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help with DV-2015

the official document. This rule was never part of official DV-13 program

This is the official document from the official site that I read and every one else read before applying for DV-2013, and the rule is there, so it was there for all applicants because that's what we were told to read before applying. Saying otherwise until your turn blue won't change reality and your alleged scenario is comic http://travel.state.gov/pdf/DV_2013_instructions.pdf

I see though that to you it's not about facts, it's about having the last word no matter how laughable it is so you can dance victory in front of a mirror or something. There you go, the world is your stage :) P.S. see someone professional about your rape and kill fantasy, serious.
I see no harm for the program when people who do not know the rules they follow are more strict than required for the program. They thought they followed they rule, while the consulates ignored the rules because they were not valid.
At the same time, putting this requirement a year ahead into unofficial version of the rules is good for DV-14, because people would have a year to prepare for this rule even though the rule is not in effect.
Anyway, you cannot prove anything by reference to your following the rule that was not in effect in DV-13.
I think we got away too far from my original question. And 'it shouldn't be a problem' - let me be the judge of that, yes?
Q: Can I submit all the information on my spouse EXCEPT their photo? Or at least explain somewhere why there is no photo available to proceed with my application?

I am not asking of what's against the rules, I am asking of the instructions that doesn't help me. It says in the instruction 'You must list your spouse (husband or wife) regardless of whether or not he/she is living with you or intends to immigrate to the United States. So I add to that, that this is my situation and I have absolutely no way of having their recent photo at the moment, so what should I do. And then I am being told that my actual problem 'shouldn't be a problem'. Well, bad news, it is. That's why I'm here.

I just don't understand why not have just "separated" option, not necessarily legally, if they imply the 'You must list your spouse (husband or wife) regardless of whether or not he/she is living with you or intends to immigrate to the United States. ' before.

Well it is because they want to know your LEGAL marital status. Being separated is not a legal status UNLESS you go to court to have the separation recorded.

I understand you are frustrated, but displaying a bad attitude toward people here is not going to make people feel like helping you any further...
How is unmarried different from divorced? Is it only 'have NEVER been married' or just not acknowledging the past marriage&divorce? I really wish they'd at least have an option to contact them, FAQ page doesn't answer half of the questions.

Because being unmarried does not require that you show divorce papers, whilst being divorced does. Again, it is about the legal status. You may think it is not well explained, it is, you just want to be able to interpret the rules in some different way...

One thing I would say, going through the DV process needs a lot of calm and patience. Then moving to the USA is going to throw up obstacles to overcome. Based on your current attitude about the first hurdle, I don't think you should put yourself through all the aggravation - honestly I don't think you would enjoy the experience at all.
Because being unmarried does not require that you show divorce papers, whilst being divorced does. Again, it is about the legal status. You may think it is not well explained, it is, you just want to be able to interpret the rules in some different way...

One thing I would say, going through the DV process needs a lot of calm and patience. Then moving to the USA is going to throw up obstacles to overcome. Based on your current attitude about the first hurdle, I don't think you should put yourself through all the aggravation - honestly I don't think you would enjoy the experience at all.

I wasn't displaying a bad attitude towards people here. I came to seek advice. Not to be treated badly. But when you say things like the one you just said where 'YOU THINK I WOULD NOT ENJOY EXPERIENCE' this is unacceptable. Don't pretend you know anything of the experiences I am going through. I am not making judgement about your life, I am? I was explaining that I don't have a recent photo of the person I am legally married to. They've left me, disappeared, we were married in a country neither of us reside now, I don't have a certificate for that marriage, and no communication with that person, and maybe I will never have. SO, yes, I would've called it 'hurdle', or 'no problem' like you suggest, but it's not. And pretending you can ease my frustration by thinking I have a bad attitude is not cool.
I wasn't displaying a bad attitude towards people here. I came to seek advice. Not to be treated badly. But when you say things like the one you just said where 'YOU THINK I WOULD NOT ENJOY EXPERIENCE' this is unacceptable. Don't pretend you know anything of the experiences I am going through. I am not making judgement about your life, I am? I was explaining that I don't have a recent photo of the person I am legally married to. They've left me, disappeared, we were married in a country neither of us reside now, I don't have a certificate for that marriage, and no communication with that person, and maybe I will never have. SO, yes, I would've called it 'hurdle', or 'no problem' like you suggest, but it's not. And pretending you can ease my frustration by thinking I have a bad attitude is not cool.

