I am no Terrorist, any advice?

Hi All forum members,
I have been thinking over and over, and I came up with a strong persuasion and deep belief of putting together a carefully planed CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT. We should work on filing the CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT for several valid reasons… which we all know, no need to mention. If we don’t take action within the STATUTORY WRITS OF MANDAMUS, which is our legal right. I have no doubt that we will be waiting for so many, many and many other years to come. I cannot take this anymore. Any ideas, any volunteers.

I intend to approach some nonprofit, nonpartisan human rights organization to assess that suite, there is reasonable cause, after the issuance of the Limited General Exemption of 08/10/12.

Please let us think about this. On the aftermath of the Boston B*m*b*n*g, I can only see our cases linger indefinitely in a so called legal limbo.

Again let us think about this... That's the only way out.

I am in. Let me know when you'd like to proceed with it.

I am still on it.
JosepEsf by the way you were right, Anwen seems to be losing hope on that issue, I left many messages and have sent her emails, but no answers or replies so far...
But like I said guys I am still on it.

Thanks guys.
This is the reality of life

I am still on it.
JosepEsf by the way you were right, Anwen seems to be losing hope on that issue, I left many messages and have sent her emails, but no answers or replies so far...
But like I said guys I am still on it.

Thanks guys.

Every good organization wishes to help, but to a certain point and then they see no gain in haggle, only one who keeps on fighting a wave to survive is the on trying to survive the drowning.
If we are not united what can we expect from others, most of the hold guys wait for others to do something to help and be a free rider on the cost and efforts of others, what more is left to say, how sincere are we with each others matters the most, if we all come in united and file a class action law suit things can change but then we all know what happened when we planned to storm letters to the president, during that time I used to see a lot of non members on this forum, they were just here to get updates with no out of pocket contribution if this is how it is how can we accomplish any thing with no unity against this in humanitarian action by a country who criticizes the entire world with a blind fold on its own atrocity.
Personal info needed for the Writ of Mandamus

Lady and gentlemen,
This is my email address: Email your full name and telephone number to me if you decide to pursue the suite.
Looks like things moving smoother and we are getting a deal. The sooner the better...

Hello everybody,
Please provide the information that Deep Trigger is asking for. We have verified from credible sources that this action could actually bear fruit, and we have a very strong case. So the information that Deep Trigger is asking for is really really needed. It is a shame that decent law abiding individuals like us are labeled terrorists, while the real terrorists are slipping through to carry out their sinister missions !!!
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Our Statuses -

Guys and Gals;
I am submitting the following information to confirm our current position on the waiting. Please be aware that we are still waiting for Anwen Hughes’ initiative and acceptance of the class action, and the potential procedural plan, which is the overall "Legal Assistance", we unfortunately have not yet received that from her.
We are still on square one, and hoping to move forward soon. I guess on this stage we have no other option than waiting. Hopefully not for any longer. If anything progresses I will keep your updated.
Guys and Gals;
I am submitting the following information to confirm our current position on the waiting. Please be aware that we are still waiting for Anwen Hughes’ initiative and acceptance of the class action, and the potential procedural plan, which is the overall "Legal Assistance", we unfortunately have not yet received that from her.
We are still on square one, and hoping to move forward soon. I guess on this stage we have no other option than waiting. Hopefully not for any longer. If anything progresses I will keep your updated.

It looks, you guys are abandoning the site,or have no new info. If, Mr deep Trigger have any info which might be useful please post it or share it with us and tnx in advance.

Hi Walker,

I will try and respond to your post as best as I can.

Inadmissibility in the US is a law within the immigration system that helps protect USA against people who have certain characteristics. These people are not allowed by U.S immigration law to either gain entry or change status to either green card holder or citizen due to this bar or restriction. Such people include and are not limited to:- people with histories of criminal or terrorist activities, drug abuse, infectious medical problems, or certain other characteristics, are never allowed a visa, green card, or Citizenship based on their history or condition. In immigration law terms, these characteristics are known as the grounds of inadmissibility, that means U.S has the right to deny you any benefits coz of those conditions listed. However the law is an ***, so there is some caveat to this law. A person who is inadmissible can apply for a relief so that the immigration officer or Immigration Judge will not use his former/current condition/action or status to deny them the right to benefits such as a visa, green card or citizenship. This is what is called waiver of Inadmissibility. Such a person will have to fill Form I-601 and pay a fee of $585, requesting the US to forgive or over look the past in their case. the waiver kind off forgives or overlooks the inadmissibility problem in your case.

I hope I responded to your question.

I am puzzled with this last post !!!.............. Dear Waz, that question was posted back in July, 2009, a lot happened ever since.
Please read through the entire 80 pages, if you have the time and energy. You have lots of catching up to do. The members on this forum welcome you and we could all use the knowledge and contribution and your enthusiasm in this matter. Welcome aboard.
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Thanks JosephEsf for taking your time to answer that post, yes looks like he or she is left behind and needs some catching up to do.

By the way, to all forum members it hasn't been an update since the ***Conf/Mting***. When it does I will let everyone know.

Statistical update

Please check the list of USCIS TRIG NGO meeting statistical update July 9, 2013

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Thanks HBA, for sharing.
The numbers speak for themselves, extreme and slow piecemeal process.
If they keep the same current trend, it will probably take them 50 years or more to process the remaining workload.
I may be wrong!
Let's get the ball rolling.

Guys and Gals, Let us NOT drop the ball.
My emails to Anwen Hughes were left unanswered, as we are currently looking forward to hearing from her after and over a month.
I am strongly suggesting that we ALL politely call and email her as a firm reminder on what we agreed upon during the Conf/Mtng, to see opportunity to move forward from where we're at.
Please EMAIL AND CALL her and let each other know about this when you get a chance.