Interview mess


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Hey Guys We Had Our Interview Last Week But The Io Was Pain In The Butt , He Asked All The Question Where We Meet And So On And Than He Asked If My Wife Have A Medicaid And She Answered Yes And Than He Asked Me If I Have A Medicaid I Answered Yes And Than He Went On How This Money Is Coming Out Of American Tax Money We Told Him E Never Took Any Benifits From Medicaid But He Wants A Letter From Social Services Type Of Benifits We Got And Stuff Like That He Took My Wifes I-94 And Wrote Pending On Her Passport Now Is Thier Any Advice U Guys Can Give Me Regarding This Cause This Does Not Sound Good ,And Yeah I Am A Us Citizen He Said That I Should Cancel MY MEDICAID, MY INCOME QUALIFIES ME FOR MEDICAID
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Hey Guys We Had Our Interview Last Week But The Io Was Pain In The Butt , He Asked All The Question Where We Meet And So On And Than He Asked If My Wife Have A Medicaid And She Answered Yes And Than He Asked Me If I Have A Medicaid I Answered Yes And Than He Went On How This Money Is Coming Out Of American Tax Money We Told Him E Never Took Any Benifits From Medicaid But He Wants A Letter From Social Services Type Of Benifits We Got And Stuff Like That He Took My Wifes I-94 And Wrote Pending On Her Passport Now Is Thier Any Advice U Guys Can Give Me Regarding This Cause This Does Not Sound Good ,And Yeah I Am A Us Citizen He Said That I Should Cancel MY MEDICAID, MY INCOME QUALIFIES ME FOR MEDICAID

You getting a medicaid should not be a problem because you are a citizen and meet the income standards. Your wife getting medicaid is def a problem, atleast from what I read/heard, if you cannot support your wife how can you sponsor [thats how the IO looks at it]. So get a co-sponsor for your wife who meets the income standards, if you have a lawyer he should be able to advise you on this.

Get a lawyer if you dont have one. Get your wife off of medicaid. Get a co-sponsor [if you already dont have one] who meets the income regulations and have a consistent tax filing records for the last 3 years [I think 1 year should be fine but safe to have 3 years]. Get off of every Govt. benefit your wife is getting. You def can stay on Medicaid but other Govt. Benefits I am not sure, get off of them as soon as possible if you can. Now collect all paper work indicating those above things happened and submit them again.

Someone more experienced can shed a light on this topic here.
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so far, your wife has proven that she fully intends to milk American taxpayers. You have to prove now that you and your co-sponsor will support her and will not let her take money from tax-paying Americans. If you don't like it, so be it. We don't like the fact that we are providing medical care to your wife.
so far, your wife has proven that she fully intends to milk American taxpayers. You have to prove now that you and your co-sponsor will support her and will not let her take money from tax-paying Americans. If you don't like it, so be it. We don't like the fact that we are providing medical care to your wife.

Hear hear! her plus all of the other emergency Medicaid alien milkers out there.

Hear hear! her plus all of the other emergency Medicaid alien milkers out there.

The more I read your comments, the more I dislike your attitude!

Pray tell, what would you prefer? that does who go to emergency rooms be put on the street to die? What ever happened to compassion and common decency for those who are unfortunate.

As for me, lest you think, I'm illegal...I'm not! Have a graduate degree from the US in Public Policy, truth be told, welfare issues are tough to fix! Its not only illegal aliens who abuse the process for your information!
so far, your wife has proven that she fully intends to milk American taxpayers. You have to prove now that you and your co-sponsor will support her and will not let her take money from tax-paying Americans. If you don't like it, so be it. We don't like the fact that we are providing medical care to your wife.

Then move country!!!
Hey Guys We Had Our Interview Last Week But The Io Was Pain In The Butt , He Asked All The Question Where We Meet And So On And Than He Asked If My Wife Have A Medicaid And She Answered Yes And Than He Asked Me If I Have A Medicaid I Answered Yes And Than He Went On How This Money Is Coming Out Of American Tax Money We Told Him E Never Took Any Benifits From Medicaid But He Wants A Letter From Social Services Type Of Benifits We Got And Stuff Like That He Took My Wifes I-94 And Wrote Pending On Her Passport Now Is Thier Any Advice U Guys Can Give Me Regarding This Cause This Does Not Sound Good ,And Yeah I Am A Us Citizen He Said That I Should Cancel MY MEDICAID, MY INCOME QUALIFIES ME FOR MEDICAID

First of all are you, the U.S. Citizen, employed with an income above the poverty line? If yes, what type of Medicaid assistance are you getting?
Then move country!!!

That's very eloquent.

There's another option - it's good public policy to require immigrants to not be public charges; it's also good public policy to only allow marriage if the couple is capable of providing for themselves (which this one doesn't appear to be), but I'm not holding my breath.

The former at least is both public policy and public law. If people who want the law enforced should leave the country, then the Republic is truly doomed.
The more I read your comments, the more I dislike your attitude! You have the right to dislike it, as much as I have the right to have it.

Pray tell, what would you prefer? that does who go to emergency rooms be put on the street to die? What ever happened to compassion and common decency for those who are unfortunate. No, I am not talking about emergency rooms "per se".

As for me, lest you think, I'm illegal...I'm not! Have a graduate degree from the US in Public Policy, truth be told, welfare issues are tough to fix! Its not only illegal aliens who abuse the process for your information! Again, I am not talking about those lawfully present aliens, such as myself, and those law-abiding US citizens that require it.

My bone to pick, is with illegal immigrants, who milk the system, pay no taxes, and yet get benefits that OUR taxes pay for.
Please refrain from hijacking other people's threads to express opinions that do not help address the OP's question(s) or situation.

You may vent, express your dismay at the system in your own thread(s). If you cannot answer the OP's question or are disgusted by whatever you find to be disgusting, start a new thread.

It does not help anyone by creating a deeper mess for the OP.

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I did answer his question - he needs to prove that his wife will not be a public charge, as she has been so far.
hey guyz i posted my thread for help not to start a brawl here. she just had a medicaid for 15 days so she havent milked your tax money she got her medicaid in a mail which came with her insurance card she applied she did't know she was gonna get any medicaid card,so enough of this explanation any help u guys can offer or u wanna go on with this up to u
she applied for medicaid. That's the problem. Not that she got the card she didn't know she was getting.
The officer is asking you "which type of services" she used under Medicaid...since that depends a part of Public Charge...if it's consider long term then that could be a problem.

At there is a part that explains what is consider a Public Charge and the type of services.

This guide is from 1999 but it can be found at Public Charge facts at the website.

Good luck.
Thanks for digging up that information resource regarding Medicaid and the AOS process, cherr1980.
Thanks for digging up that information resource regarding Medicaid and the AOS process, cherr1980.

Hi asPapi or whoever can anwser this

whats the difference between 10 year green card and conditional green card....i mean does it says on conditional card that its valid for 2years or so as compare to 10 u get some paper along with that that says about conditional....we got card that says valid for 10 years i assume its not conditional....
did they change the colour of card....i thought it used to be pink now it looks like green...

thanks a lot guys
Yes, it'll have a 2 year expiration date if it's conditional, that's the only difference. If it's conditional, I believe you'll also receive a notice along with the card informing you that you have to remove the condition.