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help with DV-2015

I think we got away too far from my original question. And 'it shouldn't be a problem' - let me be the judge of that, yes?
Q: Can I submit all the information on my spouse EXCEPT their photo? Or at least explain somewhere why there is no photo available to proceed with my application?

You said

PLEASE HELP. It says in the instruction 'You must list your spouse (husband or wife) regardless of whether or not he/she is living with you or intends to immigrate to the United States.


Or should I not list them at all?

Actually when you ask a question on a public forum and ask people if you can do something that's against the rules you should expect them to tell you so and warn you about disqualification. If you wanted to be the "judge" you shouldn't have asked us if you can omit something you're required to put as you already knew. Nice attitude there.
Yep, despite the nonsense posted by some people this has always been a requirement

DV-2013 http://travel.state.gov/pdf/DV_2013_instructions.pdf

DV-2014 http://travel.state.gov/pdf/DV_2014_Instructions.pdf

Incorrect. The version you are reffering to is not an official version. The official one is http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2011-10-06/pdf/2011-25900.pdf
It was released on October 6, 2011 after the submission period started, this requirement did not pass. The official version of DV-2013 does not have this requirement.
In the same way, it was never a requirement before DV-2013.
The official release of DV-14 http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2012-09-28/pdf/2012-23934.pdf has this passport spelling requirement listed.
You said


Actually when you ask a question on a public forum and ask people if you can do something that's against the rules you should expect them to tell you so and warn you about disqualification. If you wanted to be the "judge" you shouldn't have asked us if you can omit something you're required to put as you already knew. Nice attitude there.

I am not asking of what's against the rules, I am asking of the instructions that doesn't help me. It says in the instruction 'You must list your spouse (husband or wife) regardless of whether or not he/she is living with you or intends to immigrate to the United States. So I add to that, that this is my situation and I have absolutely no way of having their recent photo at the moment, so what should I do. And then I am being told that my actual problem 'shouldn't be a problem'. Well, bad news, it is. That's why I'm here.
I just don't understand why not have just "separated" option, not necessarily legally, if they imply the 'You must list your spouse (husband or wife) regardless of whether or not he/she is living with you or intends to immigrate to the United States. ' before.
PLEASE HELP. It says in the instruction 'You must list your spouse (husband or wife) regardless of whether or not he/she is living with you or intends to immigrate to the United States. You must list your spouse even if you are currently separated from him/her.' I am all of these things. Married, not living together with my spouse, basically been separated for over a year. Now, I understand I should list them, but I do not have their photo. Would that be allowed? What's best to do?

Is your spouse a US citizen?
Incorrect. The version you are reffering to is not an official version. The official one is http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2011-10-06/pdf/2011-25900.pdf

Sure, my link from http://travel.state.gov/ which people had to read before applying, and which is still there and never been corrected is inaccurate, and your link which was never shown to applicants on the site is the one to go by. I never doubted you and never will Ravy. Now excuse me because you're so good I'll have to ignore you for the sake of my wounded ego. Have a blast! ;)
It would be important to add that DV-14 is the first DV lottery where exact passport spelling is a requirement. Nothing like that existed in DV-13 or before. The same requirement exists in DV-15. That is why your logic of "precedent" from DV-13 would not work

I don't know what's your problem or why you try to pass yourself as some sort of know it all God of DV. Play your childish game all you want but don't tell people wrong things particularly if my words come from first hand experience and your claims are pretty asinine. first year to require exact correct name as in passport? Yeah right.
Then you have the only option - to list your spouse and attach his/her recent photo.

Were you referring to 'You do not need to include a photograph for a spouse or child who is already a U.S. citizen or a Lawful Permanent Resident, but you will not be penalized if you do.'?

