************** Jan. Chennai CP Part II ****************

Contact me

My interview is on 22nd and I am in Chennai in Hotel Ranjith.

Fellow January CPers already in Chennai can contact me at 044-827-0521 (Hotel Ranjith). I am in Room 301. We can compare notes etc.

I have one question :
On the form 230 PartII for wife\'s application who is the petetioner for an employment based immigration. Your input is greatly appreciated. Thank you in advacnce.
Thanks Cobra! Gc_hopefull2000 and other Jan Cpers

Please post ure lodging details as this will be useful for Feb Cpers
and others. About Price/quality etc.

GC Despo Hotel Details

GC Despo,

I am currently staying at Hotel Chola Sheraton its really nice but very expensive I am paying $110 per day.
I have investigated around here and this is what I found

Hotel Maris Rs1000-1200/- and very good food(veg)(1-1.5km from Consulate) beside Chola Sheraton Very close to Konica pictures and also to the Lister Lab Rs25 by auto
Hotel Ranjith Rs1400-1800/- and resturant is ok 1Km from Consulate not so great service though.
Hotel Woodlands Rs1200-1500/- 2Km from Consulate and good food

I myself planning to move to Hotel Maris or Hotel Ranjith. There are other options like President and Pallava etc if I find out anything will post the info.

Right opposite Chola Sherton there is a internet cafe called iBunker good coffe and reasonable rates.

good luck.
Folks on 23rd...

Please give me a call if you\'d like to compare notes at 2301194 (and ask for Chandra) anytime tomorrow.

I\'m in Chennai ! Waiting to attend the Interview!

I\'m Done with photos,medicals, DDs etc... All at the same places as mentioned by most of our floks.
I\'m in Hotel MARIS, very close to all of the places to get Photos,Medicals, DD\'s done.
Hotel is ok!
Guys, anyone of the Jan CP\'ers by any chance in Hotel MARIS now...
I\'m in ROOM# 405, feel free to contact me if one wishes to. We can double check the Docs. I\'ll will be hanging in here for 2more days.
Like someone was mentioning about " IBUNKER " ( Net cafe..) , thats the place I\'m sending this from .. Its right opposite to Hotel Maris. So I would think Hotel Maris is an OK option for a resonably convenient place.
Good Luck Guys! I\'ll post everything in detail after my Interview is complete.

jagee: could you post DD Details

Could you post your DD details i.e. exact amounts for all three, and where you got it from?

Jagee: when is ur interview

Jagee, when is ur interview. Mine is on 24th.
Do you think the Calcutta incident would make any impact.
I am just hoping everything goes by smoothly.

good luck
CP success on Jan18

My experience is similar to AIM\'s. Everything is very smooth. Thanks to everyone in this forum.
I will be glad to answer all the questions.
Folks, me in madras too. Saw lot of fat cops around the consulate yesterday

looked pretty menacing :) Hey, those who went in on 23 onwards, any idea if the babumoshai bullet farce has any effect ? Specifically, want to know if website printout is still ok. HEading in day after so please do post.

Did meet some of our pals Sup, a dude i think is jagee (refuses to reveal his "identity"), george, satish, et all.

BTW, if anyone is wondering about getting doc appointments, our with Rajkumar went pretty ok (except you have to strip !). And for those whom it matters he is a mallu who was in US, so kinda cool guy.
DD Amounts!

Application fee - Rs. 12740
Issuance fee - Rs. 3185.
Blue Dart Fee - Rs.250 + (n * Rs.50 ) , where n- No. of Applicants.
Mine is on 25th.. Relax guys!

I don\'t think the shooting incident would have any impact!
I hanged out near the consulate on 23rd. I spoke with one of the sucessful Cper and the guard out there.
Here is what they have to say.
Guard: There is no changes of what soever b\'cos of kalkutta shooting. I insisted and his response was everything is as usual.He was a nice guy, we did chat for 5mins or so.

I spoke to other guy who completed the cp. He said everything was as usual. No noticiable changes after the shooting incident.

My views: I don\'t think there would be any major changes right away. But I did see 2 sand bunkers setup outside the consulate, and security guys standing there with AK-47\'s. But from the procedural point of view I don\'t think it would have any impact on the CP processing.

I shall let you guys know in a couple of days, Once I come out smiling after my Interview! Tune in guys.... We need lot of GOOD LUCK... Hope God is with us all....

Where r u staying in Madras ?

Give me a buzz @ 811 0541 Room# 405. We can chat if u wish...
Good Luck for ur interview.
OS-230 Part II, Q40


I have a question regarding the questions 40 which we are supposed to fill with the help of Consular officer. Can somebody help me on this.
Q40) I calim to be exempt from ineligibility to receive a visa and exclusion under item in part 33 for the following reasons.

Thanks a lot for your time.
Successful GC on Jan 22nd


I successfully finished my CP process on Jan 22nd with God\'s grace. My experience was exactly as mentioned by other CPers. No new procedures.

I was not interviewed or anything, did not even speak to a consular officer for that matter. I was asked to go to counter and pay the issuance fee. That\'s all.

Received the passport and the immigration visa the next day in Hyderabad :) confirming that I am now a immigrant to US and not a non-immigrant and welcoming me to the US of A. Wow! I am just relishing the moment.

Based on my experience I can say confidently that all of you will get your immigration with no problems. I believe the CP step is very very procedural and there is no scope for failure if you have all the docs in order.

I will hang around the portal for while to help other CPers after I get back to US in middle of Feb, until then ...
Successful CP on Jan 23rd

Hi Folks,
I received the immigrant packet today with my passports. Just as all the previous CPers were saying, it sure was a breeze. Was only asked how long I was with my current firm...that\'s it.

Will surely be glad to help out answering any questions...POE scheduled for 29th at Chicago (Can\'t believe I am going back as an immigrant !!)

Thanks once again Superman and just each and every one of you !
Interview on 29th

Hi all
Good to hear that most of you are done with their CP successfully. My
interview is on the 29th. Had finished with my medicals yesterday. My
interview is on 29th..
Does anyone have their interview on the same date?

All the best to one and all
CP successful, Jan24! Cheers!!

The ordeal is over! Got my IV approved yesterday. Blue Dart delivered
to hotel address at 10:30AM sharp! Keep a copy of the appt. letter for the Blue Dart guy, he takes it back.

The whole process at the consulate was a breeze (though I had to wait 2 hours to have my name called). Experience very similar to that posted by others on this board.

I was asked only one question- Who is the petitioner(employer). Upon my reply, the officer showed me my current as well as previous employer\'s approved I-140 and asked me which case I wanted to continue. I requested him to abandon the previous employer\'s petition. He was more than willing to!

Made a copy of the IV visa that is stapled on top of the yellow packet, and verified all information to be correct.

POE is LA on Jan26. I\'ll be flying out of Chennai tonight.

Good luck for all the people actively following this forum.

-King Cobra