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getting jobs once in states

i came here 2 years ago and if I knew then what lay ahead -trust me i would never came at the first place - I just spend more money to get here and living very frugaly (no expensive outlets etc.) then I earned , money I earned here is just portion of all those expenses i had -I would need to work like this for another 2 years just to recover what i spend so far . I'm telling you if i have something to say to encourage those who are planing to come over I will say so but simply there is nothing good to say and good advice to give .New president is promising that he would create jobs ,give tax cuts etc. but the truth is all that sounds empty -he is counting on public works to prop up economy on the short term but its not gonna happen -trust me on that -I came from country where that concept was tried more than few times and it failed every time so evryone counting on Obama to fix this are very mislead -he maybe has good intention but system is gone never to recover +he is choosing same people to run the office who actualy contributet to all this mess
oh yeah about those adverts for USA ''jobs'' on the internet -you will see where you come over that about 90% of those adverts for jobs are just some sort of scam to get your money -this link you posted to the site which is notorious for fraud activity -monster job. and hotjobs etc sites also are all practicly a scam - here only fools are looking for a job on the internet -Thiefs only need your name and details to steal your identity and then order credit cards and stuff - avoid any kind of aplications for job on line or stuffing agencies adveritising on line -all that you reaD ABOUT GOOD JOB PROSPECTS ON LINE IS MOST LIKELY A SCAM CONSTRUCTED EITHER TO GET THE MONEY FROM YOU OR TO GET YOUR PERSONAL DATA SO THEY CAN THEN DE -FRAUD BANKS BY TAKING LOANS AND CREDIT CARDS ON YOUR NAME -THEY TARGET NEW IMMIGRANTS ESPECIALY -ANYBODY OFFERING ''IT'' JOBS NOW ON LINE IS JUST LYING TO YOU -there you have one good advice from me i guess-see the salary offered -its a laugh -like 150 000-300 000 dollars -yeah right!!! or 35 dollars per hour -sorry but already by that you can see its a scam .if you get lucky and you do get IT job by some strange twist of faith your salary would be around 30 000 - 40 000 dollars tops or as a project manager maybe you will fetch around 60 000 -those salary quotes from that site are just pure fantasy
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once in the states,,how fast can one acquire ajob,,any special stuff required?
thanx in advance

WAKS is right. And i support him.

Things may look bleak in general, but they are not as bad as it might seem in various areas. For instance, education and health care are recruiting.

There are a couple of IT jobs in Los Angeles at the moment - it might not be as vibrant as a while back, but there are jobs. I know, becoz i have taken calls by recruiters inquiring about my work situation and pushing jobs just in case i might be interested in switching jobs.

Where i work right now, i know that there is a position available (that hasnt yet been advertised !!!) for someone primarily skilled in Cisco network infrastructure.

So, the general outlook might be bleak, but there are jobs in places. But they may not be paying as well as they once used to. My advice would be to not just jump in blindfolded and expect things to work.
i came here 2 years ago and if I knew then what lay ahead -trust me i would never came at the first place - I just spend more money to get here and living very frugaly (no expensive outlets etc.) then I earned , money I earned here is just portion of all those expenses i had -I would need to work like this for another 2 years just to recover what i spend so far . I'm telling you if i have something to say to encourage those who are planing to come over I will say so but simply there is nothing good to say and good advice to give .New president is promising that he would create jobs ,give tax cuts etc. but the truth is all that sounds empty -he is counting on public works to prop up economy on the short term but its not gonna happen -trust me on that -I came from country where that concept was tried more than few times and it failed every time so evryone counting on Obama to fix this are very mislead -he maybe has good intention but system is gone never to recover +he is choosing same people to run the office who actualy contributet to all this mess

Please reflect and provide answers to the following questions!

what is your educational background ?
what trade are you into ?
how many years job experience do you have in your chosen trade ?
what expectations did you have prior to emigrating to America ?
How many attemps in your 2 years in the states have you made towards looking for your dream job ?

