Jan. Interview (??) - Chennai/NVC mail screw-up

I find this whole thing very suspicious and annoying.

1. How could they assign interview dates to some of us if they have not yet received our petitions.
2. NVC says it will wait for 3 months before resending the application. That means Jan 15th. If that is true we are looking at April interviews.
3. The PCC thing has finally caught fire and is pretty official now. So we need to get PCC as well.

Please clarify as many issues as you can when you guys call them.
No Title

Also does this mean, they did not receive only few of the cases
for jan and most of them they got it??
Has not one of us put in a request to track the P3 sent by NVC to Chennai?

Any updates on this front ?
lawyer response

I updated my lawyer regarding this issue and his response follows:

"There is no way for them to trace where the actual paper is because the government always use diplomatic mail channel.Can you ask them if they will accept attorney certified I-140 papers with Original I-140 approval notice and NVC case number? "
add me to your list

ajbinu 10/22

I e-mailed the embassy last night and they responded today to check back with them in one month.

My husband\'s case# is MDR200173XXXX
I think we all should contact our attorneys and post their suggestions.

Hi Guys,

It is a vicious circle. Chennai is not going to request papers from NVC any time soon and NVC is not going to resend unless request comes from Consulate. We are in a very difficult situation without any help, as both departments are not going to entertain any self interests. It is better that we contact our attorneys and see what they have to say. I will post my attorney\'s words and please do yours too. I also saw one of us saying NVC has put a trace on P3. If there is an update please post it.

Hope everything will be set right soon.
Issues ...

The burning issues right now are :
1. Is Chennai going to ask NVC to resend the papers? If so when will they make this request. If not what do they plan to do. (please let them know that NVC says they mailed papers on so and so date)
2. Is there anything we can do to speed up this process?
3. Is it even likely for us to get a Feb interview? (If Chennai has not yet received our papers from NVC, Feb is out as well).

Please post other issues that I might be overlooking. Let us ask these questions when we call. I plan to call them tomorrow night EST.
My lawyer says

Embassies have a direct line to NVC. He says none of us including him are in a good position to do much. His recommendation is to (if anyone has contacts in embassy) to ask the Chennai consulate to request NVC to re-send the papers. Since Chennai hasnt received it yet, they are the ones to initiate contact to NVC.
E-mailed chennai with the issues

I sent an e-mail to Chennai last night with the following questions

1) Did you ask NVC to mail the petition again? When I called NVC on Dec 14 th, they told me that there were no such requests from Chennai consulate.

 2) If you receive the petition, will my interview date still be the same

 3) Should I do anything regarding 1 and 2

The response I got was

"They should be on the way, when we receive them we will schedule the appt."

I contacted NVC today morning and they told me that the papers would first be mailed to Washington and from there they will be mailed to Chennai. Maybe the petitions got stuck up in Washington due to anthrax problems ( I got a mail from Chennai saying that they did not receive my petition due to anthrax problems). I guess that Chennai has requested the papers from Washington rather than NVC. Otherwise we would not get the mail saying that "papers are on the way" and NVC not knowing about it.

Whatever the reason may be, I think that Chennai has requested the papers from the correct source and our papers are on the way and let us hope that we will get interview dates at the earliest.
Talked to NVC

Same 12 week answer. Earlier one operatot had agreed to put a trace on my case but today\'s operator said they can trace only upto Washington. She also said
1. They have sent all original papers (like I140 approval etc.) to consulate and they do not have any copies to be resent.
2. Chennai has to notify NVC before they can take any action (I\'m not sure what action they will take if our papers don\'t make it to chennai after 12 weeks as NVC has sent all original papers they had to send)

Very depressing scenario. Should we try requesting NVC/Chennai collectively and/or hire a good lawyer to handle this issue?

