Jan. Interview (??) - Chennai/NVC mail screw-up


I have been reading the forum discussions all these time and found all the comments are totally baseless and purely imagination.

I have a case no:MDR76xxxx, earlier scheduled for Jan 2002 but now sailing in the same boat. I called up chennai regarding the same and obtained the typical answer as some of you have got. The feed back what I got from chennai is as follows. " WE HAVE NOT RECEIVED THE APPRPOVED PETITION PHYSICALLY FROM NVC AND HENCE WE ARE NOT ABLE TO SCHEDULE YOUR INTERVIEW NOW!".

When I contacted my lawyer he told that NVC would send our packet3 via state department pouch and not through any courier or postal services. Eventhough if it goes via washington as mentioned in earlier messages it is not valid in my case as my pkt 3 was sent on 10/04/2001 from NVC. I think there was no problem of Anthrax at that time.

My lawyer have told me that at this point of time we have no other alternative other than keeping our fingers crossed and keep watching the web site for our next interview date may be in Jan or Feb or Mar or April and not beyond. Please all of you get back to your routine work and do not spend time and money for this screwed up episode.

I meant Imagination being subjects like 1)Whether it is really a Antharax problem 2) It is chennai issue like misplaced our papers 3)Chennai requesting from NVC or Washington 4)Total elapsed time for getting all the documents from NVC 5) Suggesting Chennai to accept our copies of I140 approved etc.. etc..
Hoping to get the Interview at the earliest.
With best regards,
One of the screwed up CP Applicant

I appreciate your concern to dig the truth and get to the bottom of what exactly has gone wrong. Also, thanx for joining the forum and letting us know that there is yet another person who is affected by this mail screw-up.

I do not agree to some of the points you have mentioned

1. Fact about how Anthrax - It originated is that many of us have received mail from chennai that the delay is caused by anthrax problem. So, it\'s not imaginary.
2. Misplaced paper - There are chances that they may have misplaced our papers, but cannot say for sure unless we hear it form some reliable source.
3. Chennai requesting NVC - Again it\'s not imaginary. Chennai consulate did tell me that they are talking to NVC about it

So, unless Chennai is lying or making things up, none of the points are imaginary.

Can you please talk to NVC and confirm when exacly your papers were mailed to chennai?
revised list add radha

agun ????
GC Despo - likely un-related
radha1 10/4 ? most likely 10/8 as NVC mails only on mondays
mmp 10/8
gc_crk 10/15
gcappl 10/15
acehart 10/15
PRB 10/15
different 10/15
santhu 10/15
GC Michigan 10/22
Manbird 10/22
Kudos 10/22
gabbar007 10/22
Called up Chennai just now ......

The lady was very polite and this is what I gathered from her:
1. Our original petition has not yet been received in the mail from US and hence no interview date has been set for us.
2. She has no clue (or atleast does not divulge) anything about when we may get our interview date. She told me "Your interview may be in February only" and then stressed "MAY BE". I asked her if we stand any chance for a Jan interview and she said "I do not know anything". I specifically asked her that my wife is supposed to travel next week, so I need to know if we can get Jan interviews or not and she said that your date is not scheduled at this time and she does not know when it will be scheduled for.
I also asked her if we can do anything about it and she said NO. It is mail delay and we will do what is to be done. I also mentioned that NVC will not resend papers until they ask for it and she asked me not to worry about it.
Finally she told me to call after 10 - 15 days to check back.
Man this really sucks. I have no clue what is going on and am not sure when we will get an interview date.
Thanks gcappl for the update

I cancelled my tickets which I had booked for 25th Dec with a penalty of 175 bucks a piece. I think the earliest we can get interview dates is Feb.
No Title


I happened to call the Chennai consulate to check on the status of my interview. The outcome of the call was very confusing. First, she said that no appt has been scheduled as yet. When I asked her when I could expect one, she said they haven\'t received my case yet from NVC.
This seems very surprising to me given that my case was approved by NVC in Feb/March of this year. I was unable to travel due to personal reasons all this time. However, what she said seems very suspicious to me. Here\'s why: The first time I sent an email to the consulate right after mailing my packet 3, I got a reply saying your case is here but not your packet 3. Eventually, they confirmed the receipt of my packet 3 forms.

