> Guys, let us stop this discussion. : ??? Why ?


You are still not getting the point expressed by several members here. This is not a place for entertainment or time pass. We already got distracted now. Everyday we check our emails, mostly hotmail and yahoo and we all get irritated to see SPAM mail, knowing very well that those advertisers have every right to send those emails to us under one act or other in the constitution. We also know that if we had the tools to block them, we would do it rightaway, not caring for those commercial guys. So, why should it be any different here. Just because we have access to this forum doesn't mean that we can fill it with unwanted threads. Considering that there are so many contraversial topics in this world, it won't take more than 48 hrs. to fill this forum with all kinds of non-immigration messages. Then we might need a search engine like google to look for case specific topics. So, why should you encourage something which you will not have any control over later. You just want some entertainment until your I-485 is approved and you will leave this forum for good. What about the new members coming after us looking for answers to their cases.

Anyway, just curious about one thing. Since you sit on this forum all day, what prevents you from opening another browser and go for other websites where you can find forums covering other subjects? That way, you will be entertained while letting other memebers of this forum to look for the much needed answers.
gcguard2002..its really amusing that a mere innocent discussion has created so much anger in you or is it simply cuz we love to sit in opposition ......for a cent you can get people to say against anyone..great!!!!
Re: Sankrityaya

Originally posted by gcard2002
You are still not getting the point expressed by several members here.

I guess not.

Originally posted by gcard2002
This is not a place for entertainment or time pass. We already got distracted now.

Is that right? I think you have missed a few posts, or maybe have acquired a talent for taking in only what suits you and selectively repeating it for your own benefit, like Joseph Goebbels used to do (I can almost feel the show-off police's wrath).

Originally posted by gcard2002
Everyday we check our emails, mostly hotmail and yahoo and we all get irritated to see SPAM mail, knowing very well that those advertisers have every right to send those emails to us under one act or other in the constitution. We also know that if we had the tools to block them, we would do it rightaway, not caring for those commercial guys. So, why should it be any different here. Just because we have access to this forum doesn't mean that we can fill it with unwanted threads. Considering that there are so many contraversial topics in this world, it won't take more than 48 hrs. to fill this forum with all kinds of non-immigration messages. Then we might need a search engine like google to look for case specific topics. So, why should you encourage something which you will not have any control over later. You just want some entertainment until your I-485 is approved and you will leave this forum for good.

Well, after opening a thread the first time and realizing that the contents are not useful to you, why do you open them again. For example, you have previously opened this thread and expressed your views. You know what is in it and clearly it has nothing to do with your pending I-485. Why did you feel compelled to open it again? Most of us learn to stay away from dogs that are nasty, especially if they have bitten us in the past, and I hope you learn this sooner rather than later.

Originally posted by gcard2002
What about the new members coming after us looking for answers to their cases.

So, after an unsuccesful attempt at filling the shoes of the moderator, you have appointed yourself the caretaker of future immigrants now; how lofty! Reminds me of politicians back home.

Originally posted by gcard2002
Anyway, just curious about one thing. Since you sit on this forum all day, what prevents you from opening another browser and go for other websites where you can find forums covering other subjects? That way, you will be entertained while letting other memebers of this forum to look for the much needed answers.

How do you know that I do not browse other forums? The reason that I hang around here is that despite the presence of some tiresome characters, I like to follow the posts of many members here. Over time I have acquired a special kinship with some that I have come to cherish and unlike your wholly materialistic forays here, I know they reciprocate and regard my visits and posts in the same manner.

Lastly, I seem to remember you starting a rather inane thread recently on what a particular INS web message means to your case. If you are as information focused as you claim, you would have first searched the archives and past postings for answers instead of merrily starting one more repetitive thread and in the process cluttering up the information on that issue.
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Atleast I am responding to messages meant for me, unlike you. You know that my messages are not meant for you. So I guess some guys work for free then.

or could it be possible that Sanskrit, Andy2002 and Prok Chop are one and the same guy.

:D :D :D
gcard - i quote my previous quote...

...it's better to get infested with new ideas by a million show-offers than to indulge in your (a generic "your") self-chosen gloom.

or, you might wish to philosophize on, for example, how narrow do we have to get in order to discuss JUST our 485 woes? what, really, constitutes off-topic?
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how sad gcard left me out of his microscopic picture...

may be "orca" and "gcard2002" are the same, just jekyll and hyde of an eternal visage of the immigrants?

may be we should all pay visits to http://www.jekyll-hyde.com/ ?
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How long have you been in this forum? May be you got some much into it that you forgot that with every new thread, old ones go far back to even search that easily. Anyway, one thing I am hopeful is that the thread I started about the strange INS message could be useful to atleast one person though I might have repeated the thread, but think about your blah blah.
Re: andy2000

Originally posted by gcard2002
Atleast I am responding to messages meant for me, unlike you. You know that my messages are not meant for you. So I guess some guys work for free then.

or could it be possible that Sanskrit, Andy2002 and Prok Chop are one and the same guy.

:D :D :D

Well, there you go again. You seem to be not only paranoid and delusional (refer to my earlier post), you have also begun to see conspiracies being hatched against you. You should feel happy about it though. Many schizophrenics have a streak of greatness in them.
I used to prowl these threads quite a bit (and sometimes provide my 2 cents worth of immigration related opinions/advice/experience) . The fun part was reading some of the non-immigration related issues posted here, and that kept me wanting to come back to this site.

