IV people are really getting desperate

please... we beg you techy, leave us!

Maybe I shoot myself everytime but I do not post over 1000 messages over 6 years like you. Those too with long messages and thoughts that are more personal views rather than facts.
I and several others have tried to highlight to you to get you away from this website and get a life but you can't keep away, can you....
You write EB-1 OR under your category as if you earned that while that is your spouse's gift to you.
If you haven't realized it let me repeat it for you, you are done with your EB-1, take it as a gift and move on.... Go get a gift for your spouse for christmas, she must be tearing her hair apart seeing you married to this forum.... techy you owe it to her and please leave us mortals to our miseries....

techy2468 said:
nyc8300...........tell me you are just 22-25 of age............i am amazed at the way you keep putting your foot in the mouth at every chance you get :)
alterego2 said:
Not sure your facts are entirely correct either doc.
MBBS might be 4 yrs in india but in most of the british commonwealth it is still 5 yrs and must be followed by 12-18 mths of internship whish is a must to get licenced. In the USA, what sfmars said does pertain. Your education in India might have been subsidised but many are not and certainly not in the USA.
Agreed, but i was talking about my personal expirience though.

Residencies vary tremendously in their workload and scutwork/academic balance. However you as well as I know that the 36 hrs continuous shift still does happen. It is true ACGME is clamping down to restrict the work week to 80 hrs but that is mainly in the last 3-4 yrs.

True again, but 36 hours shifts are no longer the norm as they used to be 6 years ago. I did my residency before the acgme rules, and even then, i probably did less than 10. Many people are under the impression that 36 hrs is the usual length of a call.

Most residencies do not pay 60K either, I was in one of the higher paying residencies in the midwest and I never crossed 40K, but that was a few years ago so perhaps I could believe 45K. 60K might be a fellowship in NY or something.

45 k beginning in first year, 50k 2nd yr, 55k 3rd yr, 57k 1st yr felloship, 60k 2nd yr and 62k 3rd yr fellowship.

The frequency of Boards varies by specialty, some are 7 yrs some 10 and some are "grandfathered" as your boss likely is.

True but not boards are not yearly like our mutual friend suggested :)

Whether you pay or your practice pays, it is coming out of your revenue and you work to make that revenue.

The salary that is quoted to you is usually exclusive of the malpractice insurance. Usually it is not deducted from your paycheck.

You might have done a residency in a program with a lot of FMGs, a lot of american medical graduates indeed have huge medical school debt which is crippling and does affect their decisions/choice of specialty, I have seen it. Sometimes their debts are over 200K. If you are not from a wealthy family and have had to finance your education, add it up and you will see. 4 yrs in a good college (you generally can't get into med school in the USA with a degree from anything less) then 4 yrs of tuition in any medical school as well as living expenses. I am surprised it is not more!

Again, was talking of my own expirience. Personally, i dont know how people live with that kind of debt.

You will say that about lawsuits until you get sued the first time, then your whole attitude about it will change. I have seen far more physicians undeservingly demoralised by them than those who deservedly get messed up. There are indeed a few bad apples, but the system institutionalises this and puts those thoughts more front and center in a practitioner's mind than necessary.

I have been in practice long enough to have a few scares. My strategy:
-DOcument every thing clearly.
-Build a good rapport with patients.
-Refer to specialists a lot
-Keep adequate malpractice coverage (not too much as that seems to attract plaitiff lawyers)
-Keep my assets in places where they cant touch them, even in cases of million dollar verdicts.
-Stay in a state for laws favour us, rather than plaintiffs.
-Accept lawsuits as a occupational hazard.
Still, as I said, most lawsuits without merit are thrown out.

The pay is not 250K in any primary care field. Specialties yes, and at this time, but we shall see how long that party will last!

I know many primary care practitioners in private practice who make more than that. But usually before expenses.

Your boss is not making that money all by himself. He is likely making some of it, off of people like you(called entrepreneurship) and has likely worked in a golden era and has tons of income from investments as well (just speculation on my part).

Hes a pretty impressive guy who believes in working hard and living large :)
He Just opened a "sports bar" in a posh downtown location. Had offered me a chance to invest, but i guess I dont have his enterpreunial skills :)

ALso I am sure his Adjusted gross income was less. A lot of practices have a lot of revenue but the bottom line is a lot less, an office is not cheap to maintain!
UN, I appreciate your help and service towards this forum.I think you are a tremendous help to everyone.On the retrgoression issue, we hope that instaead of just playing a devil's advocate , can you suggest something positive, with all your connections and all, what can you do to help us.That's what we are intersted in. Can you help IV in terms of money or strategy.If not IV what else do you suggest?
WellWisher007 said:
techy, I am dropping this discussion here. If you are genuinely interesting in helping IV or other people in the community, please send your suggestions in private to IV. If they abide by your suggestions, good for you, IV and the immigrant community; If they do not, they would have reasons to not accept a certain suggestion, again it is good for you, IV and the immigrant community.

