India Dual Citizenship Mega Thread (Merged)

The India Dual Citizenship will be Operational:

  • In 2003

    Votes: 4 20.0%
  • In 2004

    Votes: 11 55.0%
  • Sometime after 2004

    Votes: 4 20.0%
  • I am skeptical if this will happen

    Votes: 1 5.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
True PIO1. There is sheer inconsistency and unreliability. From what I hear from theunfortunate people who r in India now on PIO and applied there for OCI - they are no one to even to talk to. MOIA treats them as resident (meaning 'dirts') and the FRRO or FROs dont have basic mannerisms to respond neither they are equipped to respond. They just go on accepting pile of papers, no receipts, no trace - nothing. Ironicaly people who are 1000s of miles away from the place where the processing taks place are better of and are getting better response and quicker approvals.

Remember someone in 40's being shot dead said 'hey Ram'.

And beware there would myriads of issues and confusions for the poor OCI / PIOs truly returning to India. Those who want to use it as a glorified business visa are ok. But the wannabe residents will have issues / problems at each step and need to be thick skinned. The fun has just begun.....
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basis said:
True PIO1. There is sheer inconsistency and unreliability. From what I hear from theunfortunate people who r in India now on PIO and applied there for OCI - they are no one to even to talk to. MOIA treats them as resident (meaning 'dirts') and the FRRO or FROs dont have basic mannerisms to respond neither they are equipped to respond. They just go on accepting pile of papers, no receipts, no trace - nothing. Ironicaly people who are 1000s of miles away from the place where the processing taks place are better of and are getting better response and quicker approvals.

Remember someone in 40's being shot dead said 'hey Ram'.

And beware there would myriads of issues and confusions for the poor OCI / PIOs truly returning to India. Those who want to use it as a glorified business visa are ok. But the wannabe residents will have issues / problems at each step and need to be thick skinned. The fun has just begun.....

good point. Even among indian consulates abroad there is a huge variation in customer service. Indian govt. is focusing on rich PIO's first and neglecting all others.

Hi Mangal969 - thanks a lot for your help!
A few more questions:

- why do you say that it is better for my daughter (now 8 months) to get a PIO card? (I was thinking the ROI will be better for her since she is starting young! - :) )

- Since my daughter is so young, do I leave the 'signature' box on top of Form A blank, do I sign it, or do I do what we used to do for my Indian passport when I was a year old - a finger stamp!?

- I have notarized all copies. Is that enough? What is self-attestation? - the web site mentions this. Does that mean I sign the photocopies as well?

- The instructions say to "affix" a photo to each copy of the application. How do you attach it? - Can we use a paper clip, or something a little more messy (like glue?)?

Thanks for all your help!
I have been trying to call the OCI number at CGI-NY the last three working days and I get a busy signal every time!

Thanks again,
people in the uk have started getting 'granted' status within 2 weeks of applying.......

by the way is there any number where oci processing team in india can be contacted
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basis said:
people in the uk have started getting 'granted' status within 2 weeks of applying.......

by the way is there any number where oci processing team in india can be contacted

There is no 'processing' team in India ! The article i had put up earlier clearly has the secretary MOIA stating that applications are processed within the embassy !
DesiG said:
Hi Mangal969 - thanks a lot for your help!
A few more questions:

- why do you say that it is better for my daughter (now 8 months) to get a PIO card? (I was thinking the ROI will be better for her since she is starting young! - :) )

- Since my daughter is so young, do I leave the 'signature' box on top of Form A blank, do I sign it, or do I do what we used to do for my Indian passport when I was a year old - a finger stamp!?

- I have notarized all copies. Is that enough? What is self-attestation? - the web site mentions this. Does that mean I sign the photocopies as well?

- The instructions say to "affix" a photo to each copy of the application. How do you attach it? - Can we use a paper clip, or something a little more messy (like glue?)?

