They have speeded up in general.
I think they would on an average probably issue the OCI within 45 days of application,if you apply today.Probably come down to 30 days and finally to within the legally defined 15 days.Chicago has proven to be massively efficient (they're turnover time after approval is 4 working days vis a vis NY which still hasnt completed issue of January Granted candidates as far as i know) so probably applying there would be very fast.
Though i guess with this initial rush of apps there wont be many people left to apply
It will mostly be the new citizens and children now.But i dont think they will have a mad rush like they did now.
gotia congrats on getting your OCI card (today)
SDQmer,you have to enter your number in the reference no column and click the go next to it (Do not press Enter)-CGISF i believe e-mails you when you can check your status online.Consider a time frame of 2 weeks after they receive it.
Weekend update for GGINY-#1155.Only a 150 odd for me to go ! By estimates I should be granted by this time next week.(Of course when i actually get my card is a whole other ball game).