Jan. Interview (??) - Chennai/NVC mail screw-up

wait and watch

I guess we should give Chennai time to follow-up, but we should also try and put some kind of pressure on NVC from our side too, maybe send faxes to them.
Summary - NVC mail delays


NVC mailed our documents to State Department, Washington DC around Oct 20th (in my case it is 22nd, October). Our mails are most likely stuck in Brentwood facility that has been closed since 24th Oct due to Anthrax. USPS is sanitizing these mails in 2 locations (NJ & Ohio) that have equipments. USPS customer service said some of the mails are already sanitized and delivered to the receipients. According to her, the receipients may have implemented their own cleansing process. She is very helpful though she could not estimate when they will complete sanitizing all of these mails. 80% of the mail that State Department receives from Brentwood/ Sterling facility consists of diplomatic pouches that have to be sent to overseas (embassies and others). Good news is NVC people can trace their mail to State Department, Washington DC. Bad news is NVC people can not trace from State Department, Washington DC to embassies (in our case Chennai).

Chennai Consular lady told me over phone that they sent Cables and emails to NVC. She also assured that once they received the packets, we would be given top-most priority w.r.t. interview dates.

Right now I am waiting to call NVC on 21st regarding tracing result.


GreatPoet is absolutely right

I came to same conlcusion, that our mail is stuck in Brentwood and is likely being processed in Lima, Ohio or is back in Washington and Investigators are waiting to screen it.
  Anyway, we have to wait thats the only end-result. I cant think of anyone being really able to trace these, unless they are de-contaminated and back in DC.

  Great Poet are you on CPTracker? I dont seem to recall seeing you there?
Great Job !!!

Thanks guys for all the info. I am planning to call Chennai tonight. Is there anything specific you want me to ask? Please let me know. It does seem like Chennai is working with NVC to sort this issue. I am not sure what can be done about this. If NVC really has no originals left to resend them to Chennai, it is anyone\'s guess how long it might take to fumingate the stuck mails. That will put us in a spot unless they work out some other method. I think chnaces of our interview are leaning more and more towards post FEB at this point.
No Title

First of all sorry guys, hopefully all of you will get either jan/feb interviews. A question for all of you guys - is this anthrax problem
only for you guys who have had their P3 delivered in the last 2 weeks
of Oct or everybody after that???
Great Job Guys!!

Thanks for your investigative reports and calls to Chennai..All we can do is wait and see what happens..My lawyer says give some time to Chennai to react and do their job..We can see Channai is trying to do something and hopefully we will get interview in Feb...and get some prefernce over others in scheduling dates early in Feb...

We need to stick together, hope and pray...

It looks like only for some of us for whom NVC mailed petition on 10/15 and 10/23. Many people after that who where expecting Feb interviews made to Jan.
How come Mumbai / Delhi cases are not stuck?

NVC sends for everyone, so how come only Chennai is stuck. I guess they where lucky...
Hi Guys......

Thanks for all the work guys. I\'ve been travelling on my job and haven\'t been able to check the forum frequently. But I called Chennai last night (8:30 AM IST). The lady asked me to wait for 10 more days and call back. I asked if they will contact NVC, the answer was NO. But I saw acehart\'s posting that they will contact NVC via email. That\'s good. The lady did tell me that there are other people who are in the same situation and that Chennai will do something. I talked to NVC this morning. They said they can\'t take any action until Chennai requests for one.

gcappl, When u call Chennai tonight, tell them that NVC will only take action if Chennai requests. Pls ask Chennai to send emails to NVC on all affected cases.
Some light.....

I called my uncle last night, he works for Federal Gov. in D.C. He says mails around 10/15 – 10/25 from Brentwood post office was sent to Ohio for de-contamination. Also, from last week only they started receiving the decontaminated pending mail. So, I guess our packet is on the way.....I asked him if they are going to destroy all the mail, and he says nope and they are almost done with the decontamination of the mails.

I think BMB and NWD also has this problem with mail delay. BMB has around 65 interview for cases with BMB200176xxxx and has only 30 interviews with BMB200177xxxx series in Jan. Same with NWD.
Good show PRB!!

Very useful and encouraging info indeed!! I got one e-mail response from chennai for a mail I had sent prior to talking to them yesterday. It says, "YOu dont need to worry as they are on the way." (papers from NVC of course!!).
At least there is some positive news.

I will call Chennai and try to get a time frame when they expect our P3s. Let us stick to the idea of 2 ppl calling in cycles. That way we will be on top of things.
Kudos I will tell them what NVC says.
Thanks everyone

Its very encouragaing at last. Not being pessimist, but I see all these posts that from Jan onwards Packet-3 needs to be sent to NVC rather than to chennai, would that have any effect on us?
I do not think so..

I think we are well beyond that hump. So I would assume we will not be affected by this. I will also ask Chennai if we need PCC for post Jan interviews.
NVC Update


I updated CPTracker today. You may see me there.

I got FedEx tracking number from NVC and also got the name of the person who received it on behalf of the State Department. NVC rep clearly told that they can resend the docs only after 3 months if embassy requested them.

Great News Guys. Your P-3s reach Chennai in a wk. I hope you still get Jan. Interviews.

Looking at the number of Interviews in Jan., There is lot of room for you. They can accomodate 20 people per day. I think it should be all set in a wk.

Question to ask Chennai Today:
If you receive our papers in a wk., do we still stand a chance for Jan. interviews or we need to wait until Early Feb. ?

Good Luck to you all.
Poet, What does the Fedex tracking show about the date of delivery?

On what date did State Dept receive the FedEx sent by NVC?
spoke to nvc this am

HI guys. Thanks for all the investigative work. I talked the NVC this am. They said they cannot recreate any files. Their only option is to resend the info electronically. They cannot do anything till Chennai requests. Chennai is the one who is suppose to come up with a back up plan if our lost files are not recovered. Either they are going to have to accept the electronic submission from the NVC or maybe they will accept copies of documents from us. I tried to call Chennai last night but could not get connected. It is uplifting to read that they will give us preference for Feb interview if our papers arrive. I hope we all receive the CHristmas gift we are hoping for and this whole mess will come to an end. Thanks again.