I140 AD in Jan/02 and NVC Dates


Are you planning for taking the PCC from a consulate in the US or from India.

If from the US, do you know hoiw long does that take?


Case not created...

I also checked with NVC asked me to check after two weeks....to get case number!
CSC Approved 140 cases

Hey Guys,
There is another thread BY TARGETGC for tracking CSC approval 140 cases.Could all other CSC approval guys post a small note there(thread) with your dates and proceedings (ONLY CSC case)Because CSC is some how screwed-up and unpredictable!!!!!.
Yes venkywantsGC, that would be excellent.

I just wanted to start a mini thread only for CSC guys due to mess we find ourselves in. After our cases have reached NVC(which I am almost sure will be at the same time given the delay !!) we can rejoin this thread for tracking further dates like case creation , P3 creation etc etc..hope this is ok.
TO SSuresh

hi Suresh,

sorry for the delay in replying to your post. i had applied for PCC at chicago.

in my friend\'s case, applied for pcc at chicago, he got his wife\'s PCC approved from Chennai in 20 days, where as he is still waiting to hear about his approval from HYD. both applied on the same date.

coming to my PCC approval, mine is sent to HYD, haven\'t heard back from them yet.
thank you for posting ur info..

I applied for me and my spouse on feb 1st and RPO is chennai. I have not heard anything till now.
I will post once i receive my PCC.
Sorry for the late update....

Hello folks... never realized about this thread.

My 140 was approved (VSC) on Jan 15th and I actually knew my MVR # by early Feb. I have opted for CP at Madras. Called the NH # mid Feb and they informed that it will take them another 3-4 weeks to get my file on the system.

FYI - I also obtained my PCC from the consulate in NY. I got it within a day because I renewed my passport with them a few years ago.
I-140(VSC) AD 02/13/02 - Case not yet entered by NVC

Is there anybody on this thread whose I-140 was approved by VSC around 02/13/02 and the case got created already?
VSC seams to be taking a long time to do their data entry.
Case not created...

centre : NSC
I140 : 29th Jan approved
nvc : 13th Feb received
Case yet not created at NVC....Just called yesterday....
PCC from India for I140 AD 2/24/2002

Hi all,
   My I140 was approved Feb 14th. I know I need to get a PCC before I can send the CP to the US consulate. I will be going to India in March. Will I be able to get PCC stamped on my passport when I am in India.

SSuresh - What is the status of your PCC at Chicago?

I filed on 5th Feb for PCC at Chicago for self and wife and still waiting...
still waiting...

I applied for me and my spouse on feb 1st with chicago consulate.
RPO Chennai.

Still waiting for reply.
140 approved in october. NVC sent pkt 3 in Nov..yet to send it to Chennai....need advice

I got my 140 approved for CP in October, and NVC had sent the pkt 3 in Nov. Still I haven\'t sent the pkt3 to Chennai consulate. Now I am ready to send it. I heard that the procedure now changed and now I had to send it to NVC again. Is it true? Any idea to the I-140 approved cases before Dec 31st?
No Title

Is there anybody whose I-140 was approved by TSC around 01/25/02 and
NVC has not yet received the case
Case created at NVC...

Here is the detail friends,
PD: 12/5/2000
I140: 1/29/2002
Case received: 2/13/2002
case entered : 2/26/2002
PCC applied at Chicago consulate on feb 01st and still waiting.
Operator at NVC said it will take 4-6 weeks for them to sent pkt3.
Is this normal time and when can i expect PKT3.
Thank you for all the help. I will post as things move.
go_on did u received any info regarding PCC.