I am no Terrorist, any advice?

How do we put a note in news paper if you can tell me the procedure, may be I can also do something at my end as well, recently there was also a documentary on radio about our hold and I was listening to it hoping the voice gets heard by those who can do something, I know this for sure that writing to congress men or senator is just a waste of time and energy, if we all come in for this writing to the president it will be a great action.

Just was an idea,I just think if We see every day some people publish that they lost a pet, as they do for a radio station or newspaper,why we can do that with our case, so I've been searching on google how to do it, I'm sure that calling a good newspaper, and radio station they will be interested in the news,the problem is I speak spanish,remember I from Cuba been here 5 y so I know inglish but not good on that yet,thas why i was looking for newspapel because anything i can put in google traslate and sent ,but radio station is diferent ,but both are good idea to me,we will say the true,we are sending a letter to our precident asking for help in our case that has been pending in immigration for a lot years,it is nathing iligal,this is a free contry, if is my country Cuba,you first never will find Castro address,

good luck for all
I am in it

hecate, check this out, let me know what you think, and may be we can pick a date and go from there.

John Doe

TEL: (xxx) – xxx - xxxx

Date: xx – xx - 2013

President Barack Obama
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

Re: Material Support Bar to Refugees.

Dear Mr. President Obama,

We (the 4,500 people & plus) are again respectfully and politely writing you for assistance. The wait of our immigration pending cases have been endless and the damage to us and our families is now beyond repair.

Please note that our cases had been on hold for several years, due to the overly broad terrorism bar to asylees and refugees. We have been waiting and still waiting.

Our spirit is still alive and our hope still undiminished through our true beliefs in YOU, the last Hope. Our strength lies in the hope you consistently stand on, and so that one day you will finally get our LETTERS and look into it.

The wait is depressive, it has been too long and overdue. Our situation has separated us, our families and love ones. We felt totally left out, abandoned and marginalized; we remain very despair because of Federal agency slowness and mishandling.

Please, give solutions to the problem.

Respectfully yours,

John Doe
_________________________________Date: ____________________

I saved this form as a word document and will start forwarding to all the people I know who have pending case. Great work! Please keep it up.
Actually, I printed mine and put it in the envelop with a stamp and waiting for Feb 5th date. I live close to DC and got the opportunity to attend one of the TRIG exemption quarterly meeting. When I was in the meeting room, I heard no concrete answer for any of the questions raised by lawyers and representatives from humanitarian organization. Believe me, if we do not do something collectively, our case will be on hold forever. Please let's do something collectively and spread this information to all concerned.
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I saved this form as a word document and will start forwarding to all the people I know who have pending case. Great work! Please keep it up.
Actually, I printed mine and put it in the envelop with a stamp and waiting for Feb 5th date. I live close to DC and got the opportunity to attend one of the TRIG exemption quarterly meeting. Believe me, if we do not do something collectively, our case will be on hold forever. When I was in the meeting room, I heard no concrete answer for any of the questions raised by the lawyers and people representing humanitarian organization. Please let's do something collectively and spread this information to all concerned.
That is so true, it will not change any thing unless we do something about it or else it will be another 5 years and may be more, 4500 pending is a lot of cases, the progress is too slow. Lets hope more people come in by the 5th.
That is so true, it will not change any thing unless we do something about it or else it will be another 5 years and may be more, 4500 pending is a lot of cases, the progress is too slow. Lets hope more people come in by the 5th.

So, just to be clear, we will mail our letter to the White House (Attn: The President) on 2/5, and continue sending it for 10 days. Is that a correct statement? Thanks
So, just to be clear, we will mail our letter to the White House (Attn: The President) on 2/5, and continue sending it for 10 days. Is that a correct statement? Thanks

Yes absolutely, we want a lot of letters to get attention, there are too many letters sent to white house every day, but when a lot of letters on the same topic is received then they get the attention of president based on demand from majority of people pressurizing on one subject.
[Let us get the ball rolling at this, as we all agreed, on February 5th, 2013.]

I think those who live in DC or close should begin sending on 7th and those in California etc should start as early as 4th, Hawaii takes about 5 days, so we can start storming these letters at the same time.
I hope to get more people come in to join us.
I think those who live in DC or close should begin sending on 7th and those in California etc should start as early as 4th, Hawaii takes about 5 days, so we can start storming these letters at the same time.
I hope to get more people come in to join us.

