H1 Visa stamping experience- Canada

Is it important to have the Tax documents of the employer ? I have an appointment for 30Nov in ottawa. I have rest of the documents but I was wondering if it is necessary to carry Tax documents of the employer. My friend gave me a list of documents which I don't think are necessary .. Heres the list -
1. certificate of organization
2. application for employer identification number
3. employer's quarterly federal tax return
4. employer quarterly report (online report)
5. employers contribution and payroll report
6. tax return ( for the last few years)
Two questions:

1- All those who have shared their experience of revalidation of H1/H4, could you please tell me if you have to be a canadian PR to apply for US visa in Canada? or any one can apply for revalidation at any posts Canada/Mexico? meaning not necessarily be a PR of that country.

2. Can you get visa for canada even though your US visa is alreadyexpired? If you tell the consulate that you are going there to revalidation of US visa. How do you enter Canada otherwise?

Got H1/H4 visa stamping w/o original I-797 in Ottawa,Canada

Guys, I learnt a lot from this forum and now it’s time to pay back. I would like to sincerely thanks to Ela6 and Kosu for answering my questions.

We did our H1 & H4 (wife and 2 kids) visa stamping successfully in Ottawa, Canada. After I got visa appointment, I realized I couldn’t find my original H1B and my wife’s H4 approval. As per my Attorney’s guidance, I immediately called Ottawa consulate and explained the situation and asked them if they can accept attorney certified copy of I-797. Surprisingly, they agreed and put a note on my record that I called prior to the visa interview and allowed with certified copy. (I must mention, Ottawa consulate folks are very co-operative and friendly)

At Canada POE:
Booth officer: Where are you coming from?
Me: NJ.
BO: Any food and alcohol?
Me: No.
BO: How long will you stay in Canada and how much cash you have?
Me: Five days. (I gave her cash figure)
BO: Okay, park your car and meet immigration officer at window#1

We parked our car at near by building and approached lady officer at window#1.

IO: How may I help you?
Me: We are landing in Canada as a PR. (gave her all papers)
IO: Are you immigrating permanently?
Me: No
IO: So when will you immigrate permanently?
Me: After 4 months.
IO: Okay, let me take your pictures and complete paper work. (She took our pictures and asked us to sign forms)
IO: We’ll issue PR card after you plan to immigrant here permanently. Till than you can use IMM-5292 paper for re-entry in Canada.
Me: So you won’t mail PR card on the address we are going to stay in Canada?
IO: How can we send PR card when you don’t have a permanent address?
Me: I am going to stay in my cousin’s home and I can give you his address.
IO: No sir, we can only send on your home address in Canada.
Me: Okay.
(I thought no need to argue with this Lady Officer. Ladies are always tough to handle J We completed other custom formalities and headed to Ottawa.

We stayed in Ottawa Marriot, which is 0.8 miles from US consulate. My appointment was at 9:30am but stood in line at 9am. After waited for about 45 minutes in security checking we were told to pay visa fee at window #7. Here you just have to pay visa fee and give passports, DS-156 and DS-157 and I-797.

Cashier: (Looking at my originals) Sir, we need your and your wife’s original I-797.
Me: Sir, we allowed for visa interview with attorney certified I-797.
Cashier: (He entered my reference number in computer) Oh okay. Please wait in the hall and your name will be called.

There were around 70/80 candidates waiting for their turn. I noticed everyone was tensed. There are two windows for interview and two windows for check-in. After you pay fees, all your docs goes to check-in window where they scan DS-156 forms and download all details from the form. At this stage they trace your history and finally it goes to Visa officer’s window with appropriate remarks etc for final decision.

I waited about two hours and finally my name was called at about 11:50am. Thank God this time a male officer called my name and asked us to come to window #2. I noticed he was very polite and friendly.

