I-751 Timeline List

Because of at least these 10 things!!!!! I can think of right now.

Why is everyone so filled with angst about the I-751 delays? They give you an extension and everyone gets it eventually, don't they? What is the big deal?

1) I do not want to keep wondering about my 10-year greencard, or what is going on over there, while CSC applicants wait no more than 6-months.
2) My wife and I do not agree on everything and VSC waiting time gives her the advantage in our marriage and our lives.
3) We have paid a fee for them to remove the conditions on our temporary GC's and want to know what is their problem with doing it.( I gave them a year and they have not done anything yet)
4) I do not want to have to call the USCIS anymore at that 1-800 number and hear them acting like you need to wait without knowing how long I will wait.(may be few more years, I heard stories where people had to wait 5-6 years over this)
5) I do not want to go to the local USCIS office to get my passport stamped every year while they ask me how long I have been waiting for, and tell me oh I thought you said 12 years, only 12 months!!, stamp my passport for one more year and make a stupid joke like go home and wait somemore.
6) I am applying for my N-400 this Monday and I do not want them to put my N-400 papers on hold until they approve my pending-for-a-year I-751. (God knows how long more it will take them)
7) I am married and I live in Gadsden, AL in the middle of nowhere, and I have been treatened by local white people here in the past while we were married, and I could not take any legal action against them because of the links, and connections cops, and those people that threatened me have between them. I do not want my case pending at VSC anymore while all these scumbags here are able to do anything they want to do, and protected by these countries laws just because they are US citizens
8) I have graduated Colllege with an accounting degree in 2008, August, and I can not get a job in Gadsden, AL. This fact may not be %100 related to I-751 issue but it is still a barrier between me and getting a job because I can not leave the town at the moment because I have lots of bills caused to me by my wife, that means I have to be here and delivering pizzas like I always have since we got married as long as my case is still pending.
9) Lots of customers, and people at work cuss me out over stupid things people inside working with me making jokes about me being a terrorist and etc., and tell me that they are just kidding. But what can I do I have to be doing what I have been doing in order to feed my family, remember I can not move or anything with the bills going on.
10) Since I can not get a job after graduating college, student loan company is asking for their money already, and guess what I can not get a job so I can not pay.
These are the things I do not want happening anymore IM85U and they all have to do with my I-751 case that has been pending for 11.5 months so far. I know I will be very happy when I know this is over with but sometimes I feel like it is never going to happen because I do not have a faith in VSC anymore, and I am losing my hope everyday after I check my e-mail and mail box for a possible RFE. I hope I will not get a mail saying that they need us for an interview abut they can not give us a date yet because they do not have any date available like they did to Gaby. Thanks,
Good luck to everyone that has been waiting.
Ah, OK. Good luck with everything... I guess we're lucky that it just isn't affecting us at all, at least not yet. If we don't hear anything by mid-summer that of course will be a different story.
1) I do not want to keep wondering about my 10-year greencard, or what is going on over there, while CSC applicants wait no more than 6-months.
2) My wife and I do not agree on everything and VSC waiting time gives her the advantage in our marriage and our lives.
3) We have paid a fee for them to remove the conditions on our temporary GC's and want to know what is their problem with doing it.( I gave them a year and they have not done anything yet)
4) I do not want to have to call the USCIS anymore at that 1-800 number and hear them acting like you need to wait without knowing how long I will wait.(may be few more years, I heard stories where people had to wait 5-6 years over this)
5) I do not want to go to the local USCIS office to get my passport stamped every year while they ask me how long I have been waiting for, and tell me oh I thought you said 12 years, only 12 months!!, stamp my passport for one more year and make a stupid joke like go home and wait somemore.
6) I am applying for my N-400 this Monday and I do not want them to put my N-400 papers on hold until they approve my pending-for-a-year I-751. (God knows how long more it will take them)
7) I am married and I live in Gadsden, AL in the middle of nowhere, and I have been treatened by local white people here in the past while we were married, and I could not take any legal action against them because of the links, and connections cops, and those people that threatened me have between them. I do not want my case pending at VSC anymore while all these scumbags here are able to do anything they want to do, and protected by these countries laws just because they are US citizens
8) I have graduated Colllege with an accounting degree in 2008, August, and I can not get a job in Gadsden, AL. This fact may not be %100 related to I-751 issue but it is still a barrier between me and getting a job because I can not leave the town at the moment because I have lots of bills caused to me by my wife, that means I have to be here and delivering pizzas like I always have since we got married as long as my case is still pending.
9) Lots of customers, and people at work cuss me out over stupid things people inside working with me making jokes about me being a terrorist and etc., and tell me that they are just kidding. But what can I do I have to be doing what I have been doing in order to feed my family, remember I can not move or anything with the bills going on.
10) Since I can not get a job after graduating college, student loan company is asking for their money already, and guess what I can not get a job so I can not pay.
These are the things I do not want happening anymore IM85U and they all have to do with my I-751 case that has been pending for 11.5 months so far. I know I will be very happy when I know this is over with but sometimes I feel like it is never going to happen because I do not have a faith in VSC anymore, and I am losing my hope everyday after I check my e-mail and mail box for a possible RFE. I hope I will not get a mail saying that they need us for an interview abut they can not give us a date yet because they do not have any date available like they did to Gaby. Thanks,
Good luck to everyone that has been waiting.