Thanks for all your help!
I have been trying to call the OCI number at CGI-NY the last three working days and I get a busy signal every time!

Thanks again,
Mangal is correct that for minors PIO + Upgrade works out cheaper from a $$ point of view. But I would add that everytime you can avoid dealing with the consulate is a bonus and worth $1000s.

If you add this into the equation, and based on the fact that if you are lucky (not like me), there is a good chance you could have your OCI within a couple of weeks. I would personally go for a OCI for everyone now that processing seems to have been figured out, especially if you can apply in one of the big established consulates (US, UK, Aust, NZ).

Thumb impressions for the little ones, and use glue not staples. Photos seem to go missing if they are loose. Good luck with the phone. Notarisation is better than self-attestation - I think the US consulates prefer notarisations. Self attestation was simply "I certify this is a true copy" + your signature.
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DesiG said:
Hi Mangal969 - thanks a lot for your help!
A few more questions:

- why do you say that it is better for my daughter (now 8 months) to get a PIO card? (I was thinking the ROI will be better for her since she is starting young! - :) )
PIO is better for minors because the PIO card costs less then for adults.Overall PIO to OCI would cost 180 while direct OCI would be 275.Plus i dont think the OCI offers anything (that the PIO doesn't) that your daughter will need for the next 5-7 years.Use the PIO card now and after 7-10 years have it upgraded to the OCI.

- Since my daughter is so young, do I leave the 'signature' box on top of Form A blank, do I sign it, or do I do what we used to do for my Indian passport when I was a year old - a finger stamp!?
The rules vary from embassy to embassy-best you call them.It is one of:(a) Thumb impression (b)Leave it blank (c)Parents sign on behalf

- I have notarized all copies. Is that enough? What is self-attestation? - the web site mentions this. Does that mean I sign the photocopies as well?
Notarising is enough.Self-attestation is not accepted by the NY embassy
- The instructions say to "affix" a photo to each copy of the application. How do you attach it? - Can we use a paper clip, or something a little more messy (like glue?)?
You have to stick it on :)
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basis said:
Great Mangal - where did you get this from ? Can you give the weblink please. I think we need to get the Form C, NRI education fees, immovable properties and such other requirements removed for PIO / OCI.

It was in the Hindustan Times.I cant find the appropriate link.But this was the whole article.
I think eventually these restrictions will be removed for OCI's.I am very doubtful for PIO's.NRI education fees will NEVER come down because they cross-subsidise the lower paying regular students.Reducing NRI fees will be a very unpopular decision which no politician will take.
NY and check

Any news from NY consulate?

Who should the check be made out to (Indian Consulate NY)? I am applying for myself +3 members. Do I have to send 3 c. checks for $275 and then one for $15 (mailing etc) to cover cost for all 4 members or the $15 is individual also.

Any advice when dealing with this office...i thought I was done reporting timelines on this board but here I am back in a reverse gear this time.....making sure I don't loose what is mine by birthright!
desi111 said:
Any news from NY consulate?
No news is good news....
Who should the check be made out to (Indian Consulate NY)? I am applying for myself +3 members. Do I have to send 3 c. checks for $275 and then one for $15 (mailing etc) to cover cost for all 4 members or the $15 is individual also.
You can send a consolidated check of (4*275)+15.Or you would have to send 4 checks of 275 and one of 15.The checks have to be made out to "Consulate General of India,New York."Check here means Pay order or Bankers checks NOT personal checks.
Any advice when dealing with this office...i thought I was done reporting timelines on this board but here I am back in a reverse gear this time.....making sure I don't loose what is mine by birthright!
PRAY ! ! ! :D And dont be surprised if your application takes 2 weeks to go from the mail room to the concerned department....expect sketchy phone replies at best and absolutely no response to e-mails
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I recieved a letter from sydney consulate saying that they need more information and send me a custom made 1 page form. Filled the form and submited it the next day (last friday). They told me they are giving priority to 2004 applicants.

