Iowa SESA Tracker

Looking for pre approved LC.

Hi Guys,

I am desperately looking for pre approved Labor certificate, If any one have any info, please send me mail at this id I am interested in discussing with you and your company persons.

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Re: New to GCprocess

Hi afindia ,

On a personal note .... I d say for some things that involve OPT and Green Card filing one is better off talking to a lawyer ... and get a clear picture abt the same and what are the implications of doing so.... as mentioned in the FAQ u just added along with your question .... clearly states that there is no issue for filing for your Green Card when on OPT the only issue is here when you got to revalidate your Visa ... but am not sure if you need to go out of the country for Same

Now coming to the other concern abt the Company B in Iowa that's going to file for your Green Card ... well the Labor Certification for sure is fast in Iowa
I-140 Processing times is also around March 2003
I-485 Adjustment Of Status currently is Aug 2001 ...

so Im not sure how that company is going to get you the Green Card in 1.5 years besides one never knows what can happen in the next 1.5 years .......

My best advice would be to talk to a lawyer ... shell out a few greens and be absolutely sure as to what is right for you than to rush to doing something that you would regret..... !!

peace and may the force be with you .... ;)

Originally posted by afindia
hello friends,

I am relatively new to this GCprocess. Currently, I am working on OPT with Company A which is in TX. And, I just came to know that I can also look for a GC at this stage. I spoke to my company, they agreed to it, but i am not willing to file, as it is in TX, and I heard that it takes a long time for GC in TX. I approached a company B in Iowa, which is also ready to file my GC, in fact they promised to get a GC with 1.5 years, but I have to come on their payroll, which is not a problem for me, as I am on OPT. But I really wanna make sure that Company B is not making a fool of me. Do you guys have any ideas, if we can really file GC on OPT. I also saw an article on which certified that its not wrong if I apply for a GC on OPt. Heres the FAQ:

Q44 I am on F-1 visa (student visa). Can I apply for green card (Permanent Residency)?
A44 There is no law that prohibits an F-1, J-1, F-2, or J-2 visa holder from applying for a green card directly. But as a practical matter it takes a long time to obtain a green card in most cases. Therefore, even if you begin your green card process while you are on F or J status you will probably be required to convert to H-1 due to lack of time. Conversion to H-1 during green card pendency is no problem.
One more issue that you have to bear in mind is that F and J visas do not allow you to possess immigrant intent. Therefore, if you travel abroad during the pendency of the green card or if you need to obtain F or J visa stamped, you could have trouble because filing for green card you would have established immigrant intent.

Bottomline: You could apply for green card while holding F or J status but in all probability you will have to obtain an H-1. You can obtain permanent residency under one of the following categories:
(Posted on 20 December 2002)
[Index] [Compiled by Law Offices of Rajiv S Khanna]

You people must have got a better idea of the whole GC process by now. Do you really think there is any possiblity of landing up in a problem wither from INS or from my Company B, If I apply for a GC. If yes, then what are the things I need to take care of. Any Help in this regard will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks again,

Re: Looking for pre approved LC.

Hi alpha2002,

There is a post by some ashokgupta2003 on page 2 of this thread who happen to be in the Business of providing GC to ppl in need so you can look at that ...

But again just a note hope ppl understand that this Forum is for helping the forum users out to get to their goals of Green Card , answer their concerns for the same and not to run a business to get employees....

Please use the forum for the purpose its ment to be and not for personal gains!!! :eek:

Originally posted by alpha2002
Hi Guys,

I am desperately looking for pre approved Labor certificate, If any one have any info, please send me mail at this id I am interested in discussing with you and your company persons.

I have a question -

1) I received a file number 021XXXXX from my employer saying this is the file number was received from IOWA SESA. I needed some verification and process to validate the case number..

Question is :- Does IOWA SESA assign a file number / case number when an application is filed for labor certification and how do i validate it

2) How long does it take to go to Chicago DOL after the state is cleared..



I don't think you will be able to check the case status when it is in Iowa SESA. Either your attorney or you have to call them , I guess.

When Iowa SESA clears your LC and send it to Chicago DOL, you will get a letter from them and then you can call Chicago DOL AVM system 312-353-1059 to check your case status.

SPB999 - Case status?


Did you hear any news about your case? I remember you said it was filed on 10/17. It has been a month now.

did ur case moved to chicago DOL? Ur date at IOWA is 10/10, my date is 10/17 but still i havent received any info from my lawyer, but if you see the immigration. com site for labor they are processing for oct, but if you ask the Iowa sesa they tells it is now current.

Please let us know if your case moved to chicago and when?

I havent heard anything from my lawyer, it is now exact 1 month i applied to IOWA SESA, Waiting for the good news.

Today I got information from my lawyer that they received my case recepit from IOWA SESA on 11/17/03 and my case has been forwarded to Chicago DOL around 10-15 days back. So looks like my case would have been forwarded around Nov 7th to Chicago DOL. My case reached IOWA SESA around 20th Oct.

Hi folks....

Congrats to you spb999 for the SESA approval here is is the updated IOWA tracker ....

what about val_lc_laborious, sra123, csrini1 ...are you guys in touch with your lawyer to find out whats happening ??

please keep us updated here on this thread so that we can post the appropriate changes on the tracker ...

Because we dont have information abt the exact dates as to when the LC was approved by SESA I just took 5 days off from the date when the LC is forwarded to Chicago DOL ... hope there are no issues with that......

Please post your concerns ........ all inputs are welcome to make this thread as informative as possible.

Regards .....
Congrats SPB999!

Congrats SPB999 on your SESA approval!

That is a very encouraging piece of info for all of us and there ends the SESA processing time mystery ;)

Darth - Ad info


Can you please let me know how many Ads your company have placed and in which newspapers?

I was telling you all guys that the time showing on the DOL site for Iowa sesa is not correct, and I did talked to the main Analyst last week also and found out from him that dates are current for Iowa sesa RIR processing, so best luck guys everybody should start getting their approval soon, According to way Iowa is working it is taking just around 3 weeks to process your case. I n my case it took less than 3 week to forward my case to Chicago DOL.

See you guys in Chicago DOL forum.


I am applying for Labor in this week, my attorny/employer sent some documents.

could you pl. tell me what are the documents required.

How to update the .xsl file!

Hi Guys,

My attorney applied for my Labor on 7th November. So I though it is a good idea to update the .xsl file so that we track my case also.

How do I do it?

How does one track his state labor approval?

I hope things work out fine !!
XLS file


Darth_Vader is maintaining an Excel file for all of us. Please look into the previous postings. Just in case I have updated that file with your entry. Here is that XLS file.

I don't think you can check the status of your case when it is in Iowa SESA. Wait for 4 to 5 weeks and then you can track it when it moves over to Chicago DOL.

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Re: Darth - Ad info

Hi Udaippan...

I just spoke to the lawyer and she said the Ad was placed in the Des Moines Register... and they had posted ads on their website aas well as around the office premises...

Originally posted by udaippan

Can you please let me know how many Ads your company have placed and in which newspapers?

Thanks Darth

Thanks Darth, our company is also posting Ads in Desmoines Register. Two Ads for three continuous days.