Me: Good morning.
VO: Good morning. How are you?
Me: I am fine. How about you, Sir?
VO: I am good. Let me take your fingerprint first. (He scanned our left and right hand index finger)
VO: You don’t have original I-797?
Me: (I explained him that I lost it and Ottawa consulate have allowed me with Attorney certified copy)
VO: Okay, this is fine. So how long have you been in US?
Me: X years X months.
VO: How long with present employer?
Me: X years and X months.
VO: Can I see your employer letter?
Me: Sure. (I gave him employer letter and proof of pending LC)
VO: While I complete other work please tell me about your company business.
Me: Blah, blah. (He was hardly listening. I noticed he was pulling out old I-94 card from our passports and canceling old visas. He pasted stickers on passport. At this time I knew he is approving our visas)
VO: You are all set! Your family has not visited India since they are in US? (Looking at my wife with smile) Now when are you planning to visit India?
My wife: On X’mas if everything is okay.
VO: Great, have a great trip! We’re approving your visa. (He returned all I-797 and gave us red stickers. Asked me to collect passports next day at 3pm)
Me: Thank you Sir! Do we have to pay visa issuance fee? (I wanted to confirm because other folks in this forum have Canada PR and paid visa fee)
VO: Nope, you have Canada PR. Hold on. Let me see your PR card.
Me: I showed him IMM-5292 forms.
VO: No, you don’t have to pay visa issuance fee. You’re Canada PR.
ME: Thank you and have a great day!

Here I noticed everyone was given visa including folks from xxx countries w/o security check. Next day at 3pm we received our passports and headed to USA. At US POE, we had hard time convincing the border officer. He was performing his duty and not accepting our attorney certified copy but I showed him other proofs of my legal status. Finally he printed out my history starting from 99-05 and went to meet his supervisor. He came back in 5 min and told me that his Boss has approved my case and will let us in with new I-94 card. Thank God we made it!

Guys, be confident and honest. If your case is legal then don’t be discouraged. I would have not made out at US POE when BO denied at the first glance. I didn’t leave window and kept showing other proofs of my legal status. Finally he was convinced. If you keep your history clean in US, then I’m sure you will have no problem in visa stamping. Good luck to everyone!!
hi wpc,
thanks for sharing your experience. this would definately help folks seeking visa stamping. is your company in consulting business ? how much you paid in ottawa marriot ?
What's the contact number?

Hi wpc
Congratulations !!! thank a lot for sharing your stamping experience.

By the way, what is the contact telephone number for the Ottawa?


wpc said:
Guys, I learnt a lot from this forum and now it’s time to pay back. I would like to sincerely thanks to Ela6 and Kosu for answering my questions.

We did our H1 & H4 (wife and 2 kids) visa stamping successfully in Ottawa, Canada. After I got visa appointment, I realized I couldn’t find my original H1B and my wife’s H4 approval. As per my Attorney’s guidance, I immediately called Ottawa consulate and explained the situation and asked them if they can accept attorney certified copy of I-797. Surprisingly, they agreed and put a note on my record that I called prior to the visa interview and allowed with certified copy. (I must mention, Ottawa consulate folks are very co-operative and friendly)

At Canada POE:
Booth officer: Where are you coming from?
Me: NJ.
BO: Any food and alcohol?
Me: No.
BO: How long will you stay in Canada and how much cash you have?
Me: Five days. (I gave her cash figure)
BO: Okay, park your car and meet immigration officer at window#1

We parked our car at near by building and approached lady officer at window#1.

IO: How may I help you?
Me: We are landing in Canada as a PR. (gave her all papers)
IO: Are you immigrating permanently?
Me: No
IO: So when will you immigrate permanently?
Me: After 4 months.
IO: Okay, let me take your pictures and complete paper work. (She took our pictures and asked us to sign forms)
IO: We’ll issue PR card after you plan to immigrant here permanently. Till than you can use IMM-5292 paper for re-entry in Canada.
Me: So you won’t mail PR card on the address we are going to stay in Canada?
IO: How can we send PR card when you don’t have a permanent address?
Me: I am going to stay in my cousin’s home and I can give you his address.
IO: No sir, we can only send on your home address in Canada.
Me: Okay.
(I thought no need to argue with this Lady Officer. Ladies are always tough to handle J We completed other custom formalities and headed to Ottawa.

We stayed in Ottawa Marriot, which is 0.8 miles from US consulate. My appointment was at 9:30am but stood in line at 9am. After waited for about 45 minutes in security checking we were told to pay visa fee at window #7. Here you just have to pay visa fee and give passports, DS-156 and DS-157 and I-797.

Cashier: (Looking at my originals) Sir, we need your and your wife’s original I-797.
Me: Sir, we allowed for visa interview with attorney certified I-797.
Cashier: (He entered my reference number in computer) Oh okay. Please wait in the hall and your name will be called.

There were around 70/80 candidates waiting for their turn. I noticed everyone was tensed. There are two windows for interview and two windows for check-in. After you pay fees, all your docs goes to check-in window where they scan DS-156 forms and download all details from the form. At this stage they trace your history and finally it goes to Visa officer’s window with appropriate remarks etc for final decision.

