RD 7/6, still the same message; re-target the AD to be end of April

I guess this would be more realistic and make it less painful to hear the same old message again tomorrow (if I do feel reasonable enough to check tomorrow) and the day after tomorow and the days after that.
PP Experience at Arlington VA

Did PP Stamping yesterday at Arlington office.

Started from home at 5 AM, because at INS it is first come first serve basis. Reached INS Office by 5.30 AM.

Driving from I-66, take Glebe Road (Exit-71) which goes on to the N. Fairfax Drive. Pass two traffic lights (the first one was flashing-orange when we came-in). INS office (#4420) is on the right-side, which is a 5 story-building (Wachovia sign is on the top).

Ballston Metro station is close by and it should be a short walk to: 4420 N. Fairfax Dr. Arlington, VA 22203

Dropped my wife in front of INS (to stand in the line) and parked car in a side-street on the left. Street metering starts only by 8 AM. By 7, the garage in the building next to INS opened and it is $4.50 for the whole day. Moved the car to this garage, since maximum street parking time is only 2 hours.

Already there were about 15 people in the line. By 6.00 it became about 30 and by 6.30, 60 and by 7.00 more than 80. There is a CAFE and a photo express next to the INS front door, which opened around 6.30 AM where breakfast is available.

By 7, the door opened and a couple of guys came out asking purpose and depending on the case, distributed big tickets showing the floor to where one should be going. For GC stamping it is a red sheet with the number 2 on it.

By 7.30, the line started moving. By this time there were more than 100 people in the line. After security check, we went to 2nd floor. Coming out of elevator, Suite 210 is on the right. There are two lines here and picked the one with fewer number of people. We reached this (first) counter by 7.45 and presented following documents:

- Approval Notice (I had the original received from the attorney)
- Passport (should be valid for at least 6 months);
- I94
- EAD (and AP if applicable, which I did not have)
- 2 ADIT format photos with your name and A # written on its back with a pencil (I took the photo at Costco)

(Extra things we carried, which was not used in my case were: Drivers License and our Check-book)

The lady-officer put I-94, photo and EAD into a small envelope and stapled it with approval notice. This along with passport and a token was given to us. Our numbers were 10 and 11 and my wife chose to go first. Number 10 was called around 8 AM.

The officer sitting behind this (second counter) glassed partition, first took the stapled set. He filled-up a form himself and then asked me to touch the fore-finger in a stamp-pad and affix the print softly in the front and back of the form. He got two signatures also into this form. Then he asked for the passport and placed the stamp in it. He said that I can travel with the stamp and the plastic card should arrive in about 6 months.

I asked about our sons, he said their card would come directly in our home address. We were out of the building by 8.30 AM. We got out early because we came to stand in the line so early. The lines were moving very slowly in the second floor and I believe that the people who came after 7 would complete the process only by late afternoon.

We went to Social Security office, filled-out the application and surrendered old SSN Card. They said the new card would arrive in a couple of weeks.

Your days are just around the corner and I Hope this will be helpful pretty soon. Thanks to milk for maintaining this discussion. And thanks to Rajiv Khanna for the forum. Wish you all the very best.
What\'s up Guys

I have been observing this discussion since last couple of days. All the july filers (still waiting) have gone cold. What\'s going on? I guess every one\'s pissed off. Well I am too. I am just keeping my cool. What\'s going on Milk? I used to see atleast a couple of postings from you every day. Could someone give any updates or share some jokes if there is none.
Have Fun.
Here you go! (Joke)

I was having trouble with my computer. So I called Brad, the computer guy, to come over. Brad clicked a couple of buttons and solved the problem. He gave me a bill for a minimum service call.
As he was walking away, I called after him, "So, what was wrong?" He
replied, "It was an ID ten T user error." I didn\'t want to appear stupid, but nonetheless inquired: "An ID ten T user error? What\'s that.. in case I need to fix it again?" Brad grinned. "Write it down," he said, "and I think you\'ll figure it out."
So I wrote out ....... I D 1 0 T
My case requires RFE

Milk, is there any stats about how many people got RFE in this list?

really upside down

what else we can do? They are keeping quite, so do we. I hope we will see some approvals next week. We just have to assure ourselves that the officers were busy filing their taxes last week, and will be processing the cases again. I guess, most of the July (say 90%) filers should see their approvals coming through by the end of May.
upside down

Well, I haven\'t tracked the RFE in the list. But what I feel is that if I get an RFE, I\'ve some reason to see the light at the end of tunnel than hearing the shitty message again and again every night.

