IV people are really getting desperate

I can't believe it

Oh My God!! I am visiting this forum after 6 months or so and this guy Techie is still doing the same thing he was doing 6 months ago. I am impressed by your consistency but Don't you have a job or anything better to do. You are like Villian of Hindi movies take 'Prem Chopra' or 'Ranjit'. In their movies their aim would be to rape somebody or kill somebody.....and it would seem as if their whole life is all about that only. I believe you are of same category.
WhyMe3200........you dont deserve a comment...

wellwisher007.......i had left a PM to the moderater at IV who stopped me from posting.....but guess what no replies....

since i am not affected by retrogression much.....i will not be participating at IV so i think i will not visit them.....so it doesnt matter how they run things.........it was just by chance i happened to visit....and saw the guys sob story.....and could not resist...

i will not post to this thread anymore and let this thread die......

i still have great respect for IV for their selfless effort to fight retrogression.....but i hope they will have patience and not become frustrated because its a long fight....
Just my personal opinion, techy should not have posted his comments (atleast not the way he did) to the French guy's posting.
You should be banned from Immigration Portal also. It looks like you are passing time by playing with the sentiments of immigration community. If 90% of the people don't like you, It won't make sense to post your comments. Before it is too late, get out of all the immigration forums by yourself.
gc_retrogress said:
Just my personal opinion, techy should not have posted his comments (atleast not the way he did) to the French guy's posting.
let me give an example...

some one goes on to win 4 gold medals in olympics.....and lets say its a common knowledge that he was part of breaking many rules.....and he may have also used illegal stuff.............but people still praise him because he is a winner....

thats what i did not like about the french guy story............he is a bad example for "Employment Based.....Highly Skilled.....Highly Educated" immigration.....

he is a good example for an humanitarian immigration......not for the skilled category.......because he chose to be exploited......

if educated and skilled people dont protest against exploitation.......do you think employers are going to get better??
immigration_us said:
You should be banned from Immigration Portal also. It looks like you are passing time by playing with the sentiments of immigration community. If 90% of the people don't like you, It won't make sense to post your comments. Before it is too late, get out of all the immigration forums by yourself.
luckily i am not interested to run for a political office......why??.....you have to just spew BS to please the human masses.......

apathy.....and herd nature....are the two things i define human behavior........we like to live in denial.......and if anyone wants to discuss in a different light......there they are....up in arms.....to silence the dissident.......so that they can continue their sheep culture...
I do not support people breaking laws, but your response did not mention that.

Your response simply mean't that he should not have worked where he did. I do not support your view in that regard. If he worked hard for something then it is his will to do it. Discrimination happens at every work place unless you are in heaven. If you are really good then every employer would love to hire you and other's sufferings should not hurt you.

Oh BTW to all who follow the law to the T, USCIS has honored the so called Illegal guy's application, that means he was cleared of all the stuff you keep shouting about. If US govt is ok then it should no longer be a problem right?

Personally I would not like to live in Alabama of all places, but some people live to earn a living there and that is their choice, I respect it.
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gc_retrogress said:
I do not support people breaking laws, but your response did not mention that.

Your response simply mean't that he should not have worked where he did. I do not support your view in that regard. If he worked hard for something then it is his will to do it. Discrimination happens at every work place unless you are in heaven. If you are really good then every employer would love to hire you and other's sufferings should not hurt you.

Oh BTW to all who follow the law to the T, USCIS has honored the so called Illegal guy's application, that means he was cleared of all the stuff you keep shouting about. If US govt is ok then it should no longer be a problem right?

Personally I would not like to live in Alabama of all places, but some people live to earn a living there and that is their choice, I respect it.
if you read the lengthy story of his.....the first thing that will strike you is................why is this guy not changing employer??....when he says its a sweat shop.....and and he getting half salary of what was promised.....

i am sure there is a lot he did not tell.....because i have never heard of employer giving only half salary...

and thats a very bold statement about you about Alabama......i am sure the rednecks of this state will be thrilled to know that :)

can you please elaborate whats wrong with alabama.....apart from a slow to goodness life......ultra religious always voting for republican people........and one of the bottom in the list of 50 states for economic activity....
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Well, guys....at the end of the day...it's all role players in the field,

