Have you ever committed a crime or offense for which you were not arrested?

I have been trying to find the case online unsuccessfully. If anyone can find it I'd also like to know exactly what went on in the trial and what was the abuse. I think the press release was carefully crafted to mislead and be sensationalist. It is particularly outrageous when they add the line about national security. What national security purpose is served by prosecuting this guy? I think it is sad that the government is acting this way. It seems to me that in layman words what they say is that there was some domestic violence and he failed to report this in the form. For me it doesn't seem such a big deal, I mean not to the point of denaturalizing someone. It's annoying to see this rising immigrant-hunt. Long are gone the president's speeches defending the contributions of immigrants to this society.

It used to be that permanent residents could breathe easy when they obtained that status. 1996 made sure that they couldn't breathe easy anymore. It used to be that naturalization would allow you to breathe easy. It seems with flimsy cases like this, it is not the case anymore. I would think that taxpayer's money would serve a better purpose if they fixed USCIS instead of spending money in prosecuting these stupid cases.

My 2 cents.

http://www.leagle.com/decision/20061145481FSupp2d664_11086/U.S. v. CASTRO-VASQUEZ

The guy had serious issues. The arrest/abuse part was just an additional issue. He had lied on his initial petition that he was unmarried while he actually was married with four kids. Basically the abuse part was just typical prosecutor throwing the kitchen sink at you. He would still have been deported on the other material lies he told without the abuse being factored in.