Have you ever committed a crime or offense for which you were not arrested?


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Have you ever committed a crime or offense for which you were not arrested?

WTF kinda question is this? If was never arrested or cited, I NEVER DID IT, right?

Someone who has already filed, please let me know what to say here, yes or no?
Is it for Citizenship? if it is if you has never been arrest or if you don't have a warrant out their for you. If it for a ticket only say know.
It's a moral character question. If you have good moral character, you'll answer truthfully. :rolleyes:

Unless an applicant is a complete moron, the answer to that question should be painfully obvious.
WTF kinda question is this? If was never arrested or cited, I NEVER DID IT, right?

This is here for a reason. Just because you were not arrested doesn't mean that something never occurred, and a crime may come to light later at a point when you cannot be arrested.

As a hypothetical example, let's say you raped someone in 2000, in a state where the statute of limitations for rape was 10 years. You were never discovered and the crime was never solved. In 2011, you give DNA for an unrelated background check, and the authorities discover that you are the rapist. While you cannot be arrested or charged for the crime, you can be stripped of your citizenship and deported based on a false statement on your N400. That's what it's there for.

The correct answer for such a question is the truth. The next best answer is to not divulge anything you're confident USCIS will never find out about.
I answered yes to this. Added a note "Stole guavas from my neighbours orchard at the age of 9". For some reason the adjudicating officer paid no attention to it.

Have you ever committed a crime or offense for which you were not arrested?
I answered yes to this. Added a note "Stole guavas from my neighbours orchard at the age of 9". For some reason the adjudicating officer paid no attention to it.

I stole some pea pods from a neighbor's garden at the age of 7 (no joke). Will my N-400 be denied because I didn't disclose that? :D
Depends on how many you stole and what you did with them !!


Anyway, I was thinking of writing 'speeding'. That's really the only thing I can think of that I did and is not a crime/offense, really.

Is that a good answer?
I answered yes to this. Added a note "Stole guavas from my neighbours orchard at the age of 9". For some reason the adjudicating officer paid no attention to it.

Did you mention the time, date and place of the offense? Did you include any certified documents reporting the incident? Or, did you include any additional documents that you would like USCIS to take into consideration regarding this incident?

Anyway, I was thinking of writing 'speeding'. That's really the only thing I can think of that I did and is not a crime/offense, really.

Is that a good answer?

Don't even bother. They are not referring to traffic violations in this question. The correct answer in your situation is "NO".
Its amazing how much thinking we do to read and reread USCIS forms. If only we had done that for answering school and college exams ..
I agree with T.R.C. - the question is asked solely to allow USCIS to come back and kick you out of the country if they find out you lied to obtain an immigration benefit.
Have you ever committed a crime or offense for which you were not arrested?

WTF kinda question is this? If was never arrested or cited, I NEVER DID IT, right?

Someone who has already filed, please let me know what to say here, yes or no?

It's your chance to confess and to suffer consequences. :D
"Castro was convicted of lying twice on his naturalization application. He answered "no" when asked if he had ever knowingly committed any crime for which he had not been arrested, when in fact he was known to assault his wife. He also lied when he answered "no" to never having given false testimony for the purpose of obtaining any immigration benefit."

How exactly was he "known" to assault his wife? The only way I can think of is that his wife reported him to the police, but subsequently refused to press charges. Any other ideas?
I have been trying to find the case online unsuccessfully. If anyone can find it I'd also like to know exactly what went on in the trial and what was the abuse. I think the press release was carefully crafted to mislead and be sensationalist. It is particularly outrageous when they add the line about national security. What national security purpose is served by prosecuting this guy? I think it is sad that the government is acting this way. It seems to me that in layman words what they say is that there was some domestic violence and he failed to report this in the form. For me it doesn't seem such a big deal, I mean not to the point of denaturalizing someone. It's annoying to see this rising immigrant-hunt. Long are gone the president's speeches defending the contributions of immigrants to this society.

It used to be that permanent residents could breathe easy when they obtained that status. 1996 made sure that they couldn't breathe easy anymore. It used to be that naturalization would allow you to breathe easy. It seems with flimsy cases like this, it is not the case anymore. I would think that taxpayer's money would serve a better purpose if they fixed USCIS instead of spending money in prosecuting these stupid cases.

My 2 cents.