If your case is a straight forward case, you shouldn\'t have to worry at all. Look for the standard RFE required docs on this site. Just be ready with all of them Like
1. Tax Returns for the last 2 yrs (you can call IRS and get them if you don\'t have them handy)
2. Get ready with the employment letter
3. Keep the Paystubs handy
4. Check the medicals (incase, your wife didn\'t take them earlier)
5. Check the Birth Certificate
6. Check if you have out of status at any time (upto 6 months of out of status is ok. you can use 245(k))

list goes like this, but these are the standard RFE required docs

If I were you, I feel happy for getting an RFE because in most RFE cases, the approval comes within 2-4 weeks after they receive the required docs.
thanks Milk

Milk, thanks for your detailed list of possible reasons and your soothing word. I think my case is a straight forward one. I suspect my medical may have some problem since my stupid lawyer asked me not to send the medical at the time of filing but at the time around FP, which I did. I can just hope there\'s no more twist after this RFE.

I\'m sure a straight approval is still much faster than that after RFE. I wish you\'ll get a straight one.
Yes. RFE is a good indication that some IIO is looking your case,

and normally VSC approves RFE cases in less than 4 weeks. All the best
Upside Down,

I am in the same boat. I checked AVM last night and it was an RFE. I spoke to the IIO to-day morning and confirmed that but did not get any info regarding what the RFE is for. I am keeping my fingures crossed. It was mailed yesterday. I changed the jobs after 180 days. So I do not know if this is straight forward case. The new job is in the same lines of the old one and in same pay scale. Any insight on this from you and Milk would be greatly appreciated.

Have Fun.
No Title

I got an RFE too.
Last night I checked and heard this message .

" On April 18th, 2002 we mailed a notice requesting additional evidence or information in this case. The Notice explains in detail what additional material is needed. If you have questions about the notice, what is required or if 14 days have passed and
you have not received the notice, please speak to an immigration information officer during business hours."

The branch I was working for has broken from the main company and formed a new company . This happened recently in MArch . (Well beyond 180 days ) . Taxid and name of the company have changed. Address is same . I am still working at same client . I have same lawyer . To me it looks like a simple name change in company . But to INS it might be a big deal . I am looking forward to some employment verification document requirement.
A P P R O V E D .............



Recd email from the lawyer yesterday that my 485 has been approved. I should be getting the approved copy from the lawyer by this weekend.

Milk, can you please update my details in your list.

RD 7/6/01
ND 8/22/01
AP and Parole – end of Aug for spouse and 1st of Sept for me.
FP 12/15/01
AD 4/15/02 OR 4/16/02
EB2/India/Naperville, IL

Wishing lots of luck to all those waiting.

Note: I had posted my previous postings under user name \'stst\'.


I think we\'ll meet in this thread or other for a while. I\'ll keep you and other similar sufferers posted.
FYI. RFE Details

Lawyer received the RFE today. INS is requesting paystubs for last three months.
Easy one

congrats man! Your approval is on the way. Send those damn paystubs quickly, so that INS can wipe with their ??? with them. :)
When was your RFE issued

Can you please tell me when was your RFE issued .
I want to get an idea of how much time does it take .

RFE details received....

RFE issued on 4/12...my lawyer received the RFE on 4/19...and my company contacted me today(4/22).....they are asking for:
1. Employment verification letter
2. Copies of last 2 years federal income tax returns along with W-2
3. Copies of last 2 months pays stubs

will update you guys when my lawyer responds to the RFE and the AVM is updated....

take care...
Congrats ny485 and 485ND0921

So it took only 1 week for you guys to receive the RFE. What a relief for us in the same boat. Hope everything is smooth for both of you and rest of us.