Well, the end of the's all role players in the field,
Role Players:
1. Immigrant
2. Lawyer
3. GC Holder
4. Americans (Most of the population, employees)
5. American Business Owners (less than 5-15% of american population)
- There is (1) Immigrant - always whining about the immigration processes and how uncertainties can lead to him getting a green card from 3 months to 10 years!
- There is (2) Lawyer - who knows this level field of immigration, abuses the system, knows the loopholes, makes things work to the benefit of the employer/ more ways than one! Well law is all about abusing the system and looking for cracks/loopholes...One may call it abuse, others may call it a loophole (UN belongs to this category)
- There is (3) GC Holder who is also wary of immigrants and fearful of losing his pay/job to the oncoming traffic...and is fearful of immigration...even though he himself is an immigrant
- There is (4) American employees who are just, like, the GC holder, is fearful of geting his pay reduced due to oncoming supply and fearful of losing jobs to cheaper labor from overseas..
- At last (5) American Employers, the minority of the american population trying desperately to reduced wages by hook or crook, getting immigrants in huge numbers...why should we pay $400/hr for a software professional, when they can get overseas labor at $30/hr (Hee Hee). They are happy to neglect the american population's interests and happy to cater to beefing up their own profit margins.
Well, this is a playing field...and everybody is playing the game to their advantage and other's detriment!
Enjoy the game!
Everybody hopes and prays that he should be the guy who comes to USA and gets the highest paid job and GC in record time (3 months)!
And everybody who doesn't get that dream, is happy to whine in his own way...that the system is broken and does not do justice to him...The uncertainty in the entire system continues to fuel his rage...Hee Hee
UN, for sure, belongs to category of (2) Lawyer..who is happy to abuse the system/exploit it's loopholes..but he is also happy to represnt and point out it's flaws! Lawyers....are crooks...but we need them as much as they need us...
techy2468 belongs to the category of (3)/(4)...
The game is on! Either way - have fun or whine or cry!
some lose, some any point of time