If it's not working for you, i bet you haven't lost the option of returning to your home country.As far as i'm aware, America is a pure capitalist country and for that matter you have to put in the effort in everything you do.But one will be living in a fools paradise to think that Rome was built in a day.You seem to have regretted a lot in your trip to America but i believe you also need to conduct a critical self check and do not discourage other people with your bitter experience.Currently, the country is going through a little bit of economic turmoil which i suppose is happening all over the world but that doesn't mean it's going to be like this forever.On the flip side,i know others who have been in the US for less than a year, put in the effort and happily earning a living.Let me give you a clue" Life is about connecting with people".If you find yourself a bit lost in the US, speak or get in touch with people who can show you the way and stop discouraging yourself and others.
Thanks and i hope you re-visit your outlook on life in the US..
-see the salary offered -its a laugh -like 150 000-300 000 dollars -yeah right!!! or 35 dollars per hour -sorry but already by that you can see its a scam .if you get lucky and you do get IT job by some strange twist of faith your salary would be around 30 000 - 40 000 dollars tops or as a project manager maybe you will fetch around 60 000 -those salary quotes from that site are just pure fantasy
Not true. All that depends on your qualification and experience. My has two offers (IT business) with a very good salary.
oh yeah about those adverts for USA ''jobs'' on the internet -you will see where you come over that about 90% of those adverts for jobs are just some sort of scam to get your money -this link you posted to the site which is notorious for fraud activity -monster job. and hotjobs etc sites also are all practicly a scam - here only fools are looking for a job on the internet -Thiefs only need your name and details to steal your identity and then order credit cards and stuff - avoid any kind of aplications for job on line or stuffing agencies adveritising on line -all that you reaD ABOUT GOOD JOB PROSPECTS ON LINE IS MOST LIKELY A SCAM CONSTRUCTED EITHER TO GET THE MONEY FROM YOU OR TO GET YOUR PERSONAL DATA SO THEY CAN THEN DE -FRAUD BANKS BY TAKING LOANS AND CREDIT CARDS ON YOUR NAME -THEY TARGET NEW IMMIGRANTS ESPECIALY -ANYBODY OFFERING ''IT'' JOBS NOW ON LINE IS JUST LYING TO YOU -there you have one good advice from me i guess-see the salary offered -its a laugh -like 150 000-300 000 dollars -yeah right!!! or 35 dollars per hour -sorry but already by that you can see its a scam .if you get lucky and you do get IT job by some strange twist of faith your salary would be around 30 000 - 40 000 dollars tops or as a project manager maybe you will fetch around 60 000 -those salary quotes from that site are just pure fantasy

Better stop branding jobsites like MONSTER a scam/fraud.The next thing you realise is that you are in the docks answering questions about LIBEL and that will even compund your so called bad experience in the US.I know a lot of immigrants who got jobs via monster and other jobsites .For you to brand them as fraudsters is sheer ignorance.The salaries you consider fantasy are real so renew your mind and start working diligently towards the "American Dream"
Unfortunately as much as some people don't want to hear the bad news, they are there so you can be prepare for it. So don't blame ppl if they sounded negative, everybody in the US are frustrated with the whole economy thing and you know it's not getting better anytime soon.

I've been in the US for almost 2 years in April, and I got laid off 6 months ago from a very good job working for top 15 company in the US. So if you want honest answer to your questions, expect 6-12 mths (or more) of full-on job hunting and this depending greatly on which states you are planning to stay.
Myself, took me 5 full months of job searching before I got another full time job.

Also I'm afraid the type of jobs that you are after will determine how fast you can get a job too. Finance, retails, design architecture, building/house developers, hotelier/hospitality are some of the dead jobs right now. Technology side also cutting people but depending on your skills, you may still be able to get a good job.

If you are not too picky in your first year in America, you will still be able to get some retail or restaurant work until you find your desire role, but expect to get paid minimum wage (differ by states) and some part timers dont get benefits (health insurance, vacation, sick leave), if you are single you will probably can get by, but this is especially tough if you have husband/wife and kids to feed.

I would say, save as much as money as you can. Try to look for jobs before you get here to have some kind of ideas (market and money wise). Be prepare to cold calling companies and directly hand out your resumes if you have to and get rejected at the same times. Your persistent will pay off but you just have to be patient at this point. My close friend got laid off from his 100K job. It has been 7 months, and he can't even get a job at Starbucks. This is not a scare tactic, but you will compete with hundreds other for one good job and they are all qualified just like you.

Good luck!
Unfortunately as much as some people don't want to hear the bad news, they are there so you can be prepare for it.

Very well said Glistenpearls.

Being broke or jobless in the US is far far worse than being broke or jobless back home. And things are pretty tough right now, arguments aside. Right now in America most people are less worried about finding a new job and more worried about keeping the job they already have.

For anyone moving to the US during this period, I would suggest you organize yourself extremely well, both financially and mentally.

