that I bought Alex with our names on it and we both explained what it was and where it hangs in our apartment... Alex voiced how much he loves it... :) It wasn't as pressurized as I was expecting, the guy seemed perfectly happy with the documents we had already submitted (I think the congrats cards were a good thing to have taken!) and just seemed to want to get us done and out the door!
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Thank you!!! :) It really wasn't as bad as I was expecting, the guy looked like a hard nut when he led us into his office, but he was quite pleasant. Mumbled a bit, but otherwise he was just doing his job and didn't make us feel like we were being interrogated! I'm relieved to have gotten it out of the way! REALLY want my SS number now though, then I can get my drivers license and see if I can keep hubby's car in one piece!! :D

Neither of us slept well last night, so we're lying in bed recuperating!! LOL.
Thank you!!! :) It really wasn't as bad as I was expecting, the guy looked like a hard nut when he led us into his office, but he was quite pleasant. Mumbled a bit, but otherwise he was just doing his job and didn't make us feel like we were being interrogated! I'm relieved to have gotten it out of the way! REALLY want my SS number now though, then I can get my drivers license and see if I can keep hubby's car in one piece!! :D

Neither of us slept well last night, so we're lying in bed recuperating!! LOL.

I TOLD YOU!!! haha congrats!!! Feels good!!!
Congrats on your interviews!

Congrats SpanishGirl, AkaMuzik and Nightkd! You're giving us August filers hope :)
Nightkd Congratulations! :D
I told you not to worry too much, and to get a good sleep, which would be more important for a morning interview, and that everything would be fine.
See, you're today the one who is receiving congratulations. Nostradamus part of my soul is happy for you and for another right guess. ;):D
Green Card Approval

I am also become legal resident of the USA today. Here is my experience.
We were at the building around 8:30 am, and there already a bunch of people were waiting. We did not get call in until 9:45 am. It was a long wait and both of us get anxious about it. I think the officers processed the cases base on first-come-first-serve basis. So for those of you who will have the interview soon, it probably pays off to go a little early.

We took the oath and sat down. The officer want my wife to seat on the left hand side of me, so we have to switch the seats, I don’t know what that is for? But anyways, the female immigration officer asked both of us for government IDs, my working permit, my advance parole, passports, and I-94. We put them all on the table.

She asked my wife where we met? “We met in our Chinese class in our University back in 2005”. And the officer get interesting in why did we learn Chinese when both of us are Vietnamese. Turn out that she was a political science major, also was interested in learn Chinese and try to learn it but did not turn out well. We laughed that we also learn and have not practice our Chinese for more than 4 years.

She asked me about my wife work: what type of job my wife have? For which company? Hong low did she work for the company? I answered all of them without thinking twice. Then she went on for our joint account, and properties. We show her the condominium that we bought together, our bank account, saving account, health insurance. She seemed pleased when saw the condo. documents that we brought. Then she looked at our wedding pictures. I brought the wedding pictures book that I made for my wife. She looked at every page, comment that my wife looked pretty in our wedding. I said “I totally agreed” LOL.

She asked my wife if she had anything to complain about me. My wife said: “He is not bad at all”. We laughed, my wife said that I was lazy that was why we could not be in the Immigration Building earlier, we have to wait long. Then the office asked me the same questions. I “complained” a little about my wife, we laughed.

Finally, she asked my wife if I make her happy. My wife said “yes”. The officer said that “she now approved our application for permanent resident”, I will have my Green Card in the mail in less than 2 weeks. We waited in the waiting room for about 5 minutes and then a guy came out and gave us our approval letter.

The whole process took a little more than 30 minutes. I am happy that this process is over. Looking forward to get a real job :). Thank you everybody in this forum for your help and useful information. And good luck to who are still in the venture. Everything will be fine.

Best of luck guys.