I waited about two hours and finally my name was called at about 11:50am. Thank God this time a male officer called my name and asked us to come to window #2. I noticed he was very polite and friendly.

Me: Good morning.
VO: Good morning. How are you?
Me: I am fine. How about you, Sir?
VO: I am good. Let me take your fingerprint first. (He scanned our left and right hand index finger)
VO: You don’t have original I-797?
Me: (I explained him that I lost it and Ottawa consulate have allowed me with Attorney certified copy)
VO: Okay, this is fine. So how long have you been in US?
Me: X years X months.
VO: How long with present employer?
Me: X years and X months.
VO: Can I see your employer letter?
Me: Sure. (I gave him employer letter and proof of pending LC)
VO: While I complete other work please tell me about your company business.
Me: Blah, blah. (He was hardly listening. I noticed he was pulling out old I-94 card from our passports and canceling old visas. He pasted stickers on passport. At this time I knew he is approving our visas)
VO: You are all set! Your family has not visited India since they are in US? (Looking at my wife with smile) Now when are you planning to visit India?
My wife: On X’mas if everything is okay.
VO: Great, have a great trip! We’re approving your visa. (He returned all I-797 and gave us red stickers. Asked me to collect passports next day at 3pm)
Me: Thank you Sir! Do we have to pay visa issuance fee? (I wanted to confirm because other folks in this forum have Canada PR and paid visa fee)
VO: Nope, you have Canada PR. Hold on. Let me see your PR card.
Me: I showed him IMM-5292 forms.
VO: No, you don’t have to pay visa issuance fee. You’re Canada PR.
ME: Thank you and have a great day!

Here I noticed everyone was given visa including folks from xxx countries w/o security check. Next day at 3pm we received our passports and headed to USA. At US POE, we had hard time convincing the border officer. He was performing his duty and not accepting our attorney certified copy but I showed him other proofs of my legal status. Finally he printed out my history starting from 99-05 and went to meet his supervisor. He came back in 5 min and told me that his Boss has approved my case and will let us in with new I-94 card. Thank God we made it!

Guys, be confident and honest. If your case is legal then don’t be discouraged. I would have not made out at US POE when BO denied at the first glance. I didn’t leave window and kept showing other proofs of my legal status. Finally he was convinced. If you keep your history clean in US, then I’m sure you will have no problem in visa stamping. Good luck to everyone!!
Please Advice - Toronto Jan 2006


I have a appointment in Toronto in Jan 2006.

Please advice on ..

1. Can I take a flight [Round Trip] from NY to Toronto. Or is it better to go by road.

2. Please suggest a hotel which is nearest to the US Consulate.

Kindly advice.
Thanking you in advance.

Ottawa contact number is 1-888-840-0032. You will be asked to provide your credit card number. It will cost you $2 per minute.

No my comp is not in a consulting business. I paid $149/night + $17 parking + $11 internet. There are many hotels available near by US consulate in Ottawa. Try Days Inn, Quality Hotel, Courtyard Marriot which are just a 2-5 min walking distance from consulate office.
Ottawa experience

Thanks everyone for all your help. I had my interview on 16th Nov. I took flight from Newark to Ottawa on 15th Night. Had booked Travelodge hotel in a package deal from Expedia. Stayed in hotel on 15th, 16th, and 17th. Total cost-$500.

Took a cab in the morning. My interview was at 9am. I was in the line outside at 8:30. First paud the fees. The lady took my passport, DS156, 157 and USD100 (cash). Then I waited for the interview. Ther were 3 windows. Guy on window one was asking many questions. Guy on wondow 2 was okay. The lady in window 3 was the best. And luckily I got my name called by the lady.

Lady: So how long have you been with this company?
Me: XX months
Lady: Did you do you OPT also?
Me: Yes Madam
Lady: Can I see employment letter?
Me: Handed the letter.
Lady: Give me the papers your company submitted along with your application.
Me: Submitted her the whole package I got from lawyer including LCA, employment letter.
Lady: Pay 50 dollars fees (Only for Indians and some other nationalities) and come back to me with reciept.
I was relieved as this means that visa is being issued. I paid the fees at the same counter. You dont have to stand in the line again. Just go to counter directly and pay the fees. I got back to the same lady and gave her the recipt. She gave me a recipt for collecting the passport next day at 3pm. I got there next day and got my visa at 3pm sharp.

