How and should I report GC fraud?


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I am a USC who sucessfully filed an AOS for my husband in 2006. The process was long and complicated, not to mention very expensive for a new family but the sacrifies were well worth it. I don't regret it for a moment and can relate to the feelings of confusion, anxiety and frustration those who are in the process of filing an AOS.

However, I have come to learn that a relative of a friend is currently in the process of committing fraud. She agreed to enter into a marriage to a man who paid her unknown sum of money for the purpose of him obtaining permanent residency in the US. The marriage is obviously fake because after entering into this (faux) relationship, she went to live with another male, participated in a cultural wedding celebration with this second male and gave birth to the second male's son. They have since dissolved their relationship and although the second male's name is on their son's birth certificate, she told my friend that while in immigration court, she told the judge the her legal husband is the father of her child. This is mostly second-hand information from my friend, while some details have been substantialized (such as her second marriage, her child), most of it is from what my friend shared with me, since she knows I went through the same process (only my marriage is bona fide).

While I can sympathize with the immigration process and while I think some policies are unfair, hearing about this made me angry. I told my husband and he said it's none of my business and that this is all second hand information and I should stop involving myself in other people's affairs.

What are your thoughts and what would you do?
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if a child is born in wedlock, the husband is automatically considered his father, even if biologically he is not.
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I understand your anger in that matter, because of that is that we get in more complicated issues to demostrate our true marriage...but you will need at least their full names, including the other male name, addresses and not only "somebody told you", "I heard...". But sometimes they work on "tips" so not sure if that will be enough.

I am not agree about "is not your business", same situation was said in the past about so many crimes until that start to affect us all or knock on your door.
I agree with your husband. Don't get involved in this, specially if you went through the process as well, they might start investigating your case and it can cause problems. You also needs lots of proofs, etc etc.
Only fraud rats, defend one another.

that doesnt make any sense, i just would never tell on anyone for anything that aint my business. general rule of life. dont be a snitch. if you want to contest that my life is fraud, then come here and do it to my face.
Leave it alone. Karma comes back. What you do to someone comes back to you. You have know idea what is going on. Just let it go.
I understand your anger in that matter, because of that is that we get in more complicated issues to demostrate our true marriage...but you will need at least their full names, including the other male name, addresses and not only "somebody told you", "I heard...". But sometimes they work on "tips" so not sure if that will be enough.

I am not agree about "is not your business", same situation was said in the past about so many crimes until that start to affect us all or knock on your door.

We are apart of a very small community. I have this met this woman several times as well as her child. I have seen her legal husband around in social settings. The second male is actually my friend's brother. I actually attended her cultural wedding to the second male. See in our culture, we don't get married in front of a priest or in a church. We usually have a large cultural wedding. After this cultural ceremony, you are seen as husband and wife. For my husband and I, we had a cultural wedding and then a few weeks later, we went to the courthouse for a marriage license.

This woman was already legally married to her husband, but she continued to live with her parents as a single woman. She then met her cultural husband, they dated and then they had a cultural wedding. Of course, since she was already legally married, she did not go get another marriage license.

At the time of her pregnancy, she was conteplating who's name she would put on the baby's birth certificate. She considered using her legal husband name, to help her peitition but her cultural husband refused. At the end, it was her cultural husband's who name ended up on the birth certificate. Her cultural husband now regrets this decision, since they are no longer together. This may seem cold, but he said if he allowed her to use her legal husband name, he would not be finanancially responsible for the child now.

A lot of people in our community are aware of what is going on. They don't think twice about it. I can understand why, they see it as her helping this man out.

Perhaps my husband is right, I should just leave it alone. But I feel what they are donig is wrong, it's is morally offensive to me. My husband struggled for many years as an undocumented person. he never once considered marrying someone just to get legal residency.
it's is morally offensive to me.
My husband struggled for many years as an undocumented person.

And being "undocumented person" is morally right? Well guess what it is very offensive to me who came here legally, spent thousands of dollars and after 8 years still don't see light at the end of the tunnel!
And being "undocumented person" is morally right? Well guess what it is very offensive to me who came here legally, spent thousands of dollars and after 8 years still don't see light at the end of the tunnel!
My husband came here as as a child with his parents. I'm sorry that you spent thousands of dollars but perhaps you should have done what the immigrant in my story did, right? You might have saved more money.
And being "undocumented person" is morally right? Well guess what it is very offensive to me who came here legally, spent thousands of dollars and after 8 years still don't see light at the end of the tunnel!

Undocumented people are not morally wrong. Some of them don't want to be in that situation but they can't get out. They are not criminals nor bad people.

And I think you shouldn't report it because it's simply none of your business. Why would you need to rat your friend out just because she got money out of it?
Why would you even call her a "friend"? Friends don't go behind and stab each other backs

And do you have that much free time to even consider reporting this? Spend your time on something more useful and productive
No body has the right to call someone else "illegal", I hate that word, no one is "illegal" in this world.

This "man" who paid money, probably have 4 kids oversees living a crappy life while her dad is here working for VERY VERY small amount of money (less than min. wage) just to feed their kids, and if it isn't bad enough somebody is going to report him?

Sorry but people need to worry about other things a leave these poor people, who come to this country for a better living alone, and worry about the real criminals.
No body has the right to call someone else "illegal", I hate that word, no one is "illegal" in this world.

No, but their presence in a particular location may be illegal, which is what people are talking about.

This "man" who paid money, probably have 4 kids oversees living a crappy life while her dad is here working for VERY VERY small amount of money (less than min. wage) just to feed their kids, and if it isn't bad enough somebody is going to report him?

Or maybe not.

Sorry but people need to worry about other things a leave these poor people, who come to this country for a better living alone, and worry about the real criminals.

I personally think that it's an exceptionally dangerous political strategy for legal immigrants to make common cause with the illegals.
Undocumented people are not morally wrong. Some of them don't want to be in that situation but they can't get out.

Yes they can - they can leave the US. No one will stop them.

And do you have that much free time to even consider reporting this? Spend your time on something more useful and productive

If a crime has been committed, then there is some moral (though probably not legal) obligation to report it.

I understand your frustration but here's why I think you don't have to report it, because it can come back to haunt these people anytime in their lives anyway. Fraud never comes without consequence; this woman has made perhaps a lifetime choice of having to live in fear of having her GC and later citizenship revoked (and her son's too, and perhaps her future husband's, her future children, etc) if her fraud is ever uncovered. That lifetime burden that she'll carry alone should be enough to give you some peace that nobody would want to be stuck in that situation. Then again, if you report it now, you might save her whole future family from being deported. But instead of reporting it, it would be much more constructive to actually explain the potential future consequences to her which she may not even be aware of (GC revoked, citizenship revoked, GC and citizenship of anyone she'll petition revoked, lifetime ban, etc).
Triple Citizen I am curious as to why you "personally think that it's an exceptionally dangerous political strategy for legal immigrants to make common cause with the illegals"

May I ask you to please explain it to me?