Role Players:
1. Immigrant
2. Lawyer
3. GC Holder
4. Americans (Most of the population, employees)
5. American Business Owners (less than 5-15% of american population)

- There is (1) Immigrant - always whining about the immigration processes and how uncertainties can lead to him getting a green card from 3 months to 10 years!
- There is (2) Lawyer - who knows this level field of immigration, abuses the system, knows the loopholes, makes things work to the benefit of the employer/immigrant...in more ways than one! Well law is all about abusing the system and looking for cracks/loopholes...One may call it abuse, others may call it a loophole (UN belongs to this category)
- There is (3) GC Holder who is also wary of immigrants and fearful of losing his pay/job to the oncoming traffic...and is fearful of immigration...even though he himself is an immigrant
- There is (4) American employees who are just, like, the GC holder, is fearful of geting his pay reduced due to oncoming supply and fearful of losing jobs to cheaper labor from overseas..
- At last (5) American Employers, the minority of the american population trying desperately to reduced wages by hook or crook, getting immigrants in huge numbers...why should we pay $400/hr for a software professional, when they can get overseas labor at $30/hr (Hee Hee). They are happy to neglect the american population's interests and happy to cater to beefing up their own profit margins.

Well, this is a playing field...and everybody is playing the game to their advantage and other's detriment!

Enjoy the game!

Everybody hopes and prays that he should be the guy who comes to USA and gets the highest paid job and GC in record time (3 months)!

And everybody who doesn't get that dream, is happy to whine in his own way...that the system is broken and does not do justice to him...The uncertainty in the entire system continues to fuel his rage...Hee Hee

UN, for sure, belongs to category of (2) Lawyer..who is happy to abuse the system/exploit it's loopholes..but he is also happy to represnt and point out it's flaws! Lawyers....are crooks...but we need them as much as they need us...
techy2468 belongs to the category of (3)/(4)...

The game is on! Either way - have fun or whine or cry!

some lose, some win....at any point of time
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I think UN is not a lawyer......but he is lucky to be not dependent on this GC as we all are.....but he knows more than a attorney...

i do agree that everyone in the world wants to use the system for their benefit.....be it politicians.....stupid masses.......or just you and me.....

but when the hand we were dealt is not what we like we just cry and wish that it becomes something good.....
techy2468 said:
if you read the lengthy story of his.....the first thing that will strike you is................why is this guy not changing employer??....when he says its a sweat shop.....and and he getting half salary of what was promised.....

Wow you happen to be the only one to have this revelation. Most of us choose not to change our employers because we would like to get GC and work for one more year after GC so that Citizenship or any other stuff does not hurt the overall immigration process. Atleast that is my story. Who knows what are the other reasons, bottom line some people like to work where they are at.

techy2468 said:
i am sure there is a lot he did not tell.....because i have never heard of employer giving only half salary........

Well if an employee feels he is getting under paid compared to his counter parts, sometimes as I have mentioned if you have enough mettle/stuff/skills to prove then you can get paid very well. In his situation he decided to take up that job so it is his choice. We are all happy that at the end of the day he crossed the road and people like you and me did not. Can't we be happy for that reason?

techy2468 said:
and thats a very bold statement about you about Alabama......i am sure the rednecks of this state will be thrilled to know that :)

can you please elaborate whats wrong with alabama.....apart from a slow to goodness life......ultra religious always voting for republican people........and one of the bottom in the list of 50 states for economic activity....

BTW you have some serious issues. I hate to respond further on this note.
Oh BTW to all who follow the law to the T, USCIS has honored the so called Illegal guy's application, that means he was cleared of all the stuff you keep shouting about. If US govt is ok then it should no longer be a problem right?