I used to be amused by the fact that some took offense to non-immigration related posting. But now I am shocked that such postings are being banned on this site. Shame. I guess everyone is now bitten by the Ashcroft bug. Sigh.

It not said in vain that all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. The essential aspect of 'community building' is to particiapte in both work and fun related activites.

ar888, you may be a voluntary moderator, but definitely not one of us (as you say in your signature) :)
Ah the Utopian question : Who guards the Guardians?

Or.. who MAKES the Guardians? What does it take to become a "Volunteer Moderator"? I would have thought that the answer starts with "Well respected and very regular participant in the forum" instead of "yet-another-type-A-personality-who-thinks-he-can-control-everything".

Oh, screw it.... it is not worth my time
Just to put it on record I have enjoyed all decent off topic discussion on this forum. It is like having a good conversation with a fellow passenger while going to our destination and minding our own business. Keep it up guys.

When we all signed up to this message board, did we not agree to abide by the established rules? I believe we all did!!! - you had to to sign up.

Now, I happen to think that the thread in question was interesting. However, the cold hard fact remains that it was not in agreement with the rules of the board. It therefore stands to reason that the moderator not only had the right but the responsibility to apply those rules. Especially since there were those that complained that the thread was not relevant (and were well within their rights to do so).

If a single "Spam" thread is allowed, then all such threads should be allowed. The line has to be drawn somewhere and the best place is right at the original rules.

To put it another way - it is really enjoyable to roller-blade in a shopping mall but is up to the mall owner to allow it or disallow it since the mall belongs to him/her. If you don't like the rules, find another shopping mall. You can't agree to not rollerblade (to get inside) and then (once inside) protest that you can't roller blade. it is illogical and unreasonable.

Criticizing the moderator is like screaming at a police officer for giving you a ticket for breaking a law when it is obvious that you are breaking a law.
Just happened to see this, as it is at the top and searched for the other thread.

It seems this thread became more interesting than the other thread in question. Moderator opened the other thread and still you are criticising him???? Do you think it's fair. In my opinion, any off-topic can be allowed, if it is helping the other members here, like searching for information on transit visas. But just for closing (just closing, not deleting) a thread which already got 67 replies, people started criticising moderator with harsh words. Bechara, moderator was simply following the giudelines given to him. We should respect the admin and moderators for giving and managing this space to share the frustration and pain and, ofcourse, valuable immigration knowledge :) .

being a responsible member of the society (in this case this message board) it is not enough just to abide by the rules. we also question , challenge the rules and its implementation that we think are not fair and not in the right spirit of its member. that is what people are doing here. unlike shopping mall this is our message board and we have the right to voice our opinion.

my 2 cents
Shopping mall, very interesting analogy.

Not 100% compatible, but interesting anyway.

What you are suggesting is that the shopping mall security guard not to allow people to talk about anything other than purchasing related words?

"Hi, dude, long time no see, how's it going?"
"RED ALERT! RED ALERT! Put duct tape on that guy's mouth because he spoke non-purchasing words!!!"

How much fun do you think a mall like that would be? Social interaction promotes friendship and regularity, and those are necessary for the long term survival of any forum.

PS. if this is really ONLY I-485 talk, why do mod's allow all those congratulatory messages? They have far less to do with I-485 stuff than a discussion about "would you still apply for I-485, if life was better in your country of origin"

PPS. A suggested compromise. use OT: (off topic) or OOC: (out of character, i think this was the acronym in text based online games) as first characters of non 485 related posts. (SPAM is stupid IMHO, nobody finds SPAM interesting, but a lot of people--though not all--find OT: type stuff interesting)
Re: Agreement?

Originally posted by FunkyJunky
When we all signed up to this message board, did we not agree to abide by the established rules? I believe we all did!!! - you had to to sign up.

Now, I happen to think that the thread in question was interesting. However, the cold hard fact remains that it was not in agreement with the rules of the board. It therefore stands to reason that the moderator not only had the right but the responsibility to apply those rules. Especially since there were those that complained that the thread was not relevant (and were well within their rights to do so).

If a single "Spam" thread is allowed, then all such threads should be allowed. The line has to be drawn somewhere and the best place is right at the original rules.

To put it another way - it is really enjoyable to roller-blade in a shopping mall but is up to the mall owner to allow it or disallow it since the mall belongs to him/her. If you don't like the rules, find another shopping mall. You can't agree to not rollerblade (to get inside) and then (once inside) protest that you can't roller blade. it is illogical and unreasonable.

Criticizing the moderator is like screaming at a police officer for giving you a ticket for breaking a law when it is obvious that you are breaking a law.

Just for the sake of argument, let us assume that your analogy is valid. What if you know that said police officer has always allowed people to speed but has suddenly starting implementing 'rules' selectively at the instigation of a few drivers with questionable motives?

You did mention in your post that all spam threads should be closed if that is the rule by which we operate (I said the same in one of my previous posts). Do you believe that the moderator has been doing that? Just keep going down the list of threads and you will encounter countless threads that have nothing to do with I-485s at NSC. It is only in the last couple of weeks, and that too after gcard2002, because s/he thinks people are showing off (the real reason), complained about posts being off-topic (the ruse) that two threads were locked up in rapid succession.

I would hope that, in future, the moderator would spend some time reviewing the alleged errant posts including past activity of members for offensiveness and nastiness before taking the precipitous step of closing a thread.

P.S.: Not that any of you care but, I am out in a day long off-site (I managed to sneak out during a break - sad but true, I am addicted to these boards) and will probably not be back to check messages again today. I will likely be back for a look-see in the evening.