I am no Terrorist, any advice?

Hey what's going on guys. We have been waiting Anwen Hughes' initiative to file a class action, is there any body who could give us an update especially " Deep Trigger", don't you guys think it is long due?. Please comment on it.

Wish you all peace!!!

Eventually all the pieces will fall into place one day, until then, forum members’ brothers and sisters... I am lost at the confusion with Anwen Hughes.

I have been / emailing her a least every Friday, calling her every now then and reached voice mail on each instance, even sent her certified mailed but all that in vain… I attempted to call her last Friday, but it appeared that she is currently out of the country until late mid September.

To be quite frank I don’t know what to do at this point, but please feel free to come up with ideas, initiative and creation.

Important Notes: If there is any one who would volunteer, anyone who lives in the DC Metro area or New York, I could put something together and have that volunteer pays her visit, to me that’s the only way we can get some status report on her perspective in regards to what we had agreed upon, and see where we can go from there.

Please any volunteer let us know.
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Dear Ms. Hughes

Please take a moment of your time to let me know if you you are still interested to help us with our cases.
It has been over 4 months since our conference call. You are our only channel who has direct connection to USCIS and their progress with our issues. Please let me know, if for any reasons, you are no longer interested to tackle this issue.
Your silence makes us all wonder, that, maybe there is no, or very little hope to resolve this.
We have been dealing with this limbo for many years, we don't deserve to be kept in yet another limbo!
I'll be anxiously waiting for your response,one way or the other. Thank you very much and God bless you.

sincerely yours

Dear Mr. *********, and all of you—

I’m so sorry, my delay has nothing to do with a lack of interest, just with a number of unexpected things that came up for me during the summer in life and in work that slowed me down. I’m still on this, however, and will be back in touch shortly.

Anwen Hughes
Dear Mr. *********, and all of you—

I’m so sorry, my delay has nothing to do with a lack of interest, just with a number of unexpected things that came up for me during the summer in life and in work that slowed me down. I’m still on this, however, and will be back in touch shortly.

Anwen Hughes

[To JosephEsf,
Congratulations on your endless efforts and on your success of getting hold of her! You have made all of us gaining Hope again. Your dedication, enthusiasm and insight are really inspiring. Your email is brilliant and really stands out.
Keep up the good work!]
My pleasure Deep Trigger, you are very kind. What finally made Anwen to reply, was the collective action of everyone in this forum. My email just happened to be the tipping point.
Important info.

Guys and gals,

After consultation with JosephEsf, (whom you know I value his advices and inputs; and I value everyone else’ in this forum as well);

We are politely and respectfully asking all members frequent in this social network to read this important info.

As you may know, we have lately put significant pressure and emotion on Anwen Hughes, which alone has in fact triggered some positive response from her after her unknown and unexpected silence.

We think that the most effective method to gain positive results again through her would be through rational persuasion and inspiration. Even though she promised she will get back to us very soon.

So, based on her given reasons, we are completely conscious and aware of the grief that is attached to her email. And it is essential to care about how someone feels. Let’s stand by and let her get over it quicker.

We should give her a short and temporary break (no telephone and emails), and leave our class action suit up to her for now, if she decides to move forward now, we will go along with it, however if she doesn’t react by Mid-November 2013, we will then resume the emails, phone calls and any other means to resume the Deal with her…

Strange thing happened today.
I just moved from Arizona to Virginia, I had earlier lived in Virginia from 1997 to 2007, my Arizona license in valid until 2027, when I went to DMV they gave me a hard time to renew my license, even though they renewed my license in 2007 no question asked, this was my forth trip to DMV just to stay in compliance with law that in Virginia requires a resident 60 days from moving into Virginia. Finally they told me based on my fingerprinting notification based on 1999 they will renew my license for a year only one time, which means i loose my driving privileges if I don't get the green card, I came back with my Arizona license, what good is law that screws people, I spoke to supervisor today and earlier at another dMV, whay should I do?
Strange thing happened today.
I just moved from Arizona to Virginia, I had earlier lived in Virginia from 1997 to 2007, my Arizona license in valid until 2027, when I went to DMV they gave me a hard time to renew my license, even though they renewed my license in 2007 no question asked, this was my forth trip to DMV just to stay in compliance with law that in Virginia requires a resident 60 days from moving into Virginia. Finally they told me based on my fingerprinting notification based on 1999 they will renew my license for a year only one time, which means i loose my driving privileges if I don't get the green card, I came back with my Arizona license, what good is law that screws people, I spoke to supervisor today and earlier at another dMV, whay should I do?

