I140 AD in Jan/02 and NVC Dates

Times from Service Center to NVC?

Can anyone tell me how long it takes the NVC to get case from Service Centers? I assume that NSC, CSC, VSC are a bit faster, and TSC is as always lagging far behind. As of today the NVC has not received my case from the INS even though it has been more than 40 days...

Perhaps a tracker would be helpful for this. Can you please post your Service Center I140 and/or I824 approval dates and how long did it take for your case to get to the NVC: NVC Receipt Date?


My details
PD 07/15/01
I140 AD Nov/01/01
I824 AD Feb/11/02
Infact TSC is one of the best centers when it comes to transfer cases to NVC

but it seems that they have screwed the cases after Feb 10th. Mine was approved on Feb 8th and reached NVC on Feb 21 !!
TSC used to take on an average 10-14 days for the case to reach NVC.

But INS and NVC maintain that it can take upto 90 days!!! (As per the i140 approval notice)

What is ur consulate?? Depending on that u can try AC140 too..
No Title

Hi Targetgc,
 Did you call CSC or did they send your case in 2 months to NVC?What did u do?
My I140 is approved in TSC on Jan \'25th,but NVC did not still receive it..what should I do?Please let me know.
your pcc

I think, your lawyer is telling you to get it from all the countries where you lived from the age of 16, I don\'t think it is from all cities.
reached NVC

I just learned that my file is reached NVC yesterday. It is approved on Jan 28 at NSC. It was mailed from NSC on Mar 19. damn..it took 16 days to reach NVC. But I lost hope last week and filed I-824. I lost hope in the whole process especitally with INS I was worried that my file lost again (earlier it was sent to wrong office) and filed I-824. I am trying to do AC-140.

It seems I am running into another kind of problem. I need to wait and see if INS is going to request my file back from NVC to process the I-824 or not.