Just like everyone has said, its very easy guys. Just have all you papers ready. There is a list in previous post but I have copied it again here.

1. App SubBunch (You could use Gemclip for each of these sub bunches)
a. Your DS156 App (filled online) with your photograph affixed
b. Your DS157 App (filled by hand)
c. Your Original I797 approval notice
d. $100 US Currency bill
e. All of the above kept inside your passport
2. App SubBunch (for Spouse)
a. DS156 App (filled online) with spouse photograph affixed
b. Original I797 approval notice if one available for H4. Otherwise, Copy of Primary Applicant's I797 approval notice.
c. $100 US currency bill
d. all of the above kept inside your spouse's passport.

<< Add More of #2 for each dependent >>

3. Company Letter Sub Bunch
a. Company Letter introducing you and family and work description, salary details etc.
b. Verification of Employment stating start date, salary, year to date earnings, title etc.
4. Copy of the I-129 H1 Submission packet including Labor Condition Application etc.
5. Copy of all pay stubs for the year 2005
6. Copy of all years' W2 and first two pages of the 1040 tax filing
7. Copies of most recent bank statements
8. Copy of Marriage Certificate and birth certificates for all.
9. Employment Authorization Card (EAD Card) -- you get this if you have a Masters degree / Phd from the US and if you have opted for OPT (Optional Practical Training) after your MS.

Vault Package:
1. The Original Copy of the I129 packet you got from your lawyer
2. Complete tax filings and W2 for all years
3. Degree Certificate and Transcripts - including your dependents
4. Social Security Cards
5. Original Marriage Certificate and Birth Certificates for all.
6. Marriage Invitations and some photographs
7. Your company badge for identification.
8. Green card receipt from the state (all GC related documentation).

For Canada visa you just need application and your appointment letter alongwith paystubs and bank statement.

Best of luck to all. :) :)
Going to Toronto consulate on 23rd.. question

Hello All,
I am going to toronto consulate on 23rd. My email is aat0995nocreditcardREMOVEMEEE@yahoo.com. My parents are on L1 and I was wondering if that will have an effect on my getting H1b stamped in canada? My masters was in US and I am working since qutie some time..
aat0995 said:
Hello All,
I am going to toronto consulate on 23rd. My email is aat0995nocreditcardREMOVEMEEE@yahoo.com. My parents are on L1 and I was wondering if that will have an effect on my getting H1b stamped in canada? My masters was in US and I am working since qutie some time..
As far as I know there should be no impact on your H1 due to your parents' L1.
Multiple entry H1B

Hi all,

I am holding the Chinese passport and Canada Green Card, now I am working in US with H1-B, but I can not travel back to Asia due to the visa was twice entry and was expired already, could anybody tell me whether I can apply H1-B visa US consulate in Vancuvour and how to apply?

H1-B Stamping - OTTAWA


I am planning to go to Ottawa for the visa stamping.

My I-797 approval is till Dec-2007 and my passport is valid till Jan-2008.

It seems the passport must be valid for atleast 06 months past your intended stay in the US (i.e Dec'07).

Is that a real issue? Please suggest.

No. The passport should be valid for 6 months from the date of your visa interview/issue date.
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H1 stamping in Toronto..221(g) rejection..Please help

Hi All,

I am writing this to get some urgent help..I recently went for my H1 stamping (renewal) at toronto consulate. I had done all preparation of paperwork LCA, petition, original approval..etc. To my surprise I was given a 221(g) and asked to apply in the country of citizenship which is India for me. Reason was that on one of my W2 the number did not match with one in petiion. I am stuck now as I am not getting any early appointment in India.

Please , if anyone else has gone through something similar please help..

hsm74 said:
Hi All,

I am writing this to get some urgent help..I recently went for my H1 stamping (renewal) at toronto consulate. I had done all preparation of paperwork LCA, petition, original approval..etc. To my surprise I was given a 221(g) and asked to apply in the country of citizenship which is India for me. Reason was that on one of my W2 the number did not match with one in petiion. I am stuck now as I am not getting any early appointment in India.

Please , if anyone else has gone through something similar please help..

