Immigrant Song - kashmir WAC-02-124 (I-485) approved on 5/7/2004

Congrats Kashmir!

Congratulations on your approval!! :) Enjoy your freedom! :) :)
Immigrant Song, one of my favourite song. I guess your username Kashmir is one of the song title too! :) :) :) Hopefully, I will be the next to sing this tune! :) :)
Wish you the very best.

You have been an active selfless person. I wanted to wish the very best in your life.

God Bless!

I felt so happy seeing your approval. I felt as if I have got my approval. You are a TRUE HERO in this forum.

Congratulations Kashmir!

You are a great example of what immigration is all about.
You are obviously a very smart person that will enormously contribute to this country.
It is ashaming that there are still so many people that do not/ cannot appreciate that.
Nevertheless, they will benefit from you and the many others coming after you.

Whoo whoo!

Saw the message a long time ago that you'd been approved Kashmir... but as you know, I was having trouble logging in -- somehow my account didn't survive the transfer to the new system -- but now I'm back and I just want to say that this is wonderful wonderful news. I can not wait for you to become an American Citizen, you will I am sure, vote and participate in democracy, and that to me seems inherently just.


I missed this post till now. Your song was creative - best wishes!

We'll all miss you terribly, but you deserve a vacation from this forum so we'll understand.
CONGRAATS Kashmir jee

Heartiest Congratulations, Mubaarakan, Badhaayiaan on getting approval.

Enjoy your freedom. Just pray for me.
Voice Message from Anna Eshoo's Staff

Today (5/10/2004), I found a voice message having been recorded from the immigration case worker at Anna Eshoo's Palo Alto office around noon on 5/9/2004.
I don't know how she had known my I-485 approval.
I faxed her my letter this evening.