A 10-yr green card won't increase your chances of getting a job, won't stop stupid people calling you names, won't make the student loan company stop sending you bills most of all won't improve your relationship with your wife.
I 100% agree with you.
All of this, waiting times, absence of information, inaccurate information, lost or misdelivered mail (when basically your future depends on it) s#cks. For the money they are charging there should be something provided in return in a respectful manner.

1) I do not want to keep wondering about my 10-year greencard, or what is going on over there, while CSC applicants wait no more than 6-months.
2) My wife and I do not agree on everything and VSC waiting time gives her the advantage in our marriage and our lives.
3) We have paid a fee for them to remove the conditions on our temporary GC's and want to know what is their problem with doing it.( I gave them a year and they have not done anything yet)
4) I do not want to have to call the USCIS anymore at that 1-800 number and hear them acting like you need to wait without knowing how long I will wait.(may be few more years, I heard stories where people had to wait 5-6 years over this)
5) I do not want to go to the local USCIS office to get my passport stamped every year while they ask me how long I have been waiting for, and tell me oh I thought you said 12 years, only 12 months!!, stamp my passport for one more year and make a stupid joke like go home and wait somemore.
6) I am applying for my N-400 this Monday and I do not want them to put my N-400 papers on hold until they approve my pending-for-a-year I-751. (God knows how long more it will take them)
7) I am married and I live in Gadsden, AL in the middle of nowhere, and I have been treatened by local white people here in the past while we were married, and I could not take any legal action against them because of the links, and connections cops, and those people that threatened me have between them. I do not want my case pending at VSC anymore while all these scumbags here are able to do anything they want to do, and protected by these countries laws just because they are US citizens
8) I have graduated Colllege with an accounting degree in 2008, August, and I can not get a job in Gadsden, AL. This fact may not be %100 related to I-751 issue but it is still a barrier between me and getting a job because I can not leave the town at the moment because I have lots of bills caused to me by my wife, that means I have to be here and delivering pizzas like I always have since we got married as long as my case is still pending.
9) Lots of customers, and people at work cuss me out over stupid things people inside working with me making jokes about me being a terrorist and etc., and tell me that they are just kidding. But what can I do I have to be doing what I have been doing in order to feed my family, remember I can not move or anything with the bills going on.
10) Since I can not get a job after graduating college, student loan company is asking for their money already, and guess what I can not get a job so I can not pay.
These are the things I do not want happening anymore IM85U and they all have to do with my I-751 case that has been pending for 11.5 months so far. I know I will be very happy when I know this is over with but sometimes I feel like it is never going to happen because I do not have a faith in VSC anymore, and I am losing my hope everyday after I check my e-mail and mail box for a possible RFE. I hope I will not get a mail saying that they need us for an interview abut they can not give us a date yet because they do not have any date available like they did to Gaby. Thanks,
Good luck to everyone that has been waiting.
Why is everyone so filled with angst about the I-751 delays? They give you an extension and everyone gets it eventually, don't they? What is the big deal?