Was this your first visa interview in Canada? If not, did you get your H1 visa stamped for the first time in India? I don't think number mismatch would be a problem, as long as you have the other documents in place, like your tax returns, pay stubs, employment verification letter etc. And, based on your SSN, they can easily get all the relevant information they need. Did the Consul officer specifically tell you that the "Number Mismatch" was the reason of rejection?
They usually deny the visa and ask you to go back to your home country only if you have never had atleast one visa stamping in your home country. As best as I know, there is no other alternative for you now but to go to India for stamping and if that number mismatch is indeed the problem, you need to have it resolved by contacting your employer/immigration lawyer.
Also, you should be able to get an early appointment in New Delhi Consulate in India. At the time of booking the appointment on the vfs website, choose the non-resident indian option and then pickup the New Delhi consulate as your choice for interview. Hopefully, you should be able to get an earlier appointment at New Delhi than at any other consulate in India. Best of Luck.
Don't worry what number do you mean on the petition.Is it the salary figure on the w2 and lca which is different.Is it your current w2 and petition or any w2 previous one.

hsm74 said:
Hi All,

I am writing this to get some urgent help..I recently went for my H1 stamping (renewal) at toronto consulate. I had done all preparation of paperwork LCA, petition, original approval..etc. To my surprise I was given a 221(g) and asked to apply in the country of citizenship which is India for me. Reason was that on one of my W2 the number did not match with one in petiion. I am stuck now as I am not getting any early appointment in India.

Please , if anyone else has gone through something similar please help..

hsm74 said:
Hi All,

I am writing this to get some urgent help..I recently went for my H1 stamping (renewal) at toronto consulate. I had done all preparation of paperwork LCA, petition, original approval..etc. To my surprise I was given a 221(g) and asked to apply in the country of citizenship which is India for me. Reason was that on one of my W2 the number did not match with one in petiion. I am stuck now as I am not getting any early appointment in India.

Please , if anyone else has gone through something similar please help..


Hi ..

Don’t get worried - u can actually call the VFS or visit them on
https://www.vfs-usa.co.in/Home.aspx and get an Emergency appointment. That way you need
not wait for long in India.

Did you have a US education as I am sure based on W2 numbers they cannot reject ur H1 papers.
So did you come back to US or had to travel to India from Canada ?

Wishing you the very best from all us - Pl keep us posted.

But yes, I have heard lots of rejections lately from Toronto. :-(

H-1 stamping

Hi GCOnly,

When you said quote; "They usually deny the visa and ask you to go back to your home country only if you have never had atleast one visa stamping in your home country." Did you mean atleast one H-1 visa stamping on your passport or can also be a F-1 stamping.

Thing is that I have a F-1 visa stamp in my passport; which expired way back in Dec. 2000. I was on I-20 (F-1) till Nov. 2002; at which point, I switched to H-1 visa. I am currently in H-1 visa; but I do not have a stamp. Would it be OK to go to the Canadian or Mexican consulates for stamping?
gcfriend75 said:
Hi GCOnly,

When you said quote; "They usually deny the visa and ask you to go back to your home country only if you have never had atleast one visa stamping in your home country." Did you mean atleast one H-1 visa stamping on your passport or can also be a F-1 stamping.

Thing is that I have a F-1 visa stamp in my passport; which expired way back in Dec. 2000. I was on I-20 (F-1) till Nov. 2002; at which point, I switched to H-1 visa. I am currently in H-1 visa; but I do not have a stamp. Would it be OK to go to the Canadian or Mexican consulates for stamping?
Hi gcfriend75,
My quote was based on what I read on the canadian immigration website. I would advise you to visit that website and read the detailed instructions for people visiting Canada for stamping/renewing their US visas.
My personal opinioin is that as long as you have documentation to prove that you have maintained your appropriate status both during your F1 and H1, you should have no problems getting a visa, since you did get your F1 visa stamping in India. Also, since this will be your first H1 stamping and you have previously been on F1 status, your case might probably be more thoroughly scrutinized.
GCOnly said:
Hi gcfriend75,
My quote was based on what I read on the canadian immigration website. I would advise you to visit that website and read the detailed instructions for people visiting Canada for stamping/renewing their US visas.
My personal opinioin is that as long as you have documentation to prove that you have maintained your appropriate status both during your F1 and H1, you should have no problems getting a visa, since you did get your F1 visa stamping in India. Also, since this will be your first H1 stamping and you have previously been on F1 status, your case might probably be more thoroughly scrutinized.
Hi GCOnly;

When you say 'thoroughly scrutized'; what sort of checks will I go through?