Yes I understand that case has been in court for 20 years, but the benefit we get is the date of decision which was in 2007, how ever your observation is correct and I am glad you are well aware, the way the US government sees it is as a humanitarian help, thus it is sufficient for them to see we are not in a country of persecution, the settlement for immigrants is a benefit they look at as it is not our right but a privilege that they can give, attorneys are in fact a waste of money, in over 17 years I have spent a lot of money in attorneys, all down the drain, I almost went for mandamus as well as ombudsman but when I checked into the laws it pretty much looked like you completely give your life away for them to decide, thus it was not a right choice, later I found out things can get even worst with those options.
You are well aware it is also a human right's issue to falsely persecute some one, charging as a terrorist without a reasonable grounds and keep the case pending for years to me is also a persecution, but you can not take a second asylum as per the rules it should be your first place of boarding from you native country, so this also disqualifies us from getting asylum in Canada or other country unless if we try to go to our native country and try again, which is a risk of even worst persecution in our country, so not much until some one in senate really stands up, this may only happen if some one is God fearing and cares about the reputation of America, so far it has not happened.
There has never been so many applicants under allegations on 212 a 3 b of the ina, but again we as a people live in hatred based on our past experience for example if a black guy mugs some one on the street we tend to say black people are criminals, or if a white guy mistreats we tend to say white people are racists and so on, the same way people working in the US government on lower and higher level are people with similar mentalities, these REAL ID ACT and PATRIOTIC ACT was made based on these facts, technically it is completely unconstitutional as it clearly violated 1st, 3rd and 5th amendment rights, unless these acts are redesigned I don't see any other way for a hope of fair treatment that can be given to asylum cases.
The entire issue on 212 a 3 b is based on REAL ID ACT and PATRIOTIC ACT, and the only way to fight is to quash these acts, the civil rights and AILA have tried to work on this but unsuccessful results, due to the exaggeration pointed out based on 911, and the patriotism by people with power.
There is no proper way of processing as I see people charged with 212 a 3 b application filed 2005 are now cleared and my application filed in 1999 is still pending, even though in 17 years I have never even got a parking ticket, and have a clean record. What a mess!
So if you ask me how long you should wait I am sure after reading the above your attorney may be right it may take any amount of reasonable or unreasonable time.
Good luck.