hecate, in this case, I may be wrong! but I strongly believe that you have some limited options.
1-/ Sue them...Virginia law permits you to petition the court for case such yours. Get your facts together and sue them.
2-/ Or get a work authorization card that would enable you to obtain a yearly license, (which is a waste of money).
The only way out is really the green card.
Situation like this; is why we need the Class Action Suit, in order to get it over with.
That's the only thing I can really thing of.
Best luck Bro, and hang tight.
hecate, in this case, I may be wrong! but I strongly believe that you have some limited options.
1-/ Sue them...Virginia law permits you to petition the court for case such yours. Get your facts together and sue them.
2-/ Or get a work authorization card that would enable you to obtain a yearly license, (which is a waste of money).
The only way out is really the green card.
Situation like this; is why we need the Class Action Suit, in order to get it over with.
That's the only thing I can really thing of.
Best luck Bro, and hang tight.

Guys I live in Virginia, and what the dmv do in virginia in a case such as ours, is that, they only renew the licence for a year,in which case they E verify your immigration status with the uscis. So you only renew your D licence for a year. So what you have to do is give a visit to the closest uscis office and discuss the matter with them.
Strange thing happened today.
I just moved from Arizona to Virginia, I had earlier lived in Virginia from 1997 to 2007, my Arizona license in valid until 2027, when I went to DMV they gave me a hard time to renew my license, even though they renewed my license in 2007 no question asked, this was my forth trip to DMV just to stay in compliance with law that in Virginia requires a resident 60 days from moving into Virginia. Finally they told me based on my fingerprinting notification based on 1999 they will renew my license for a year only one time, which means i loose my driving privileges if I don't get the green card, I came back with my Arizona license, what good is law that screws people, I spoke to supervisor today and earlier at another dMV, whay should I do?
Each state has its own policy regarding issuance of DL. Virginia probably complies with the federal REAL ID act that mandates 1-year validity for DLs issued to people with indeterminate status end date, like asylum seekers and students. F-1 students with D/S as the departure date on their I-94s are also limited to 1-year licenses in most states. If I were you I would keep the Arizona license.
In state of Virginia you are required to obtain Virginia license within 30 days of your residence, and 60 days from your first arrival which ever comes first, deep trigger is so right with his views we need class action law suit.
In state of Virginia you are required to obtain Virginia license within 30 days of your residence, and 60 days from your first arrival which ever comes first, deep trigger is so right with his views we need class action law suit.
Every state has that requirement, and the penalty is usually a fine if they find out. In your situation I would personally brave the fine rather than face the prospect of not having a DL.

Another example is the green card, which is required by law to be on your person at all times. If CBP or ICE decides to give you a hard time for not carrying it, the fine is $100. I have yet to meet a CBP officer other than in an airport on my way back from abroad, and I don't travel often. The cost of replacing a lost green card is $450. There's a much higher chance of me losing the card than being stopped by ICE/CBP, so I leave the card at home except when I travel internationally or close to the border.
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Too late now, I went to DMV and they told me my car is already regestered here in Virginia, (in virginia we are required to pay property tax or its a big trouble) she told me if caught I am breaking the law so I went ahead, I have a clean record not even a parking ticket so I wanted to keep it that way.
I got a call from Congress man Wolf office this morning whom I had reported this DMV issue.
The lady on phone told me I was connected with a group that she said was involved in activity and I told her I had not known any one from this group, I think she had DHS on line, I told her can they tell me any incident or fact based upon what they connected my with this group that causes my case to be put on hold, she said they wont tell that and that there must be something, I told her this is like another persecution and she said you can leave the USA if you think that you are being persecuted, I told her what about my hard earned 20 year social security and medicare she said you wont get that back, i told her my entire life has been destroyed based on this long indefinate hold, she told me you can use another option and leave the USA.
I can not believe how this office was treating me even though i was being extremely respectful to her.
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Yes, unfortunately it's too late for you. Well at least others can learn from your experience, which is what the forum is for.
Yes, unfortunately it's too late for you. Well at least others can learn from your experience, which is what the forum is for.
You are right, what law can we break the law itself is already broken, I regret doing that but just made a decision based on her advice.
President Barack Obama is calling back a trusted counterterrorism adviser from his first term by nominating former top Pentagon lawyer Jeh Johnson as secretary of homeland security.