There is no point wasting my time on a discussion in an open forum, that I know that is going to go nowhere.. Espcially, on a weekend.

Have a great weekend! and good luck with your future endeavors. I just wish and hope that you get what you are looking for.



When IV is asking others to send their suggestions in private, how do you think discussing ("Pushing of I 485 filling as an interim relief or not " by priyargc) a meeting between two different IV groups is right in a open forum?

After reading through your earlier posts I thought IV had preset well understood objectives but now after reading some other threads, I am having my own doubts about IV's agenda.
IV is on the edge!

It seems that every body is pushing their own agenda. However, in case there is no EB relief and no CIR and no SKIL, IV is going out of commission.
They better get done whatever is possible, to get some momentum and for their survival. They have failed twice i.e. last year spending bill and this year's spending bill. I sound harsh but the truth is people will look at failures more than any success they have had....

indian_gc_ocean said:

When IV is asking others to send their suggestions in private, how do you think discussing ("Pushing of I 485 filling as an interim relief or not " by priyargc) a meeting between two different IV groups is right in a open forum?

After reading through your earlier posts I thought IV had preset well understood objectives but now after reading some other threads, I am having my own doubts about IV's agenda.
nyc8300 said:
It seems that every body is pushing their own agenda. However, in case there is no EB relief and no CIR and no SKIL, IV is going out of commission.
They better get done whatever is possible, to get some momentum and for their survival. They have failed twice i.e. last year spending bill and this year's spending bill. I sound harsh but the truth is people will look at failures more than any success they have had....

i have silently watched these forums for 1-2 years…from these forums, few months back I learnt about immigrationvoice.org and have been watching those guys. i am on EAD for 2 years now and your post made it absolutely necessary to break my silence.

you seem to suggest that immigrationvoice.org guys have failed. It seems to me that your perspective towards life is “glass half empty”… you yourself do not want to do anything other than rant on this forum, people at immigrationvoice.org are at least making their best effort and you are calling them failure….. i find it pretty ironic. in my opinion the reason why immigrationvoice.org have not been able to achieve success is because of people like you and i. People like you and I, who are going though green card mess, were expected to join this effort and look what we are doing. Either rant and hope for their failure or not participate at all. In my opinion, if immigrationvoice.org effort fails, you have failed too. So I am absolutely puzzled by your sense of pride in projecting immigrationvoice.org as failure.

i have not participated or contributed to immigrationvoice.org till now…. but now, immediately after posting this, i will register and contribute to immigrationvoice.org. because i do not want them to fail….. and thank you for helping me to break my silence. At the end of the day, i think guys at immigrationvoice.org have fought for this cause and have set an example for all of us and it tells me that we can join it and do it rather than ranting about it.
I Agree!

I totally accept your comment.
Will contribute financially but cannot spend more time on this issue/forum.

However I don't want IV to start posting issues for discussion as if they are waiting for everybody's valued opinion to set their agenda. The agendas are clear to the people who are running IV. If they want to create momentum
around the issue, they ought to do it with congressmen.
oh no!, i am ranting again....

rreddy18 said:
i have silently watched these forums for 1-2 years…from these forums, few months back I learnt about immigrationvoice.org and have been watching those guys. i am on EAD for 2 years now and your post made it absolutely necessary to break my silence.

you seem to suggest that immigrationvoice.org guys have failed. It seems to me that your perspective towards life is “glass half empty”… you yourself do not want to do anything other than rant on this forum, people at immigrationvoice.org are at least making their best effort and you are calling them failure….. i find it pretty ironic. in my opinion the reason why immigrationvoice.org have not been able to achieve success is because of people like you and i. People like you and I, who are going though green card mess, were expected to join this effort and look what we are doing. Either rant and hope for their failure or not participate at all. In my opinion, if immigrationvoice.org effort fails, you have failed too. So I am absolutely puzzled by your sense of pride in projecting immigrationvoice.org as failure.

i have not participated or contributed to immigrationvoice.org till now…. but now, immediately after posting this, i will register and contribute to immigrationvoice.org. because i do not want them to fail….. and thank you for helping me to break my silence. At the end of the day, i think guys at immigrationvoice.org have fought for this cause and have set an example for all of us and it tells me that we can join it and do it rather than ranting about it.
I think it is not IV's failure. Businesses with thousand time more resourses also unable to push their agenda since 2004 (S 1932, CIR and Lame Duck). IV did what they have to. I think 109 congress (perticularly House) have strong anti-immigrant leadership which blocked immigration provisions. I believe, with limited resourses, IV did good job in 2006.

