Iowa SESA Tracker

LC from IOWA

Congrats on LC clearance. Can you tell me if you were able to get any status of Labor cert while it was pending with Dept of Labor?
Have you filed for your I140 /I485? Are you filing concurrently?
Are u in EB2 or EB3? What does your lawyer tell you about I140/I485 timelines?
Can you pls sendme a mail at

I was able to get status only once the application was sent to Chicago. The number to call is: 312-353-1059. You can use your employers phone number and get the status off all the LCs being processed for your co. If you know the date your application went to Chicago you can track its progress. There may be other ways that I dont know about.

I dont know how to track at state level.

I am not filing concurrently though that was the original plan. Some paper work has prevented me from filing concurrently.

I am not sure what the I140/I485 timelines are.
I dont have a masters or a Ph D. I have 9 years of working exp. That should tell you whether I am EB2 or 3.
As i have stated earleir, I do not have much info. I was skeptical when my co. initially offered to file the labor from IOWA. It turns out that I lost the opportunity since they got good number of labors done in the past 6 months. No one can tell for sure if a labor application will be approved. I would say go ahead and take a chance.

When the labour get approved (when you use IOWA virtual office), where do you file the I140(will you use IOWA VIRTUAL OFFICE or company's Texas office) ?
-- I am sure it will be filed in Nebraska.

Do anyone know anybody who got the labour using virtual office?
-- Yes.

I understand the company can always produce letters with VIRTUAL OFF. address so that 140/485 can be filed from Nebraska. I am not really sure if that affects the chances of approval. Can anybody on this forum throw some light on this topic?

advertisement for IOWA (RIR)

Hi All,
For IOWA , how much is the minimum requirement for advertisements ?

I mean how many adverstisements are required at what intervals before I can apply under RIR catgory from IOWA ?
About checking your status

I tried the same number (I believe it is the Cicago Federal automated status check number)

I did not use the employer tax id. If your employere has a virtual office in Iowa it is possible that he may have a different tax id for the sate - I AM NOT POSITIVE ABOUT THIS.

What I did use to check status, was the employees local phone number i.e. the phone number of the branch office in IOWA. This didnot identify my application specifically (I say this because I did not have any number or anything to track my application nor did the automated mention my name - in fact no names were mentioned any where - only numbers). The reson I know my apllication was cleared is because I knew the approximate date when my application reached Chicago.
The automated system listed all the applications recieved from my company. Infact I was able to determin that my company had 3 applications in the Chicago office from Iowa.

Best of luck!

Originally posted by yedati

I tried AVM # 312-353-1059 (automated message) and they were asking for the employee tax id.

How can you say mine is cleared?
Hi Pearl2970,

My employer ran first Ad in Des Moines Register for 3 days in a row ( Saturday- Monday) and ran second Add in Des Moines Register for 3 days in a row ( Saturday- Monday) after two weeks.
Everybody has different experience and minimum two Adds are required ( either in same newspaper or different newspaper).

After 30 days ad, you can file for Labor

Hi Ashkar

Could you please tell me if your company does GC under "future employment" . This is for my husband. He can do H1 transfer but transfers are very tricky these days and we are not able to find any help. His current employer is no good either and is not willing to sponser his Gc (though he promised that) and is temporizing the matter (whereas things like GC are so time sensitive).

Your help would be greatly appreciated.


what do you mean by "H-1 transfers are pretty tricky these days"..if you have a company willing to transfer your H1, you should not have any problem.
Attorney recommandation for GC in IOWA?

Hi, All,
Could you please recommand a good attorney who is good at or at least experienced in applying GC in IOWA? I am not sure if the attorney outside state is good option or not, at least from my view they are not familiar with the local media for advertising. Any information or comment are highly appreciated.

Thank you very much!
I applied with Dallas Attorney for Iowa Labor

I went with Dallas, Texas attorney (Alex Bickley, 972-702-9930). He is good, he charges only $4,500 for whole process.

My lawyer filed for my case from Iowa and i got my labor in 2.5 months precise!! U can contact him at

U can give my reference.. He is very good and accessable.
Guys, Thank you for the attoney recommandation.

BTW, yedati, you said you got LC in 2.5 month. When was this happened? How about the current processing speed?

I applied in 9th June'03 and got it approved 27th Aug'03...

u can see my other postings in this thread
How long is IOWA SESA office taking these days to move your LC Application to Chicago office.
On an average how long does it take for the whole process of LC (Iowa + chicago office) based on current processing times (RIR).
Appreciate your Inputs.

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Labor Application File Receipt


My Lawyer said my LC application sent to IOWA SESA on Sept. 2003 beginning. But when I requested whether they received any receipt notice upon filing, they said they didn't received any such document from SESA yet.

By this time, do I supposed to receive atlease a receipt of my application...or I have to wait to receive such doc. until my case moved to Federal office...? How could I make sure my application reached DOL safely, filed properly & its currently in the process...?

Can any one shed some light on this area, I really appreciate it.
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1) You will receive a receipt from SESA, IA within 3-4 weeks.

2) You will also receive a letter which is saying that your case been forwarded to DOL
You can check whether your case has been forwarded to DOL by the following method:

Call Chicago DOL AVM system 1-312-353-1059, and enter '1' for permanent applications and next menu press '2' if you don't know the case number -> enter your company 10 digit phone number (which was enter in labor application on form 750A

Hope it helps.

Labor Application File Receipt


Thanks a lot for your immediate response and providing clear additional informations. When & where did you filed...? What's your status?
Regards, RK

Sent to IOWA, SESA : 07/17/03
IA, SESA Sent to DOL: 08/15/03

For further details, please browse this and Chicago, DOL thread.



1-Can Any Body Tell me that how long it takes in IOWA to get the labor approved

2-My company is based in newyork and has office in Delware . My company has TAX ID In Iowa but no physcial office & TEL # in IOWA. Can My Company still apply for the labor from IOWA.My Company has recently opened an office in IOWA.So can my comapny file labor certification although it has new set up in IOWA .BUT IT HAS AN OLD SET UP IN DELWARE AND HEAD OFFICE IN NEW YORK

3- Where one can file I-140 AND 1-148 FOR IOWA IS IT NABASRKA OR SOME OTHER SERVICE CENTER and how long does it take ???????TO GET IT APPROVED

Pease help me in the above mentioned points

i can also be reached at

I Have already applied labor but its taking a lot of time from those two states
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