I asked them can you print the OCI card and sticker while I wait. Then the lady told me the cards come printed from Delhi and the Consul (OCI) in Sydney signs it and distributes. **** AMAZING!!!!!.

So Mangal your information is wrong. The person who is in charge of OCI processing in Delhi is M.S Kaniyal(spelling may be wrong). The guy speaks good English. Any way I asked him why the Chicago 2004 applicants got the OCI card while all the other 2004 applicants were left out. He told me that all the 2004 Chicago applicants provided all information required for the process.

May be they filled in some special form?
MS Kaniyal 91 11 24674141 (very easy to get this guy)
Mangal Pandey said:
I recieved a letter from sydney consulate saying that they need more information and send me a custom made 1 page form. Filled the form and submited it the next day (last friday). They told me they are giving priority to 2004 applicants.

I asked them can you print the OCI card and sticker while I wait. Then the lady told me the cards come printed from Delhi and the Consul (OCI) in Sydney signs it and distributes. **** AMAZING!!!!!.

So Mangal your information is wrong. The person who is in charge of OCI processing in Delhi is M.S Kaniyal(spelling may be wrong). The guy speaks good English. Any way I asked him why the Chicago 2004 applicants got the OCI card while all the other 2004 applicants were left out. He told me that all the 2004 Chicago applicants provided all information required for the process.

May be they filled in some special form?
MS Kaniyal 91 11 24674141 (very easy to get this guy)

I am visiting this forum after a few days and realised that nothing has changed. All the consulates are taking their sweet time and no information is available.

All 2004 application were processed by OCI-1 section at MHA and Mr Sharma was responsible for it. When embassies/consulates were accepting OCI-1 applications, some of the embassies asked to attach a copy of foreign passport, Indian passport and other information. Some embassies did not ask to attach this information. All the rejected applications belong to those embassies who did not attach copies of documents. One of the required fields in the OCI card is mothers name which was not asked in the old application so if the copy of Indian passport was attached the guys at MHA could get that info from copy of Indian passport. However if this info was not available they rejected the applications. Before getting the OCI I had spoken to Mr Sharma and he had said that no applications are pending with MHA.

Hope that helps
M.C Sharma was looking after the 2004 applicants. Not anymore, all incomplete (what they say, I did sumbit my cancelled Indian passport copy with my 2004 application, from that they can see all details) 2004 applications has been send to respected consulates and they are entering all the details into the software what Mr. Kirshnakumar (Secretary MOIA) says.

From this I understand that all 2004 applicants will be processed same as the new applicants under the office of Mr.Kaniyal in New Delhi
Mangal Pandey said:
M.C Sharma was looking after the 2004 applicants. Not anymore, all incomplete (what they say, I did sumbit my cancelled Indian passport copy with my 2004 application, from that they can see all details) 2004 applications has been send to respected consulates and they are entering all the details into the software what Mr. Kirshnakumar (Secretary MOIA) says.

From this I understand that all 2004 applicants will be processed same as the new applicants under the office of Mr.Kaniyal in New Delhi

Hi mangal pandey few pages back your comments says people got OCI in OZ canbra 0r sydney were signed by OZ?? the people who got OCI from toronto and chicago are signd by Indian official mha(India)
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Mangal Pandey said:
I recieved a letter from sydney consulate saying that they need more information and send me a custom made 1 page form. Filled the form and submited it the next day (last friday). They told me they are giving priority to 2004 applicants.

I asked them can you print the OCI card and sticker while I wait. Then the lady told me the cards come printed from Delhi and the Consul (OCI) in Sydney signs it and distributes. **** AMAZING!!!!!.

So Mangal your information is wrong. The person who is in charge of OCI processing in Delhi is M.S Kaniyal(spelling may be wrong). The guy speaks good English. Any way I asked him why the Chicago 2004 applicants got the OCI card while all the other 2004 applicants were left out. He told me that all the 2004 Chicago applicants provided all information required for the process.

