January 2002 Chennai CPers Forum


gc_hopeful, I have direct deposit and I get a copy of my stub in mail.
Pay stubs play an important role when your Employment Letter is older than 4 wks. before the Interview. So, try to take the employment letter closer to the Interview to reduce the focus on the Paystubs. Then, take printouts and get them notorized by your HR. That means HR has to sign on the paystubs before the notary. This will be more than enough. Just an advise. You may not even need notorization.
PCC requirement on Chennai Website

All January sufferer\'s: See the Chennai website. They have updated their PCC requirement FAQ\'s. They now are asking for PCC.

Let me know how you guys are planning to get this done, given that there isn\'t sufficient time left.
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from the faq in madras website it seems like if you are applying CP and you are currently in the US on H1 then you need to obtain a letter from the local embassy that you do not have a criminal record. Is this all we need to do? can someone confirm?
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The Chennai Consulate has not yet released this information. However I was told ( lawyer ) that the Delhi Consulate is enforcing this adnd wants the other consulate to follow this, but like you pointed out it does take a bit to get this done and Chennai Consululate is probably not pushing it for Jan CPers.
not really

It says for Indian passport holders applying for a visa abroad, they should get the clearance from the nearest Indian consulate.

I think we fall in Indian passports holders above age of 16, pasport issues more than 6 months before- that means, get the local police clearance , and also get the PP office clearance.

We are royally screwed.
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My interpretation of the IV FAQ regarding the PCC matches COBRA\'s interpretation.

I believe that the one that applies to us is "-- applicants over age 16 whose passports were issued more than six months previous to visa application must also obtain a police clearance from the district police office serving the applicant’s place of residence.", which means we have to obtain a PCC from the police office in our residency area here.

I do not know how easy or difficult this is going to be!
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To be on the safe side, it is best if we send an email tonight to ask for clarification and get a response in writing.

However today being a Friday and Monday being a non-working day for IV section we have to wait till Wednesday for any feedback from Madras consulate!

I plan to do CP in Madras. currently in the US.

1) DO i need to get any vaccinations here

2) Is there a list of vaccinations I need to take

3) If I have taken a few vaccinations earlier, do I need to take it again even if I have my family doctor\'s report

4) Which hospital in madras do I need to go to? Where will I get those details?

Please help.
Thanks for your time and patience,
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It is not difficult at all. It\'s so easy. Just go to your city police station in U.S and show your Drivers lic. they will charge $ 10 and issue 3 original PCC certificate copies for you.

Thanx TL
How long do they take?

to issue the PCC here in the US? Plus I talked to the Indian consulate, a very rude lady. She said that there is no "expedite cases" for PCC. All they can issue is a letter saying that the request for PCC was recieved by the Indian consulate and it is under process. The usual processing time is 30 days for these type of cases.
How long do they take?

to issue the PCC here in the US? Plus I talked to the Indian consulate, a very rude lady. She said that there is no "expedite cases" for PCC. All they can issue is a letter saying that the request for PCC was recieved by the Indian consulate and it is under process. The usual processing time is 30 days for these type of cases.
No Title

What is the difference between local police clearence and passport office clearence? How many clearences do you need?

By local police you mean the local police in the US that has jurisidiction in the area you live in? or do you mean the local police in chennai?
This is what I\'ll do

1. I\'ll go to the Loacl police station serving my residence in US and ask for PCC. I dont think that this will be accepted by Chennai- BECAUSE- They asked for INDIAN Police clearance certificate! But just for the heck of it.

2. Since I applied for PCC with CG at SFO on Dec 26th, all I\'ll get from them is a letter saying that an application was recieved and is under process. I\'ll use this letter, and fax it to my friend in B\'lore. I\'ll ask him to run to the RPO and see if they can expedite the clearance.

3. Finally I\'ll ask my good old dad to go to the local police station
and try to see how much trouble they will give me to get one from them

I\'m preparing for the worst- running around in South India like a homeless dog after my Jan 24th interview to get all the fucking docs
US pcc

Yeah, it can be interpreted that you need to get it from the US police station corresponding to the US residence. Doesn’t hurt to get it and it is rather easy.
I just called up the information line of my city’s police division. They directed me about the procedure. It sounded so simple that I went right away to get it.
Need to just go with photo id (passport / driver’s license) and fill up a small form. They issue a notarized certificate in 10 minutes.
Guys, I think it is pretty clear......

The FAQ states
-- Indian passport holders applying for visas outside India should obtain a statement from their local embassy or consulate confirming they have no criminal record.

The other two are meant for people resisiding in India. And some others (Mumbai and Delhi applicants) had clarified about this. For folks in US, only PCC from consulate is required. But hey, if you don;t mind running around a lil and spending some money, then get your "local" PCC and send me some extra cash too :)

But overall, I don;t know what to make of this. Chennai has consistently said we don;t need PCC so far, pkt 4 from Chennai doesn\'t state this (unlike ones from Delhi and Mumbai), the web site doesn\'t give a specific date since when this is applicable.... so I guess we have a pretty strong argument(for those who can\'t get PCC).
damn PCC

Well; I emailed the Indian Consul in SFO, he suggested that going through your RPO is the quickest way to get the PCC. However, my opinion is that RPO will throw you back to the Consulate, since your residence is outside India.

I have emailed Chennai IV and asked them if the PCC requirement is effectively immediately (i.e. starting Jan.) . I\'ll post their response as soon as I get it (Most likely on Jan 3).

I\'m all dejected, I think that Chennai will implement it for Jan CPer\'s. What can I say.."Common Sense isn\'t that Common"
On any case PCC from Indian Consulate in US is required according to website

My PP was issued by Chicago. And they said it will take atleast 45-90 days. So, getting PCC from chicago consulate for me is ruled out.
If they update the website today. When or How are we suppose to know that Chennai changed their mind ?.
What about some Jan. people who already left to take advantage of these holidays ?.
What about the 90% people who do not visit this site ?.
Somebody is kidding by saying that PCC from consulates for Jan. It\'s just not possible. That is not realistic. Although I agree that we have to do what ever is possible to get one. But don\'t worry too much.