I have 15 stamped envelops in my sling-bag ready to go. I will start dumping them, one by one, in the mail box, each day, starting on the 4th. I was in addition advised (for just a though) to also consider the possibility of sending some similar letters to the Homeland Security Director as well, since and due to the fact that the delay seems to be on their end at this point.
I can only put my name and phone number as a personal info in this letter !!
Is this information enough ?!! or maybe I have to put my A-NUMBER, receipt number and copy of I-797C with the letter ?
Any idea?
And do you think they will call us ?
I can only put my name and phone number as a personal info in this letter !!
Is this information enough ?!! or maybe I have to put my A-NUMBER, receipt number and copy of I-797C with the letter ?
Any idea?
And do you think they will call us ?

[Just put your Name, Address and phone number; that will be enough. We have to keep it simple and consistent.
They will not call you.
A-Number or copy of I-797C would not be necessary. The general idea is to call the White House's attention on the fact our cases have been unfairly put on hold indefinitely without any other meaningful recourse other than waiting, which we have been doing.]
[Just put your Name, Address and phone number; that will be enough. We have to keep it simple and consistent.
They will not call you.
A-Number or copy of I-797C would not be necessary. The general idea is to call the White House's attention on the fact our cases have been unfairly put on hold indefinitely without any other meaningful recourse other than waiting, which we have been doing.]

First letter sent today, I typed exactly as you have drafted and added that I have not seen my son for over 6 years and he is my only child and Canadians refused me a visa, fyi I have already been to Canada and came back in 9 days with clean record prior to this material support garbage, while visa in Canada previously was granted for 6 months, but these Canadians still refused me a visa to visit my son, even though I honestly informed them I have a son there and I desperately wish to see him, with no concealing of information as required by them and to respect their laws, so when we talk of Canadians we don't realize that how low their human rights values are.
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More Good News

Hi Everyone,

I mailed my first letter hours ago and will do so for the next 10 days.
The good news that I wanted to share with you guys I received the below e-mail this morning:

The last processing action taken on your case

Your Case Status: Card/ Document Production

On February 4, 2013, we ordered production of your new card. Please allow 30 days for your card to be mailed to you. If we need something from you we will contact you. If you move before you receive the card, call customer service at 1-800-375-5283.

It has been very long waiting time (1999). When I think about it should be for something good. The uncertainty of my status in this country made me push myself very hard to do many good things for my family, and myself. The down side is the stressful time, frustration, and the feeling of humiliation by the non-sense terrorist-related inadmissibility affected my health a lot.
My time line:
1999 – Applied for Asylum
2005- Asylum granted
2006- Applied for Green Card
2013- Green Card Approved

14 years wow, I should have my triple Citizenship by next year :)

I can’t describe my feelings right now, I don’t think I will be able to thank all of you enough for your support, and the valuable information you guys shared with us. You have no idea how that helped me overcome the suffering.
I will be checking this forum to see the good news from all of you.
Wish you all much success - peace, health, and happiness
Hi Everyone,

I mailed my first letter hours ago and will do so for the next 10 days.
The good news that I wanted to share with you guys I received the below e-mail this morning:

The last processing action taken on your case

Your Case Status: Card/ Document Production

On February 4, 2013, we ordered production of your new card. Please allow 30 days for your card to be mailed to you. If we need something from you we will contact you. If you move before you receive the card, call customer service at 1-800-375-5283.

It has been very long waiting time (1999). When I think about it should be for something good. The uncertainty of my status in this country made me push myself very hard to do many good things for my family, and myself. The down side is the stressful time, frustration, and the feeling of humiliation by the non-sense terrorist-related inadmissibility affected my health a lot.
My time line:
1999 – Applied for Asylum
2005- Asylum granted
2006- Applied for Green Card
2013- Green Card Approved

14 years wow, I should have my triple Citizenship by next year :)

I can’t describe my feelings right now, I don’t think I will be able to thank all of you enough for your support, and the valuable information you guys shared with us. You have no idea how that helped me overcome the suffering.
I will be checking this forum to see the good news from all of you.
Wish you all much success - peace, health, and happiness

It is so nice of you that even though you have got your green card now you are still committed to send the mails to help others.
I have also had health problems, my father and my mother have a better blood test reading than me, my brothers are more healthier than me, I have had diseases that no one in my family had this includes 7th cranial damage resulting me to end up in Emergency room, and high sugar, my doctor tells me that it is all due to stress and tension. I regret coming here in the USA.
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It is so nice of you that even though you have got your green card now you are still committed to send the mails to help others.
I have also had health problems, my father and my mother have a better blood test reading than me, my brothers are more healthier than me, I have had diseases that no one in my family had this includes 7th cranial damage resulting me to end up in Emergency room, and high sugar, my doctor tells me that it is all due to stress and tension. I regret coming here in the USA.

Thanks hecate, I know how you feel, but believe me there should be something good behind this even if you don't see it. Hang in there, it will be over soon.