OK, you obviously don't want my help or advice. Good luck.
OK, you obviously don't want my help or advice. Good luck.

Your advice being 'I don't think you should put yourself through?'. No, that advice I don't want. Not to mention, it's rude to make that kind of commentary to someone you don't know.
I understand you are frustrated, but displaying a bad attitude toward people here is not going to make people feel like helping you any further...

The general atmosphere of this particular sub-forum (DV) is astonishingly friendly. It's above and beyond the standard for the Internutz. I'm not surprised when people arrive their attitude may not match the general attitude of the forum. It's in their own interest to adapt, otherwise they will be soon gone.
I wasn't displaying a bad attitude towards people here. I came to seek advice. Not to be treated badly. But when you say things like the one you just said where 'YOU THINK I WOULD NOT ENJOY EXPERIENCE' this is unacceptable. Don't pretend you know anything of the experiences I am going through. I am not making judgement about your life, I am? I was explaining that I don't have a recent photo of the person I am legally married to. They've left me, disappeared, we were married in a country neither of us reside now, I don't have a certificate for that marriage, and no communication with that person, and maybe I will never have. SO, yes, I would've called it 'hurdle', or 'no problem' like you suggest, but it's not. And pretending you can ease my frustration by thinking I have a bad attitude is not cool.

If a person can get a legal document from a governmental body supporting that their status is unmarried/single or whatever, if need for such document arises let's say at the interview, they can go ahead and apply as unmarried/single.

This is not legal advice as I'm not a lawyer. I do not recommend doing anything illegal. I don't know you and have no means of verifying your claims.

It seems that even if you enter as married with a proper photo of your former spouse, you would not be able to produce any documents to support that marriage. Your call.
And I'm throwing this out to whomever it might benefit.

Chances of winning the Green Card lottery are about or less than 1% depending on the region. If anybody sees this as a "plan" to immigrate to the US, they better have a solid plan B.
the general atmosphere of this particular sub-forum (dv) is astonishingly friendly. It's above and beyond the standard for the internutz. I'm not surprised when people arrive their attitude may not match the general attitude of the forum. It's in their own interest to adapt, otherwise they will be soon gone.

And I'm throwing this out to whomever it might benefit.

Chances of winning the Green Card lottery are about or less than 1% depending on the region. If anybody sees this as a "plan" to immigrate to the US, they better have a solid plan B.

Like again.
i want to make the application for dv-2015 and i dont now if i can use the same pictures like the last year.haw they now if the picture have 6 months or 1 year?
i want to make the application for dv-2015 and i dont now if i can use the same pictures like the last year.haw they now if the picture have 6 months or 1 year?

The pictures are supposed to be recent. Use new ones, why take a risk for the sake of taking a new picture???
Your advice being 'I don't think you should put yourself through?'. No, that advice I don't want. Not to mention, it's rude to make that kind of commentary to someone you don't know.

Actually he said nothing that comes close to being rude. c1984 & Britsimon have given some very valuable advice in this thread. Please take it because no one is going to tell you different.
Your advice being 'I don't think you should put yourself through?'. No, that advice I don't want. Not to mention, it's rude to make that kind of commentary to someone you don't know.

When you ask for an advice on an open forum, you should be prepared to receive all sorts of advice regardless to whether or not you like them. If you only want advice you like, you are better off asking your parents instead, and even that is no guarantee.

I completely get what Britsimon is saying. If a minor issue like answering a single question on a form gets you so agitated, then the challenge of moving to USA and settling in when you get here would probably be too much. This is just a DV entry, we're not even touching the interview, AP, and all that jazz...
The general atmosphere of this particular sub-forum (DV) is astonishingly friendly. It's above and beyond the standard for the Internutz. I'm not surprised when people arrive their attitude may not match the general attitude of the forum. It's in their own interest to adapt, otherwise they will be soon gone.

Can I get an Amen?
You asked a question and got an answer, including reference to the government source. If you did not need an answer, there was no need to ask question.
I feel really confused... :(
I still don't know how to write my name...

It's ok my friend. Here it is, under "arabs"

Arabs in parts of the Middle East, particularly the Levant, will generally have two middle names: their father's given name, followed by their grandfather's given name.


As I told you, First name You, last name your fourth name, and middle name is father's and grandfather's names. Good luck :)