I am not convinced and agree with the decision of IV about pushing of single agenda of I 485 without PD current in spending bill during Feb 2007. I discussed the matter in details in other thread.

nyc8300 said:
It seems that every body is pushing their own agenda. However, in case there is no EB relief and no CIR and no SKIL, IV is going out of commission.
They better get done whatever is possible, to get some momentum and for their survival. They have failed twice i.e. last year spending bill and this year's spending bill. I sound harsh but the truth is people will look at failures more than any success they have had....

What did you want for IV to do on the EB relief issue? Are you part of IV?

priyargc said:
I think it is not IV's failure. Businesses with thousand time more resourses also unable to push their agenda since 2004 (S 1932, CIR and Lame Duck). IV did what they have to. I think 109 congress (perticularly House) have strong anti-immigrant leadership which blocked immigration provisions. I believe, with limited resourses, IV did good job in 2006.

I am not convinced and agree with the decision of IV about pushing of single agenda of I 485 without PD current in spending bill during Feb 2007. I discussed the matter in details in other thread.
I frequently visit IV. Naturally I like any action which help reducing/ending retrogration.

nyc8300 said:
What did you want for IV to do on the EB relief issue? Are you part of IV?

You refute your own claim. You talk about the intent of the law while talking about legal immigration aka employment based immigration. What about illegal immigration? It is all about how much influence you can garner to get people to come around to realize your point of view. Illegal aliens go about their work with great self respect and every 2 decades they start marching down the streets. Now if you were to pick up the book of law this would be an absolute travesty.

The truth of the matter is that if you want to bring about revolution and get people to come around and appreciate your problems, you need to put down that book of law and start thinking outside the box (the very same attribute that I see you promoting in your other posting). What IV is doing is that they are thinking outside the box, putting down that book of law and trying to lobby and work it up to the people who are critical to making the decisions. That is how politics works in this country. If you can get the right ears, lobbies and support, it does not really matter whether that issue is in the law book or whether that issue merits being in the law book as per the pope.
Sometimes you claim to be an attorney and at other times you say you have been an executive. I think if you are intelligent as you seem to make out then you should use it for the welfare of the immigrant community. I know that you are helpful to individuals but then that is your business. You don't do charity. If you really cared you would stop off your high pedestal and offer some concrete suggestions rather than tell us to live off what the law says.
Are you in agreement with the ongoing retrogression and procedural delays? If you are not then I think you need to understand that what is being asked for is not to open the flood gates or any such extreme idealistic situation. What is being asked is that the system that takes 7-10 years be fixed so that attorneys and USCIS do not sit and milk the applicants. For the record I do not think that allowing people to file for I485 without PD being current is wise at all unless it is done in a responsible manner.

You would have to agree that the reason you are making so much money as you state you are is because people are getting screwed by the long wait times and need interim fixes i.e. patch work.
My friend, there will always be a huge difference between legals and illegals even though through arguments you may think that their essence is similar. I have studied law and we know that every law is open to interpretation unless the meaning is explicitly curtailed. Laws whether immigration or otherwise are abused at times and when their essence is not followed they have to be modified. However as an attorney or lawyer you are constantly trying to stay within the provisions of what is law. IF something is allowed by a law then it is legal, regardless of whether you think that it is being abused. Illegals do not even try to get into this category and for most of the time it is not their intent but dire poverty and ignorance that force them to. However laws cannot discriminate between poor and educated. You have to follow the law and that is what we legal people do.

