I think Nepal and Iran will have special cut off if the take up rate is high in both countries. We need to understand why special cut off exist in the first place. Special cut off happen when a particular country do not have enough interview slot from their embassies to fulfill the available visa, so special cut off is needed to avoid any bottlenecks. Now, look at Nepal and Iran, they have 6k+ selectees. Let said only half of the selectees take up rate which is 3k selectees. It needs to interview 12 or more selectees in a day in 20 days a month and let also assume derivative ratio to principal applicant is 1 to 1, which mean it need 6 interview slots per day just for DV. That's impossible to get 6 interview slots per day for 20 days a month moreover my calculation is conservative one.
If no special cut off happen, it is normal for Asia to progress less than 1k case # per month which the assumption of 700-800 visa available each month. So, for Asian we hope the special cut off happen as soon as possible. When special cut off happen, it is not a bad thing for Nepal and Iran, in fact is a good thing because the movement will be quicker and it will benefit all Asian. But sadly up to 5 months now, there is still no special cut off. So let hope it happen in March 14.