I am no Terrorist, any advice?

I was put on hold with tier (i) which is a member of a group. I did not give any material support to any group in my case.

I could not find any of groups, (political or social) that i dealt before listed as terrorist organization. Is there another list of FTO's or FTO related groups beside ones that are published in state.gov?

Very confused.

If you know how to check the group or organization listings that are probable cause of hold please tell me.
You need the freedom of info request to find out more on your file, please understand it is tier 1 2 or 3 designated or undesignated terrorist group which means no one knows the undesignated group other than DHS.
For others if I may ask should we all not storm letters to Obamas office regarding this hold at the same time, at least better than sitting and waiting for those num nuts to move forward with hold.

hecate. That is in fact an excellent way to voice our displeasure and dissatisfaction in regards to our current situation. It is proven to work efficiently. Please Count me IN.
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Good news

Hello every one,
i Have good news to share, I just recived an email yesterday that my application for green card has been apporved and card production is been ordered. It has been a long jurney since 1999, but thanks God it came to good ending finally. Hang on guys, we will all get appoved by the will if God.

Good luck to every one.
Hello every one,
i Have good news to share, I just recived an email yesterday that my application for green card has been apporved and card production is been ordered. It has been a long jurney since 1999, but thanks God it came to good ending finally. Hang on guys, we will all get appoved by the will if God.

Good luck to every one.

[I am so happy for you, we have similar timeline. Good luck]
Hello every one,
i Have good news to share, I just recived an email yesterday that my application for green card has been apporved and card production is been ordered. It has been a long jurney since 1999, but thanks God it came to good ending finally. Hang on guys, we will all get appoved by the will if God.

Good luck to every one.
Congrats, enjoy your freedom.
[I am so happy for you, we have similar timeline. Good luck]
Above all I am happy to see this brings some hope in your sad hopes.
We can pick up one day and all of us storm request to Obamas office that our applications are pending and the rest we wish to add, but two or three letters will just not be enough out of 4500 hold pending cases.
I did not see much welcoming response to my suggestion so I don't know what others might be thinking about this.
Above all I am happy to see this brings some hope in your sad hopes.
We can pick up one day and all of us storm request to Obamas office that our applications are pending and the rest we wish to add, but two or three letters will just not be enough out of 4500 hold pending cases.
I did not see much welcoming response to my suggestion so I don't know what others might be thinking about this.

Yes, the main problem may always remain on the probability of how to prompt other forum members to take steps forward to join us that way we ALL can come together as ONE and actively send out the letters. I am seriously for it, but a I am little pessimistic about other members enthusiasm that is down, due to their dis-courageous and lethargic condition caused by that long and unfinished delays. I can draft the letter that way we copy, paste and send it.
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hecate, check this out, let me know what you think, and may be we can pick a date and go from there.

John Doe

TEL: (xxx) – xxx - xxxx

Date: xx – xx - 2013

President Barack Obama
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

Re: Material Support Bar to Refugees.

Dear Mr. President Obama,

We (the 4,500 people & plus) are again respectfully and politely writing you for assistance. The wait of our immigration pending cases have been endless and the damage to us and our families is now beyond repair.

Please note that our cases had been on hold for several years, due to the overly broad terrorism bar to asylees and refugees. We have been waiting and still waiting.

Our spirit is still alive and our hope still undiminished through our true beliefs in YOU, the last Hope. Our strength lies in the hope you consistently stand on, and so that one day you will finally get our LETTERS and look into it.

The wait is depressive, it has been too long and overdue. Our situation has separated us, our families and love ones. We felt totally left out, abandoned and marginalized; we remain very despair because of Federal agency slowness and mishandling.

Please, give solutions to the problem.

Respectfully yours,

John Doe
_________________________________Date: ____________________
Excellent brief and to the point, I can't thankyou more, if I or you sent the letter to Obama it will not reach Obama, we cannot expect president of USA reading such letters from hecate or deep trigger, but imagine 4500 or even 500 people writing the letters to white house, this will be an eye opener, for some who don't have time can copy paste your post letter, all it will cost is 45 cents postage, but so many letters will get the attention.
They don't have to do any thing you even gave the address to sent letters.
For all I have a little story to read.
Once upon a time there was a very humble and kind king, who was very sincere with his kingdom.
Once the kings daughter told the king, I wish to swim in a pool of perfume, the king said it is no problem, I have done so much for my kingdom, if every one of them can put one little bottle of perfume my big kingdom will easily fill up for the pool with perfume, they can drop one bottle for entire night till the morning sun rises.
The first guy thought it is a night time and who knows what I am putting so he put water instead of perfume thinking what difference will one bottle of water make in pool of perfume, the second guy thought the same, and so did others when the king proudly came with his daughter in the morning he saw a pool of water with no perfume.
The reason I mentioned this story is because if some of us will let go counting on others then may be there will be just one or two letters but if we all unite, well if nothing atleast we did some efforts, atleast we are proving our strength and that we are not those who give up easily.
Guys lets unite like we were in 2009 when we moved so many organizations to help us.
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Congrats Pennding 99 i am very happy for you keep in touch!
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212 a 3b

I have congratulated a lot of people here for their approvals but yours is very exciting as you needed it so bad, so you may see your mother and also not pay so much in school just to live here.
I am very happy for you, good luck and please stay with us for at-least a few more days if you can.