Besides, you yourself have said on this thread that USCIS and others are not stupid. Well they are not, they know how laws are being used and they are taking the advantages for themselves too. Did you know that USCIS raised $350 million just in giving interim benefits like extensions, EAD etc? The honorary ombudsman has himself stated that USCIS has incentives for maintaining the current state of inefficiency. Who will murder a cash cow? USCIS is very poorly funded and often the revenues it raises are allocated to some other DHS arm. So unless USCIS is properly funded they have an incentive to be inefficient. My point is that it is all fair game and neither USCIS or legal immigrants or illegal immigrants have anything against each other. We are all here to make progress and have our own financial interests at hand. So I definitely will never subscribe to the theory that we are 'blowing our cover' through creating awareness. I think this is a civilised attempt at making people understand the problem. The process of thinking outside the box may scare those whose daily bread is somehow connected to the current state of inefficiency. However even they will realize, if they think long term that reform will only make them more money later down the line.
priyargc said:
I frequently visit IV. Naturally I like any action which help reducing/ending retrogration.

Ok! I understand. You do not want to be specific about yourself or which side you sit but want a 'unbiased' discussion on whether EB relief is good.
You started the discussion about EB relief as if you want to 'explore' the issue with an 'unbiased' angle. I don't think that was the case.
After the discussion you take the points that suits your original true side and float it around. How convenient!

No wonder it is every man for himself in immigration matters and people do not actively support IV.
unitednations said:
I have no idea which post/thread you are even referring to in your conversation. Obmudsmen report and ead cash cow is well known and has been discussed many times.

I have no idea where you are even going with this discussion/issue. Recently, I have seen people who don't post much come over to these forums (i'm assuming from IV) and start discussing issues that have been beaten to death already in these forums.

USCIS let a lot of things slide in the past because they didn't have the resources to pick these things apart. Well, now they do. check immigration-law.com and see where the resources are going (enforcement); not to adjudications.

Why does everyone thing that USCIS makes the law? They just process the applications. Sure, they are a stakeholder and they can give reports on the trends they are seeing for other decision makers.

In this country if one wants to change the law then go ahead and try to do so. However, if one wants to just ignore it and the purpose of it and try to make arguments then you are setting yourself up for failure.

Regarding "blowing the cover"; if American people really learn what type of companies sponsor people; the types of salaries people get; then you are not going to get much sympathy.

I can suggest a system but not many people will be getting greencards. As I stated before; why put limits on anything. If the arguments are that skilled workers create so much for the economy, companies will shut down and they are important then why put any limits on it. I am being serious about this.

We should let the market forces dictate it. Get an LCA from DOL; if you get paid more then $60,000 then you are exempt from advertising requirement; file I-140 check out company details and then get here on greencard. Get rid of h-1b since it will no longer be necessary since beginning to end of greencard process should not be any longer then six months.

However, to make it work right and no one games the system then:

Put limits of how many people a company can sponsor for a greencard. A company cannot sponsor more then 10% of their workforce per year for a greencard.

Only companies with $20 million in revenue can sponsor someone for a greencard.

Put condition on the greencard for two years. After two years, conditions go off at an interview. In interview; need to have certified tax returns and affidavits from the candidates and employer attesting they did the work they were supposed to do. If there is an investigation and they found out they lied about it then penalty is perjury.

I think the above is doable. It gets people greencard fast; companies will not be set up for immigration purpose, it streamlines the situation and you have to be really good to get one of those 10% slots.

How come no one has thought of the above proposal. You want to know why? Because no one would be gettting a greencard who is currently bellyaching about it. Only the best and brightest would be getting it.

I am going to end this here. Kyon jaan kar anjaan bante ho. Go and read this thread and your posts specifically and you will know what I am talking about. Don't expect me to quote you every time that I have to post here.
If you have not noticed, I am an old member of ImmigrationPortal.

Anyways this is end of the thread for me.
I am not sure what you are referring to by - "discussing a meeting between two IV groups?"; The discussion was not started by any IV core member.

Priyargc is not an IV core member; and she has started this dicussion on her own; And I am sure that the position she is taking in the discussion is helping her own case - as is with anyone who is either supporting or opposing the interim EB relief. As far as myself is concerned, I just posted my opinion. Also, would like to mention here that the position that I took in the discussion helps my case.

Again, as I said in my other posts, IV core members will take all ideas and do what is best for the complete immigrant community. There is no point second guessing or doubting IV's agenda. Also, my opinions are merely my opinions; Please do not mix them up with IV's agenda; I AM NOT A PART OF IV CORE.

I request members on this forum again to send their suggestions to IV in private OR call the IV phone # to discuss your points.

indian_gc_ocean said:

When IV is asking others to send their suggestions in private, how do you think discussing ("Pushing of I 485 filling as an interim relief or not " by priyargc) a meeting between two different IV groups is right in a open forum?

After reading through your earlier posts I thought IV had preset well understood objectives but now after reading some other threads, I am having my own doubts about IV's agenda.
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