> Guys, let us stop this discussion. : ??? Why ?

Because s/he can! because s/he is perhaps a Stakhnovite!

I guess s/he felt that we are engaging in unproductive idle talk when we should be all working our asses off in providing serious counsel and opinions on I-485s. Boy; am I glad ar888 is not in a position any more responsible than that of the moderator of this forum. Some of us cannot rise above our third world mind-sets.

Good-luck with your I-485, ar888, and hopefully, in a few years, after you get your rights in this country, you will realize your folly.

P.S.: And of-course, it would not surprise me at all to see this thread locked up as well, or better still, completely deleted so it can be erased from the record altogether.
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Trying to stop a good and interesting thread is not nice.
You will loose good and active users.

How dare you, sankrit and others? Consider this thread closed too! and now that arwhoever has reached his/her threshold, maybe we can finally go home?

talk about authoritarianism! btw, thanks arwhoever, you just made my day, and many others', too...
Guys, stop attacking me. Couple of members have reported that the thread does not make any sense. Closing one particular thread makes this kind of attention, interesting!!!

Sankrityayan, I have no time, like you have, debating. I've already mentioned in one other thread that, there a forum called 'Any topic', and you can post the threads you like.

If you guys really think that, that thread really helps you in getting your questions answered, getting your AOS approved in Nebraska Service Center, I'll reopen it.

P.S.: Your P.S. shows what kind of person you are, not me.
The moderator is just right in closing some threads. Some of them are using this forum for show-off and making fun of others. We now even see words like reservations, politics etc...which has nothing to do with immigration.
Originally posted by ar888
Guys, stop attacking me. Couple of members have reported that the thread does not make any sense. Closing one particular thread makes this kind of attention, interesting!!!

Sankrityayan, I have no time, like you have, debating. I've already mentioned in one other thread that, there a forum called 'Any topic', and you can post the threads you like.

If you guys really think that, that thread really helps you in getting your questions answered, getting your AOS approved in Nebraska Service Center, I'll reopen it.

P.S.: Your P.S. shows what kind of person you are, not me.

The couple of members that do not want to look at it need not look at it. They know what is in the thread and its name. In case you have missed, the thread has generated more interest than any other in recent memory, which should tell you, as the moderator, that a lot more people appreciated it in stark contrast to the few that are bellyaching about it even though they very well have the option of not reopening it after an initial cursory view.

In case you have not noticed, there are off-topic threads in all the forums on these boards, including some that talk about pmp certifications, ones that deal with transit visas, flight tickets, and whatever else people can think up. If it is the policy of these boards to start closing threads that do not directly relate to I-485s, the least you can do is ensure consistency.

If you do not have time to debate, dont. The topic is open for those that have views on the subject and time to express them. Or maybe you do not like people to articulate their views because you do not have time to do the same.

P.S. Moderators are supposed to moderate, not rule the forums with an iron fist by closing them at the slightest provocation.
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Originally posted by gcard2002
The moderator is just right in closing some threads. Some of them are using this forum for show-off and making fun of others. We now even see words like reservations, politics etc...which has nothing to do with immigration.

After seeing your post, I went back and reviewed the contents of the thread again. I did not find anybody making fun of anything. If you are paranoid and touchy, you are apt to see things that do not exist.

Even if a post was making fun of something or somebody, you should either learn to ignore it or come up with a repartee if you can. Your actions remind me of whiners in grade school that always run to the teacher to complain at the merest excuse to cover up their own inadequacies.

Oh, I almost missed that part about people showing-off. Have you been appointed by somebody as the show-off police or something? These are public boards and different people have different motivations. If some derive pleasure from the prospect of exhibiting their talent (or the lack of it) and gain the appreciation (or risk the derision) of unseen others here, so be it. Why are you burning up with envy at such harmless idiosyncrasies?

Good-luck with whatever it is that you seek; With such attitudes, you are going to need it badly.
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mes deux centimes...


Sankrityayan, I have no time, like you have, debating.

first off, your comments to sankrityayan verge on the personal, and were certainly unwarranted. whether or not you have the time to debate does not interest us in the slightest. nor should you presume anything on somebody else's behalf.

if you are at all amenable to some advice, then it should take a lot more than one or two people asking you to close a thread before you actually rush in to comply.

equally, a couple of off-topic threads should not raise your hackles either. for individuals like me, who have been frequenting these forums for well nigh two years now - and, i daresay, contributing in our own small ways to it - just restricting ourselves to i485 issues with no digression whatsoever makes scant sense. we will also trade quips, jabs, an insult every once in a while, and other ancillary experiences. that is what makes these boards the rich source of not just immigration-related information, but also, after a fashion, support groups. and one will be hard pressed to find someone willing to meander to another thread, called "any topic", every now and then.

if you are of a mind to pound a beat like a village cop to keep us on the strait and narrow, then good luck.