May be they filled in some special form?
MS Kaniyal 91 11 24674141 (very easy to get this guy)

The Secretary MOIA says that apps are to be processed at the embassies

The MHA Citizenship Rules '56 also provide allowing embassies to grant OCI .
yes Indian. What I said is right I saw 6 OCI cards of 2 families(3 persons in each family). The person who signed the cards is Ms. Manju Channan, Consul (OCI), Sydney.

When I went to the consulate last friday I asked her the same question. She told since they haven't got the machines to print, the cards come from Delhi as per the details entered in the computer in Sydney, and she signs it.
Originally Posted by gaurav2005
Originally Posted by gaurav2005
I applied mid Jan 2006 for the OCI application at Houston CGI. I checked my status today and it shows as granted and the granted date was 18th Feb. This means the GoI is working overtime in the weekends on our OCI application. ) You guys have to give some credit to GoI.

Anyway, I will probably send our passports tomarrow for the OCI sticker. Not sure how much time that will take.

Seeing "Granted on 18th Feb" does not mean that you'll get OCI cards/ Visa sticker immediately. Please check with your consulate when will they receive the card/sticker from India before you send your passport or visit them for personal collection. I guess it could be anywhere from 2 to 6 weeks.

Good luck


thanks for the feedback. I tried desperately this morning to check this thread to get information but could not get into the website. At noon, I sent the passports by FEDEX. Hope CGI-Houston will keep them safe until they get the certificates and stickers from NewDelhi.


Just a suggestion. See if you can get Fedex to hold delivery or return the docs to you. If there is a delay from India in despatching the oci/sticker then there is a small risk that CGI-Houston may misplace your documents.

good luck


Thanks for the suggestion. I sent overnight and they are already delivered to the embassy this morning. :mad:

I was simply following the procedures in the application. As per the application, we need to send the passport after checking the status as "granted" online. Oh, well. I guess I have to include passports in my prayers. :)
I am almost hearing a Bollywood sad song in the background some thing like this:

Ameriki passport ke liye, Indian passport kho di ya.
Indian passport ke liye, Ameriki passport kho di ya ..
he pravasi bharatiya.. aakir tujhe chaahiye kya..?

mangal969 said:
Mangal Pandey said:
I recieved a letter from sydney consulate saying that they need more information and send me a custom made 1 page form. Filled the form and submited it the next day (last friday). They told me they are giving priority to 2004 applicants.

I asked them can you print the OCI card and sticker while I wait. Then the lady told me the cards come printed from Delhi and the Consul (OCI) in Sydney signs it and distributes. **** AMAZING!!!!!.

So Mangal your information is wrong. The person who is in charge of OCI processing in Delhi is M.S Kaniyal(spelling may be wrong). The guy speaks good English. Any way I asked him why the Chicago 2004 applicants got the OCI card while all the other 2004 applicants were left out. He told me that all the 2004 Chicago applicants provided all information required for the process.

May be they filled in some special form?
MS Kaniyal 91 11 24674141 (very easy to get this guy)

The Secretary MOIA says that apps are to be processed at the embassies

The MHA Citizenship Rules '56 also provide allowing embassies to grant OCI .The Secretary MOIA says that apps are to be processed at the embassies

The MHA Citizenship Rules '56 also provide allowing embassies to grant OCI .

Mangal Pandey - you are absolutely right. I also called Mr Kanyal. Gem of a person. He mentioned the process simply - consulate / FRRO send it to MHA - MHA then forwards to MOIA. The minute it goes to MOIA it is entered in their software and processed. He said very clearly that the apllication does not remain unprocessed with MOIA even for a day. In fact he said it is in minutes that they process it and send the sticker etc to the concerned Mission / FRRO. He is from the OCI cell specially formed. And as you said he is very easy to get and very nice to speak with.