And this my friends is the bottom -line :p
envision said:
And this my friends is the bottom -line :p
just as i said before.....as long as we all just care for the bottom line.........we cant blame anyone for exploiting us or not fixing the system...
gc_retrogress said:
Wow you happen to be the only one to have this revelation. Most of us choose not to change our employers because we would like to get GC and work for one more year after GC so that Citizenship or any other stuff does not hurt the overall immigration process. Atleast that is my story. Who knows what are the other reasons, bottom line some people like to work where they are at.

if you read his post again.........the initial H1 sponsor.....was a sweat shop.....half salary..........nothing to do with GC sponsoring......that was a later employer who did that....

so my question: if you are supposed to be "EB based....skilled worker, with a bachelors"......and you find out after accepting a job offer that you will get half salary......and its a sweat shop..........what do you do????...........

i will start looking from day one........i will not quit.....but i am sure it will not take more than 4 months to get another job....

gc_retrogress said:
Well if an employee feels he is getting under paid compared to his counter parts, sometimes as I have mentioned if you have enough mettle/stuff/skills to prove then you can get paid very well. In his situation he decided to take up that job so it is his choice. We are all happy that at the end of the day he crossed the road and people like you and me did not. Can't we be happy for that reason?

BTW you have some serious issues. I hate to respond further on this note.

hey BTW....you forgot to respond in detail about your Alabama slander??

the next thing i am going to hear is how a girl put up with sexual harrassment just for the sake of H1B or GC....
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There was no slander on Alabama, I said personally I would not like to live in that state. If you want to hear the complete truth it is because I will not find it economically friendly.

Maybe I am unfit for that state. That is not a slander. Why are you so offended? Is it because you work in that place just like the French guy was working hard in that other place? Did you ever think that the other guy could have been offended too?
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gc_retrogress said:
There was no slander on Alabama, I said personally I would not like to live in that state. If you want to hear the complete truth it is because I will not find it economically friendly.

Maybe I am unfit for that state. That is not a slander. Why are you so offended? Is it because you work in that place just like the French guy was working hard in that other place? Did you ever think that the other guy could have been offended too?
gc_retrogress.......alabama may not be economically friendly..........but can you point me to a location.....which will give me the same amount of free time and value for my money??

let me explain:

jobs: pretty good 8/10
Traffic: very bad 3/10
housing: 6/10 not bad...can find single home-3 Bed, for around $400k in decent school district

jobs: pretty bad 2/10 (but if you got one...live like a king)
Traffic: average 7/10
housing: 10/10 not bad...can find single home- 3 bed, for around $180k in decent school district
total travel time of mine: 35 mins both ways.....

Bay area, California:
jobs: great 10/10
Traffic: very bad 3/10
housing: 1/10 worse in nation..single home for around $1 million or more in decent school district

there is a trade off with every location........and i thank god......that i never had to work in a sweat shop conditions......and never with a exploiting employer......

i am not even sure that people in IT can get exploited like the french guy......
techy, you have loads of free time. Let us not carry this thing too far.

It is getting too messed up we started somewhere going somewhere else.

Yes Alabama is great the best, cool so take it easy tiger on other fellow immigrants.
techy2468 said:
guess what they do when you speak out.....they will ban your IP....so that you cannot post anything out there.....

and what was i posting.....i was trying to explain that GC is not the "Be all and End all" and we need to create alternative......

maybe thats against their agenda.......maybe they dont want their supporters to wake up and realise that they are wasting their time....

i have told these people 100 times in the past that before banning anyone they need to sort it out one-on-one.....so that it wont bring bad reputation to them....

i used to think that they were run by a professional group of educated open minded people.

IV is for people who what to solve their immigration problems, it is not for discussing immigration itself.
unitednations said:
Consulting companies are staffing companies. They provide staff/bodies to other staff augmentation companies who will fill a job at a client location where an American used to hold the job but they can't currently find someone.

I disagree with the second part of your statement.

I worked for 9 years in the so called "staffing" companies. Over this period I worked in 8 projects in different locations. All the projects were clearly defined pieces of work. All the clients I worked for hired contractors because of temporary demand of workers for a new project or a new piece of work. The job I filled in for never even existed before I went in, leave alone me replacing local guy.

Why would a client pay 80$ per hour to a Contractor, when they could hire someone as an employee at much lesser cost per hour?
unitednations said:
How does this relate; we can keep cribbing to these boards but when people start cribbing to outsiders it could cause some harm for people that they might have not anticipated.

I think people here do understand this because sometime back there was a thread asking people to list rouge companies like Cybertech, hardly anyone responded to that thread eventhough people knew about lot of rouge companies.