Provided your case wasn't transferred to CSC and you have already been waiting for 12 months, would you still be cool about all of this?
I 100% agree with you.
All of this, waiting times, absence of information, inaccurate information, lost or misdelivered mail (when basically your future depends on it) s#cks. For the money they are charging there should be something provided in return in a respectful manner.

I think USCIS is fairly efficient, generally speaking. Obviously it deals with tens of millions of applications.
My USC wife is trying to obtain Italian citizenship through marriage to me and believe me, it's way more inefficient. Tons of paperwork, appointments at the consulate which you have to arrange months in advance and at least 2 years of wait. And no way of tracking it online or on the phone.
Provided your case wasn't transferred to CSC and you have already been waiting for 12 months, would you still be cool about all of this?

It does not limit your status or rights. You can still work, you can still travel and you can even apply for citizenship.
Provided your case wasn't transferred to CSC and you have already been waiting for 12 months, would you still be cool about all of this?

Guys we shouldnt get mad at each other beacuse we have been waiting nor should we question why someone gets upset over the I751 approvals.Everyone is entitled to their emotions and everyone's situations and circumstance is different.Alit i really feel for you,i wish i could wave a USCIS wand and get you approved.All i can say is this,think about it like this since you are at the 11th month you have 1 month in which to be approved before being out of the processing time.Keep telling yourself every 1 day that goes by is 1 day less waiting.Things may seem awful and they may be,but what you are going through right now is the toughening needed for your future accomplishments.You will look back at all this not today not tomorrow and realise the struggle and sacrfice placed upon yourself that you did not crumble.I have student loans as well,you are not alone.I work in a restaurant and make money based on tips i do not have a great job either so dont feel too down.Things will get better it could be worse we could all be just going through AOS and not be at this stage now.Hang in there Alit
I'm not arguing with anyone - I was genuinely curious, and thought maybe I was missing something. But literally the only thing that is going to change when my wife gets her 10-yr green card is that she won't have to carry around both the GC AND a letter - she'll just need the GC. Legally she'll be in exactly the same place she is now, so I really don't see how anything will change. I already said, too, that if we were approaching her GC expiration then it would be a different story. That's the only reason that I can personally think of that will worry me.
Thank you all,
I am so sorry if I have offended anyone I was not mad at anyone but the USCIS, I am mad the USCIS guys, IM85U I was not mad at you or anything.I am sorry if I have offended you though. I have just listed the reasons that makes me sick of waiting for the USCIS. By the way Sarrebal, I can understand you all's frustration over your wife Italian citizenship, I have no problem with that. I am from Turkey and believe me it probably takes longer than achieving Italian citizenship to achieve a Turkish citizenship from what I have known all this long. What I am trying to point out is that I-751 VSC filers,(us) have to wait over twelve months or more just in order to remove the conditions on their GC's, while the CSC(the other I-751 service center) takes not even 6 months. I am just wondering what is wrong with the VSC, because CSC also has received Nebraska's I-751 papers as far as VSC has received TSC's I-751 applications. So why is CSC take 6 months(usually 2 months nowdays), while VSC taking 12 months or more for approvals? Remember this is not the same thing as getting another country's citizenship, this is I-751 being processed at VSC that we all have been waiting or have waited on for a long time.Other countries may be worse than VSC but we also know that VSC is way worse than CSC in approving I-751s(VSC takes usually around a year) I am going to send my N-400 letter to them regardless next week, I hope it will push them to fasten up my I-751 processing. Thanks everyone, hang in there,
Good luck to everyone that has been waiting.
Thanks Hudsonvalley, you are the man,
For hearing me in this. Of course fedup2k6, IM85U, and Sarrebal.
Thank you guys for the opinion share.
Could everyone kind of share their Filing date and NOA dates with us again plz.? I think they are processing them in order they give NOA's to people. For example some people that applied after me got theirs before because their NOA1 dates are somehow before my NOA1 date. Here is mine,
Filing date with VSC 03/17/08
NOA1 04/03/08
Biometrics 04/18/08
10-year greencard ????????
Stamp on my passport expires 04/12/09
It does not limit your status or rights. You can still work, you can still travel and you can even apply for citizenship.