So this is my side of the story.
No Title

The only thing which seems obvious from all this
is, that Chennai screwed up something and they
dont to divulge that. They are just buying time
to rectify that by saying call after 2 weeks,
files not received, anthrax problem etc...
I guess we should just be patient for some time.
I am cancelling my tickets too ...

I had my tickets booked for 25th too through British. I am going to change them to open tickets today. I hope we will get Feb or atleast March interview so I am not cancelling them. This is costing me 125 bucks a piece. :(
reader100, NVC does send electronic confirmation about the case to Chennai

and then follows it up with the physical hard copies. I do not know what exactly happened in your case.
revised list add reader100

agun ????
GC Despo - likely un-related
radha1 10/4 ? most likely 10/8 as NVC mails only on mondays
mmp 10/8
gc_crk 10/15
gcappl 10/15
acehart 10/15
PRB 10/15
different 10/15
santhu 10/15
GC Michigan 10/22
Manbird 10/22
Kudos 10/22
gabbar007 10/22
Just got reply from my lawyer.

He says, most of October cases (that are sent from NVC to embassies)are having this problem. He said they are working with state department. I am not sure how. I will post any updates. But for sure, all the answers you are getting from Chennai consulate are very casual. I called yesterday and got the following answer: "It is just a mail delay. You have nothing to do with it or we have nothing to do it. Please wait until we receive your papers." It sounds very casual and do not want to speculate anything. The best way is to put some pressure on our lawyers and see if they can do something by talking to state department.

No Title

1. Fact about Anthrax is only a cooked up story from chennai. If it is really a Anthrax problem why it has not happened to Mumbai, Delhi & Calcutta consulates?
2.I attribute this only for misplacement of documents at chennai and they are covering it up in the name of Anthrax. That is the reason they are not able to tell us exact date of interview.
3. Chennai asking NVC is again a hoax as some other person when enquired NVC they told him that they were not enquired by chennai.
you can find yhis from earlier messages.

My papers were sent on 10/08/2001 from NVC and there was no Anthrax problem at that point of time.
Just spoke to customer service at USPS

She said that all the mail held at Washington DC post office has been released and it is on the way to their destination. I am not sure if our packets go to Chennai through USPS or via some other way. However this is definitely something positive.
Also my lawyer spoke to Chennai and confirmed that Chennai is expecting the P3s to reach them "soon".
Keeping my fingers crossed for FEB.
Does anyone know if NVC uses USPS or some other means to send papers. I know they send it in diplomatic pouches but I assume it is still through USPS. Please let me know.
I found this on google

Anthrax traces found at State Department, pouch in Peru; ...
... US State Department said Monday that trace amounts of anthrax had been discovered in several sites in its headquarters building as well as a diplomatic pouch ...

(Unfortunately, I am not able to access the web page..... The bottom line from a similar article is that all State Dept. mail is (was) being decontaminated and also all state dept. mail rooms were (are) closed. This was on 10.29. Hopefully, they have the problem solved now.)

If NVC automated message says your papers where mailed on 10/8, then they actually where mailed on 10/15, that is how this works. The papers are mailed one week after what the recorded message says. All our postings on this board are one week from the date our recorded message claims they have been posted which is as confirmed with the NVC on the phone.
Information I gathered ....

My lawyer says there are many cases like ours. Also he says that Chennai is the only consulate affected by this (Bad Luck! Huh!)
I spoke to a lady in USPS who says that they are currently decontaminating mails addresses to senate offices and other government offices. It might include mails stuck at Brentwood or NJ. No estimated time for delivery provided.
The following post says that about 90 pounds of magazines and large envelopes of decontaminated mail was burnt. OOPS !
Feeling scarier by the day. Is it too late for AOS ????
Please post if any one calls Chennai today.

Guys, if any one calls Chennai, please post their experience.