Is name change necessary???


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:confused:My husband recently got naturalized and we have been married since 2002. I have never changed my maiden name to take HIS name - wanted to always maintain my maiden name (personal choice).

My question is - I am about to file for adjustment and I am wondering if USINS will not approve my case on that basis. Anyone with a similar situation care to share their stories? Please and thank you.:confused:
Just wanted to hear if the issue was brought up at the interview and what type of questions they asked in relation to the issue.
Have u guys actually been in this situation and can share anymore? Thanks so far !

I have been there.

My wife never got time to do the paperwork for her name change.

We went to the first interview and one of the questions the IO asked my wife was why did not she adopt my last name? the answer doesn't matter.

we were given a stokes interview [for whatever reasons], and in 3 months before i went into the other interview, we got her last name changed and made sure it was on every document [license, ssn, insurance, bank accts, lease docs, etc practially everything].

It is not necessary, but why take a chance, takes just a few days to get those things done.
Good info

Hey javalevi

Thanks for the info. In my case we have been married so long and I was wondering if they would 'question' the fact that I had such a long time to do it and not get it done. The funny thing is - I just got my passport from my country renewed and did not change my name then, so I am scared they might again question why I did not change it then.

So can I send in the packet with the maiden name on the documents as they are now and LATER change them while the process is going on???

I have been sitting since Dec 7 when he got naturalized not sure if I should send in the packet or wait to change names first - what do u think?:confused:
If you prefer not to change your name, just explain the reason at the interview. If you haven't changed it in 5 years of marriage I assume you have a good reason. Everyone's situation is different.
my friend has been married for about 7 years prior to AOS interview, she hadn't changed her name because she was very opposed to it. No questions asked.
I believe you must pay the $370 I-90 fee if you wait with with the name change until after you receive your GC. So there are some financial considerations in making this decision before you apply. (And since I heard that I-90 processing times can vary considerably it may save you a transition period between having legally changed your name and getting a new GC.)
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It's a personal choice nothing to do with immigration or whatever. They just want to have straight records, that is.

To be sincere I said that I never was going to change my name, and I did, I really regret it because even I changed my passport but the system in my country of origin don't allow you to get rid off your maiden name ever, so anyway will states both names...which is more problematic since here I only use my married name when my passport states together the two names...buff!

What you would find are just personal questions to your personal decision.
ouff I mean personal answer to your personal decision. And your marriage certificate anyway is proof enough.
my wifes last name is different, we have applied for all and it doesnt make any difference. they do not care. but be prepared to prove your marriage if asked to do so.
My wife never took my name.
My sister never took her husband's name.
The wives of my two brothers never took their husbands' names.
You need more samples? :)

:confused:My husband recently got naturalized and we have been married since 2002. I have never changed my maiden name to take HIS name - wanted to always maintain my maiden name (personal choice).
Well guys - you are the best. I feel so much better.

To Triple - no more samples (smile) - I totally get it !!

My reason is purely that I love MY name and wanted to maintain it - so its good that I don't really HAVE TO.

Wish me luck I am gonna send in my paperwork soon then.

Cheers ya'll !!