It's not only about limitations and there are such of course (ie, instead of me getting 2 y schengen visa as I would usually get, I was granted only 6 m, because of expriration of my extension letter; before Switzerland joined schengen zone, GC holders could travel there without visa - that wasn't allowed with expired GC ETC), it's about aggrevation of the whole process.

On another note, someone has mentioned italian citizenship, is it 'jure sanguinis' in your case, if you don't mind me asking?
On another note, someone has mentioned italian citizenship, is it 'jure sanguinis' in your case, if you don't mind me asking?

It's through marriage.
My wife, who's american, is married to an italian citizen.
And she applied for italian citizenship.
Jure sanguinis is when you have italian relatives up to the fourth grade, I believe.
It's through marriage.
My wife, who's american, is married to an italian citizen.
And she applied for italian citizenship.
Jure sanguinis is when you have italian relatives up to the fourth grade, I believe.

Then I guess you must be Italian :)
Jure sanguinis is citizenshio through ancestry. It doesn't have limitation in grades, the provision is that your ancestor must have been born after 1861 (the year when Kingdon of Italy was created).
I just thought I might ask you few questions if it was jure sanguinis.
What's your Consulate? Mine is NYC.
OMG!!!!!!!!!! I can't tell you guys how excited i just I got approval an email!!!!!!!!!! Please nobody give up VSC is working, FINALLY.

Here's my timeline:
I-751 removal conditions :
- sent I-751 VSC April 4/12/08
- NOA 1 year extension April 4/18/08
- Biometrics appointment May 5/28/08
- waiting time....
- changed address 1/02/09
- LUD 01/05/09
- no further touches...
- 03/03/09 CARD PRODUCTION ORDERED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here's the email. April 2008 filers...here we go.

The last processing action taken on your case

Receipt Number: EAC***********

Current Status: Card production ordered.

On March 3, 2009, we ordered production of your new card. Please allow 30 days for your card to be mailed to you. If we need something from you we will contact you. If you move before you receive the card, call customer service. You can also receive automatic e-mail updates as we process your case. Just follow the link below to register.

If you have questions or concerns about your application or the case status results listed above, or if you have not received a decision from USCIS within the current processing time listed*, please contact USCIS Customer Service at (800) 375-5283.

*Current processing times can be found on the USCIS website at www.uscis.gov under Case Status and Processing Dates.
*** Please do not respond to this e-mail message.

Thank my good GOD!
Then I guess you must be Italian :)
Jure sanguinis is citizenshio through ancestry. It doesn't have limitation in grades, the provision is that your ancestor must have been born after 1861 (the year when Kingdon of Italy was created).
I just thought I might ask you few questions if it was jure sanguinis.
What's your Consulate? Mine is NYC.

I am italian. I live in nyc so my consulate is the nyc one.
I don't know much about jure sanguinis since I never had to worry about it, but since citizenship thru marriage is already a lot of paperwork and a long wait, I can only imagine providing paperwork on your greatgrandfather....
I am italian. I live in nyc so my consulate is the nyc one.
I don't know much about jure sanguinis since I never had to worry about it, but since citizenship thru marriage is already a lot of paperwork and a long wait, I can only imagine providing paperwork on your greatgrandfather....

Anybody get any updates for December/January 09 apps?? or any LUD??

Filed jointly December 20, 2009(Tampa Florida)
Biometrics notice- 1-23-09
Biometrics date-02-13-09
Bio-Done 02-05-09(early in Tampa)
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I think CSC is slowing down in processing/clearing I-751 cases. I have my timeline below. I am still waiting, 3.5 months after my biometrics. Any I-751 applicants to CSC from september 08 or before sill waiting to hear about their cases ?

Petition to Remove the Conditions of Residence:
I 751 Application sent to CSC : 09/20/2008
Application recieved at CSC: 09/24/2008
NOA Recieved with 1 year extension: 10/03/2008 (dated 9/26/2008)
Biometrics Appt Recieved: 11/12/08
Biometrics Done: 11/19/08
Interview / approval: waiting