Looks like things will become less obscure only after 12 week period is over without much hope for a definitive interview date
I tend to agree with acehart

Our only respite may be if Chennai really takes the issue up directly with Washington. At the same time I am convinced that even if there are 0.0000000000001% chances that mail carrying our cases are tainted they are not moving from where they are now. Very little we can do from our side. Any thoughts / suggestions.
Is anyone planning to call Chennai today? If so please ask when do they expect our papers to be there so that we can call after that and confirm if the papers have been received.
No Title

When I called Chennai last night, they told to call back after 10 days.
I just now called NVC, They say they can trace the case details send to Washington. I may get the trace details in 10 days. If they get a request from Chennai consulate to re-send the papers, NVC can only send electronic documents to Chennai consulate. When I asked, how come NVC cases sent on the week of 11/01 and 11/08.. reached Chennai but not cases from 10/15, 10/22. NVC lady says it could be mail delay with the package and it will reach Chennai soon.
What about the attorney certified route?

Can we ask Madras if we can avail AC CP? Its worth asking. Maybe as a special case, they will let us do it.

The email I got from them also says that the papers are on their way. Hope they are right.

An interesting thought. Can anybody go back to newspaper archives and see when the Anthrax scare in Washington (Hart Bldg. etc) came to light? Maybe if it is before 10/15 (or close to it), we have our answer (big maybe). All documents during that era might be sitting somewhere waiting to get fumigated. What do you folks think. Long shot.....
There is a difference between "they are on the way" and "They should be on the way&qu

Just curious. Are they saying "papers are on their way" or "papers should be on their way"?. The former is more conclusive and the later is very casual.

Honestly taking all my sleep. Hope things will be alright in next couple of days.

Collectively hiring a good lawyer?

I like acehearts idea of collectively hiring a good lawyer. That may give us some peace of mind.

Also for attorney cerified 140, that is an option when our lawyer receives the original 140 approval, in our case, the original 140 approval went to NVC, what my lawyer got was just a notice (courtesy copy) that the 140 has been approved and sent to NVC. So how do we do AC 140?
Let us call chennai everyday


Let us take turns to call Chennai everyday. If 2 of us call Chennai everyday, we will get regular update from different sources. The advantages with this approach are

1. We will get info from two different sources
2. Less risk of getting branded as a frequent caller by Chennai (I do not know if they track queries, but..)
3. Cost effective

I\'ll call chennai tonight and post the details
Ohio Facility Begins Testing Mail for Anthrax

Ohio Facility Begins Testing Mail for Anthrax


October 28, 2001

An Ohio company will begin decontaminating mail that\'s possibly tainted with anthrax. A new truckload of mail arrived at the Titan Beam Company in Lima on Friday night. The mail is coming from a now closed postal facility in Washington D.C., where two people died of inhaled anthrax.

The work was delayed because of concern for possible anthrax exposure when one of the mailbags was torn. Local authorities said they were given only a few hours notice before the shipment arrived. Director of the Allen County EMA, Russ Decker and two others with direct contact of the mail was put on the antibiotic Cipro as a precaution. Field tests later proved the torn bag was negative for anthrax.

b During the next six months, 45-truck loads of mail will be sanitized in the northwest Ohio town of Lima.
I think gabbar hit it on target

The mail was never delivered to the State Dept (see 007\' previous messages). It must sitting somewhere. It can not be in the truck to Ohio because mail from NVC do not go through the Postal Dept.??

Our job is to make sure that we have somebody looking for it. I have no idea how we do that. Any thoughts?
Talked to Chennai

Apart from the usual we haven\'t received your papers from NVC blah.. blah.., lady mentioned that they are following it up with NVC. She mentioned that they have alredy sent one e-mail to NVC requesting information and was going to send another e-mail today. She requested for 15 days time for them to sort this matter out(verbatim- "Please give us 15 days to solve this matter"). I do believe that papers have not made it to chennai due to antrax problem, but looks like Chennnai is in a state of confusion about what to do next. Hopefully they have a process to handle this kind of situation efficiently and will not blabber about the rotten 12 week waiting period (Seriously, NVC\'s burocratic answer of 12 weeks waiting period sucks big time)