Obama plans to announce Johnson's nomination Friday. He must be confirmed by the Senate before taking over the post most recently held by Janet Napolitano, who stepped down in August to become president of the University of California system.

As general counsel at the Defense Department during the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, Johnson was an aggressive advocate on a number of complex and contentious legal issues. He oversaw the escalation of the use of unmanned drone strikes, the revamping of military commissions to try terrorism suspects rather than using civilian courts and the repeal of the military's ban on openly gay service members. He also mapped out the legal defense for the American cross-border raid into Pakistan that killed Osama bin Laden.

A senior Obama administration official on Thursday confirmed Johnson's selection, first reported by The Daily Beast. The official was not authorized to speak about the nomination on the record and spoke on condition of anonymity.

The official said Obama chose Johnson because of his experience as a national security leader. The official noted that Johnson oversaw the work of more than 10,000 lawyers and was responsible for reviewing every military operation approved by the president and defense secretary.

Johnson is not as well versed in the immigration and disaster response side of the Homeland Security Department, although the administration official pointed out the Pentagon also coordinates federal relief to respond quickly to disasters.

At the Pentagon, Johnson was involved in the decision to move Army Pfc Chelsea Manning from a military jail in Quantico, Virginia, to Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. Supporters of Manning, the young soldier who leaked thousands of classified documents to WikiLeaks, said conditions at the military jail in Virginia were too harsh.

Johnson led a widespread crackdown on unauthorized leaks in the Defense Department, including warning former Navy Seal Matt Bissonnette that by publishing a book on the raid that killed bin Laden he was in "material breach" of two nondisclosure agreements he signed earlier in his career. He was also involved in the investigation of retired Marine Gen John Allen and Tampa, Florida, socialite Jill Kelley.

Johnson sparked criticism when he said in a speech at Britain's Oxford University last November that the war on terror was not an endless conflict and that the US was approaching a "tipping point" after which the military fight against al-Qaida would be replaced by a law enforcement and intelligence operation.

"War must be regarded as a finite, extraordinary and unnatural state of affairs," Johnson said. "In its 12th year, we must not accept the current conflict, and all that it entails, as the new normal."

Johnson was part of the team that looked at ways to bring women into combat missions and which assessed legal questions surrounding sexual assaults in the military, including how the chain of command should be involved in investigations and prosecutions. He also helped pave the way for the military's 2010 repeal of the "don't ask, don't tell" policy banning openly gay service members.

"For those service members who are gay and lesbian, we lifted a real and personal burden from their shoulders," Johnson said last year at an event recognizing the service of gay troops. "They no longer have to live a lie in the military."

Johnson, a former assistant US attorney who also was air force general counsel under President Bill Clinton, left the Obama administration in 2012 and returned to private practice.

According to a bio on the website of his law firm, Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP, his civil and criminal clients have included Citigroup, Salomon Smith Barney, R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. and Gillette.

Johnson is a 1979 graduate of Morehouse College and a 1982 graduate of Columbia Law School.
I'm not sure how the following is going to impact our cases. This of course, came out of my previous post above. Please share your thoughts.

"Johnson is not as well versed in the immigration and disaster response side of the Homeland Security Department"
I'm not sure how the following is going to impact our cases. This of course, came out of my previous post above. Please share your thoughts.

"Johnson is not as well versed in the immigration and disaster response side of the Homeland Security Department"

Good research JosephEsf!
He is probably not highly experienced, but this is what said Elisa Massimino, head of Human Rights First, in a statement.
<<Jeh Johnson had a distinguished career at the Pentagon where he has grappled with the challenges of protecting national security while respecting human rights and upholding American ideals," "The United States has a long history as a nation of immigrants, and part of that legacy includes our commitment to protecting refugees. We urge Jeh Johnson to make this vulnerable population a priority as his nomination moves forward>>.

To be quiet frank we need someone with good common sense, not a Bureaucrat.
Morehouse college is a historically black college in Atlanta, so this is a guy who is supposedly very familiar with civil rights, and therefore human rights as well.