for greaty-k

When i try to update the \'want notification checkbox it is not getting updated....

Suggestions - Greaty-K

1. As you have made the fields for the Country/State/Category , how about having a similar approach for the EAC number.

2. Also it would be a good idea for you to include the rupnet weblink whenever you are replying to anybody on various threads. This will especially help the newcomers.

3. Since you have done so much work on the website, you could probably add more columns for Passport stamping and/or Plastic card reciept. This will probably show the complete/whole process.
Thats a good idea read more:

1. I\'m working on EAC to look like Country/state.
2. Sometime in hurry I forget to put link, I\'ll take care.
3. Thats wonderful idea. I\'ll have VSC board review. I personally like it.
Thanks for a valuable feedback
Easy Tracker
milk, please add my info

I hope my info will help others:

EAC: 253
User: bigbear2
PD: 7/98
RD: 7/11
ND: 8/23
FP: 12/7/01
cat: EB2/MA
AD: 4/4/02
rate of approval

from your list it looks like around 72 have been appoved in slightly over a months time (3/7 to 4/8). That about 2 a day. By that rate, it will take a good 2-3 months to finish those in the list. That doesn\'t even take into account those outside the list, but then they\'re not in the approved list either, which means that the actual rate may well be higher. So presuming that factor compensates for those not in the list, we should see EVERYONE in the list be done and over with by July middle. I know that\'s a long wait for some, but hey look, there\'s light at the end of the tunnel! And its way better than the 365-547 days INS promises in its receipt.

Good job, Milk! I\'ll check my AVM less now (it\'s still RESUME :-( )

Milk, knock me off from your pending list

My case details,
PD Sep\'99
RD July 17th 2001
ND August 30th 2001
EAD approved Sep 2001
FP Jan 11th 2002
AD April 5th 2002
Category EB3/India/VA
reset expectations for AD

I realized yesterday after taking a long hard look at
the updated list...
Thanks to this cool thread by Milk.
Early last month, a friend who has June RD got his approval.
Based on just that, I was getting ready to pop that champagne
bottle April first week. The tension was immense.
Now its time to back off and relax.
Looks like there is a ton of apps to process because of the PD suddenly becoming current. Let INS take its time.
Milk, you have user \'newgc\' in both "APPROVED" list and "Pending List". Please

milk, can you include me !!!

Process resumed - 03/04/02
No final approval yet..
Milk thanks for taking me off the Waiting List ....

Hi Guys ,
 My I-485 is approved .thanks a lot for support and encouragement.
I am still waiting for my Wife\'s Approval.

PD : 10/2000
RD : 07/05/2001
ND : 08/21/2001
FP : 11/27/2001
AD : 04/09/2002
EAC # : EAC-01-251-5XXXX

Checked AVM on 04/11/2002 at 9:00 Pm and heard the "Magic words"
Good luck to all of you !!