... Some of them are using this forum for show-off ...

all ye cognoscenti: do not use this forum for show-off... do not use it for time-pass either! ;)
This is very interesting!! When compared to Vermont forum, this forum has always been very low key, its members staying away from off-topic discussions most of the time. Needless to say that helped it remain clean but at the same time very boring. The thread in discussion was, as far as I remember, the first off-topic(though not entirely) thread that invoked such a huge enthusiasm and honest responses from many members. I had thoroughly enjoyed all the posts and the idea, as I thought it really made some people think hard and probably made some wonder whether what we are going through is really worth it. It was a very clean thread with a genuine question. I have seen(and made the mistake of opening and reading) a few threads on other boards containing despeakable language and personal remarks. Most of these threads were allowed to grow bigger than the thread in question. I dont really have anything against these posters or the moderators who allowed them to post such things as they never troubled me, because I never bothered to read them(except on those few unfortunate occasions).

Anyway, the point is if somebody doesn't like something they are not forced to read it. Reading them and complaining to the moderators, especially on this occasion when there was nothing obscene or trash, makes no sense at all. And the moderators acting on those silly complaints.....what can I say!!!

May be Bill O'reilly can use it for his 'Most ridiculous item of the day'

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What Thread ??

Now I am so much curious to know about that Thread ? What Thread it was??
> AR888...you want start this thread now???????

and could you please open 'Something Constructive' too.

And while you are at it, might as well open up Patel Motel.
Bindaas, it was : If your home country was as rich, would you still want to immigrate? please vote!

Sorry, should have included that when this therad started.
off topics

question/topics in this forum are very repetitious; While all of them are valid topics, it just doesn￾ft interest me all that much anymore; Off-topics seems to be of more interest to me off-late since it takes my mind off i-485 related issues;
Re: mes deux centimes...

Originally posted by Pork Chop
first off, your comments to sankrityayan verge on the personal, and were certainly unwarranted.

I apologize for my comment, as you said it is unwarranted. But don't you think this is personal? 'Boy; am I glad ar888 is not in a position any more responsible than that of the moderator of this forum. Some of us cannot rise above our third world mind-sets.'

I've always tried not involving in debates, whoever made me getting in to this debate, did a pretty good job. This is my last post on this issue and opening the other thread.
thanks ar888, and sorry for calling you whoever. i'm not used to playing rough, and that's the truth, and so opt out of most confrontational issues as i stand aloof in my parallel universe. i haven't posted anything in the 'other' thread, but garnered quite a bit of tidbits and ideas, thoughts, and outright angst from the immigrant community (shall i call it the "community in exile," since, i admit, this is how i feel myself at all times). with the said thread closed, it felt like there's no point speaking out speakables and despeakables (despicables (?), thanks, cmr).

after all, i'll be the first to agree that while i come here to meet and learn immigration issues from the 'exilees', i do more so because with every exchange of quality information, i feel that my life gets enriched, even infinitesimally. and that, my friend, could be the sole point of any discussion, even existence. and gcard, it's better to get infested by new ideas from a million show-offers than to indulge in your self-chosen gloom.

good to see the thread opening up. i was beginning to start thinking about renouncing the forum; at least, i don't require to desist in my offbeat posts anymore.
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Re: Re: mes deux centimes...

Originally posted by ar888
I apologize for my comment, as you said it is unwarranted. But don't you think this is personal? 'Boy; am I glad ar888 is not in a position any more responsible than that of the moderator of this forum. Some of us cannot rise above our third world mind-sets.'

I've always tried not involving in debates, whoever made me getting in to this debate, did a pretty good job. This is my last post on this issue and opening the other thread.

I apologize for my comment too, but it should have been obvious to you that my remark was referring to a situation where you have closed three threads in the span of a couple of weeks. That is a significant departure from the way these forums have been moderated before. You have power over the content of these boards, we dont, and therefore when your actions appear to lack balance, I believe ordinary posters have the latitude to question your actions in the interest of not allowing a few narrow-minded members to control the dialogue through you.

For example, it did not seem to matter much to anybody here that the "Patel Motel" thread was closed. However the latter two closings seemed to have been instigated by a poster, maybe seconded by another. When you take sides like that, you are bound to give the impression of being autocratic, which is the antithesis of public forums. In my time, I have frequented a lot of forums on the internet that had an abundance of trash talk and not once have I come across a thread that has been locked up by the moderator. I am sure there are some closings that I may not have come across but it just seems to go against the grain of human development.
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