Hello everyone;

Any of u know National Liberation Front (FLN). my husband and I were sent this letter and I do not know what FLN is,I do not underestand nathing,please can some body explain me?

Thank you for your inquiry. Your case and the case of your wife are currently on hold for inadmissibility’s relating to INA 212(a)(3)(B). Specifically, your case has been placed on hold because of material support to Frente de Liberacion Nacional (FLN). FLN meets the definition of an undesignated (Tier III) terrorist organizations. The record shows you provided material support to FLN. Material support includes actions such as providing a safe house, transportation, counterfeit documents, or funds to a terrorist organization or its members. It also includes any action that can assist a terrorist organization or one of its members in any way, such as providing food, helping to set up tents, distributing literature, or making a small monetary contribution. By providing material support to this organization you are inadmissible. Currently no exemption or exception is available for this activity. Your case has been placed on hold pending future exemptions. Please feel free to contact USCIS for an update on your case in six months.

hecate, check this out, let me know what you think, and may be we can pick a date and go from there.

John Doe

TEL: (xxx) – xxx - xxxx

Date: xx – xx - 2013

President Barack Obama
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

Re: Material Support Bar to Refugees.

Dear Mr. President Obama,

We (the 4,500 people & plus) are again respectfully and politely writing you for assistance. The wait of our immigration pending cases have been endless and the damage to us and our families is now beyond repair.

Please note that our cases had been on hold for several years, due to the overly broad terrorism bar to asylees and refugees. We have been waiting and still waiting.

Our spirit is still alive and our hope still undiminished through our true beliefs in YOU, the last Hope. Our strength lies in the hope you consistently stand on, and so that one day you will finally get our LETTERS and look into it.

The wait is depressive, it has been too long and overdue. Our situation has separated us, our families and love ones. We felt totally left out, abandoned and marginalized; we remain very despair because of Federal agency slowness and mishandling.

Please, give solutions to the problem.

Respectfully yours,

John Doe
_________________________________Date: ____________________

Excelent letter I will send my on monday,I printed out already,thank so much.
@barby sorry my internet is not working, I think we should wait since most of the members are depressed and don't come on this site, idea is to storm many letters at the same time to draw attention, if we could wait until 5th so in one weeks time we can get more members to come and confirm if they want to join us, so far the response has been very slow, basically because not all members have visited this forum.
My father and brother and one honarable elected member will give me letter with thier address on it and sign it and I will post it, I have asked my younger brother to sign one letter I will see him today.
Please members who are here and read our post, please confirm if you are in so we can finalize dates to do this job, sooner the better. as of now we have about 5 members so far, lets hope we can atleast get 100 by a weeks time.
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Yes good idea,i printed out my letter with my husband and my name so ,I will separated wil be 2,and then i will check it out some of my friends, we need as much letter as we can get in order to get they attention.

wish the best for everyone.
Yes good idea,i printed out my letter with my husband and my name so ,I will separated wil be 2,and then i will check it out some of my friends, we need as much letter as we can get in order to get they attention.

wish the best for everyone.

[Little advise that I got from an activist that I knew few years back. When I told him about our leading action, he said: <<If we wish to have our voices heard in order to produce a positive effect, each one of us, who are taking part of the initiative of sending such letters, should send one letter a day, and for 7 days in a row at least, reason is the white house received several thousands of mails a day. So, a very few letters from us would be a drop in the bucket, therefore unnoticed, that would diffuse the purpose. I kind of agree with that...]
Hi everybody,

I have been visiting this forum from time to time for the last 4 years; my case is still on hold since 2006. I would like to thank everyone for their support and the valuable information that you provided.
Although I have a feeling that we are close to get our green cards, it is worth trying to get some attention by sending mails.

Please, count me in and I will spread the word.

I agree with Deep Trigger that each one should send at least 10 copies within 10 days. If everyone agrees, we can start sending the letters on Feb 5th.

Congrats pending_99, and wish you all the best.

Ok Feb 5th is the letter day,I have an idea,we can put a note in some newspapers saying that hundred families are sending letters to the president, asking for help with the 4 500 pending immigration cases by Material Support Bar to Refugees. This will prevent that the recipient ignore the situation and at least respond to us.
Ok Feb 5th is the letter day,I have an idea,we can put a note in some newspapers saying that hundred families are sending letters to the president, asking for help with the 4 500 pending immigration cases by Material Support Bar to Refugees. This will prevent that the recipient ignore the situation and at least respond to us.
Perfect what ever you can do every drop helps, glad to see some responses, hope more people will come in by the 5th and we can proceed further, it always looks like it is just at the corner, we thought in 2009 that we are just about to get it and now we are in 2013.
Lets start counting all members who will show support and we can sent our letters to get the attention.