So if I don't submit a photo, my application just won't come through, then? With all the other details?
My spouse is gone. Disappeared from the face of the earth. No contact. And now I have this stupid ****ing requirements.
Sure, my link from http://travel.state.gov/ which people had to read before applying, and which is still there and never been corrected is inaccurate, and your link which was never shown to applicants on the site is the one to go by. I never doubted you and never will Ravy. Now excuse me because you're so good I'll have to ignore you for the sake of my wounded ego. Have a blast! ;)
We do not update expired documents in the US in place. We replace them with correct ones as soon as news ones are released and prepare new links for them, with date. That is your problem that you used a wrong document. I am just saying this rule was not in effect in DV-13, so your logic is baseless, because you are trying to tie your success to invalid rule. The more you want to rely on invalid documents, the more incompetent you seem to me and others.
BTW, you have to ask an excuse from others for giving them wrong information.
Were you referring to 'You do not need to include a photograph for a spouse or child who is already a U.S. citizen or a Lawful Permanent Resident, but you will not be penalized if you do.'?

So if I don't submit a photo, my application just won't come through, then? With all the other details?
My spouse is gone. Disappeared from the face of the earth. No contact. And now I have this stupid ****ing requirements.

I am not 100% sure what they mean by photo that you do not have to submit for US citizen spouse. An image file is required, the form will not let you submit without it. Whether that could be something different than spouse's photo in case of US citizen spouse, I am not 100% sure. I am also not sure whether you could say you are unmarried if your spouse is a US citizen.
you try to pass yourself as some sort of know it all God of DV. Play your childish game all you want but don't tell people wrong things particularly if my words come from first hand experience and your claims are pretty asinine. first year to require exact correct name as in passport? Yeah right.

You got that right. Some people have such sad lives they escape to a virtual cyber world where they feel that they matter, and that's why they go into complete hysteria when people point their deficiencies and their insecurities take over as their cyber stay becomes as humiliating as their real lives. There are a few books dealing with the psyche of internet dwellers that explain the phenomenon :)
I don't know what's your problem or why you try to pass yourself as some sort of know it all God of DV. Play your childish game all you want but don't tell people wrong things particularly if my words come from first hand experience and your claims are pretty asinine. first year to require exact correct name as in passport? Yeah right.
You did not have an opportunity to violate this rule because this rule did not exist in DV-13. That is what I am trying to say. Your logic is based on the assumption it was the same rule in DV-13. It was not. This is a new rule for DV-14. What was permitted under DV-13, is prohibited under DV-14 and further lotteries.
That is why your referencing DV-13 makes no sense here, if you do not understand it yourself.


2000 years ago it was common to kill and rape, and it was OK with the law. However, you cannot rely on the fact that is was OK now, when rules are different.
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I am not 100% sure what they mean by photo that you do not have to submit for US citizen spouse. An image file is required, the form will not let you submit without it. Whether that could be something different than spouse's photo in case of US citizen spouse, I am not 100% sure. I am also not sure whether you could say you are unmarried if your spouse is a US citizen.

How is unmarried different from divorced? Is it only 'have NEVER been married' or just not acknowledging the past marriage&divorce? I really wish they'd at least have an option to contact them, FAQ page doesn't answer half of the questions.
You did not have an opportunity to violate this rule because this rule did not exist in DV-13. That is what I am trying to say. Your logic is based on the assumption it was the same rule in DV-13. It was not. This is a new rule for DV-14. What was permitted under DV-13, is prohibited under DV-14 and further lotteries.
That is why your referencing DV-13 makes no sense here, if you do not understand it yourself.


2000 years ago it was common to kill and rape, and it was OK with the law. However, you cannot rely on the fact that is was OK now, when rules are different.

Did you see the DV-13 PDF posted by the other guy from the official site of the DV Lottery? Did you see the requirement?

So your logic is, the requirement to write your name accurately as in your passport was posted in DV-2013 instruction as it should, but then they thought (you know what, it would be really cool to change the rules and remove the accurate name requirement and let's not update the PDF that people see when they apply). Then in DV-2014 they decided to put the rule back!!! Are you even real? Are you so desperate not to admit your asinine mistake you try to pass this twisted logic on us?

Rape and kill? OMG! OMG! You are unreal
Yes, that is exactly what happened. You have the documents proving it. You need to be blindfolded to ignore the official document. This rule was never part of official DV-13 program, and was not considered by consuls or USCIS adjudicators. Starting DV-14, it is.
So, you cannot just say that you raped and killed, and it was OK, so let everybody rape and kill now :)