Best of luck!
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^^ That's right, I think it is very heartbreaking when one living abroad and cannot provide to his/her family.
America is land of opportunity, but only if you make it your opportunity and sometimes you have to fall hard first before you get up. If you have this in mind, I believe you will make it and be fine. There is no point for us to feed you with negative thoughts, we get nothing out of it seriously.
ok here is my experiance -first I'm graphic designer with 18 +years experiance ,from education stand point I have on my resume everything which could/should lend me job in a second -worked for some famous or well known designer studios in Europe -have a colege degree (4years of studies on good university in Germany) .I have high marks and refferences from at least 4 different US companys/employers .3 Years ago I arrived to the USA as a GC winner -at the begining everything was OK -Now I was working about 70 hours a week and making roughly about 30%more money than back home -now back home I was working average about 30-35 hours weeks and mostly from home -here double than that but no so much money -expenses where considerable (car,house rental,insurance ,medical etc.) -all those expenses back in Europe I did not have -now I found myself working for less actualy but I thought as someone mentioned before ''that I should lend hard and then.....get up ''in this ''new country'' and ''land of oportunity''-(parafrase).In about 5 montts with that company I noticed that their business was actualy slowing down and that money was tight -lots of people got fired already in 2005.IT department for example got cut in half (I 'm saying this because lots of people on this forum are ''connected'' with IT )-IT personel had actualy higher income (fixed)then rest of the employees ,so that was a burden to a company -many smaller size companys and firms actualy ''pooled'' sources and got their IT departments ''outsourced''-i.e. made contracts with agencies free lancing such services thus some companys all together got rid of the IT stuff way back in 2006.I have known many a IT techs and almost most of them where from India -they made good money initialy moving to the US in the mid to late 90s but thay too started to feel the difference about 4-5 years ago -quite simply hiring was slow,competiotn was fierce and salaries started to go down -from 6 figure to mid 5 figure amounts -but the expenses where still the same .Now about monster com and hotjob com and simmilar coms offering to ''mediate''between empoyers and would be employees -here are the facts -all of those sites alegedly helping you to find the job and post your cv on line are nothing more (or less) than ''sponges''designed to collect your personal data and to sell it to some (mostly) shady companys which in turn would try to sell you some services you don't need or to scam you for your money -this is as simply as that -only maybe 1% of those people who are looking for a job by using those sites (monster com and hotjobs or yahoo jobs ) actualy got contacted by the employers -probably only 0.05 % secured the job through them -this is a fact which you can check on line so its not the product of my imagination.Monster com. even confirmed that but it said they are happy with that number !!! Now thats very cynical statement considering that 4.5 million people are actualy using and hoping to find some employment through it-and out of that number only 25 000 -30 000 would actualy get it thanks to monster.com.at the firts place .Someone made a comment that I coud be a subject to defamation libel suit -LOL that just shows how much are the new immigrants ignorat of this system they are about to face here in the USA -if monster.com decided to start somethimg like that it will be more than few million cases in the court to begin with and they would lose big time each of them -I think monster.coms biggest fear at the moment is to be sued by some hundreds of thousands of people who got scamed thanks to them and their business of selling personal data for as much as 50 dollars per person .thats that -now about economic crisis -someone metioned before that USA is in a ''bit of a economic crisis''pretty much like rest of the world -LOL again to that -again ''newbie''immigrant giving statemets about the problem he does not even begin to comprihend -first :very structure of the USA (social,economic ,political ) is at stake -so this is not some passing economic crisis which would come to pass within months -this is very deep problem which is gonna change this country for the worse (on the short term ) and only great energy ,lots of money , great political visdom and ultimately faith in the system itself could save this country on the long run -now when I say short term I mean 5-6 years minimum and long term I meant 10 -15 years -so we are looking for at least 5 years of steady economic decline (this is conservative estimate )-crisis started here and it has to end in the USA but its still ''young'' and its yet to make its way around the globe .My personal opinion is that at the moment the biggest worry is one thing which is most important but is clearlyis missing -and that is political wisdom -politicians here have no clue what to do -president included(I know its not politicly correct to say that now but mark my words time would prove that quite simply he and ''his''people are clueless about what to do with the crisis-don't get me wrong other guy would be even more lost if he was elected )
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what I'm trying to say is that everything here now depends on individual luck -there is no rules nor regulations nor the system in place -crisis is still developing and its going to get worse but you might somehow find something and get along and ride out the worst of it -who knows .but luck is not permanent and it might run out fast -crucial thing is time - time you gonna waste to fnd out if you are ''lucky person '' and you won't be able to recover that passing ever again
one job to find depends on your Skills, ability ,qualification and experience. if you have those factors then you will have good offers with a very good salary from the 1st day in USA.
^^ I'm not a 100% agree with that because it gives false hopes to people and I have personally experienced that "false hope" too and I wish people told me the truth instead. My good friend totally qualified and been earning over 100K from his last job until he got laid off here in the US. It has been 7 months and he still has no job, not even Starbucks will take him. But you are not entirely wrong, those factors that you were talking definitely helps, but it's not a guarantee.

But whatever works for you then you should go for it.
hi Glistenpearls,
exacty you will not find job in the next day, but see the how this thread is negative,
give hopes to people.-----------------> hopes to people -------------> you can do it
as i said before its all down to pure luck -but how much time you Can ride on it and for how long ?-skills ,experiance etc. has nothing to do anymore with anything here in the USA -its luck ,luck luck and only luck and if you where lucky to get that job my advise is 1.don't spend your money on anything -don't buy a car or house (god forbid)-no expensive clothes (bring everything from your home country or let your parents or friends ship it for you once you are shure you are staying here )-cook your own meals -no restorants or junk food -avoid starbucks (expensive ''water'' they call coffe here )-convert your salary to euros and also save in euros back in your own home country banks (this is a must !!! -dollar would go down in value by spring as soon as federal reserve starts to PRINT money for ''Bam's'' rescue plan )2.start making plans in the case you lose your job -plan how much you can endure without salary 3.continue looking for jobs even if you got something coming or already working -try other countrys too -don't lose ''connection ''with job market back home -follow trends there and jump on the first decent opportunity to get back home
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With all respect bmx88 but let me tell you something: I live in a small country in europe which is in recession since I've been born (even earlier);I studied civil engeneering but I didn't finished it because my parents didn't had enough money to give me for studing.I was excellent student but I had to quit and then I got married and start to work in a small office as clerk.That last only one year ,then I got my first child.After one year I couldn't find other job.Then I got my second child but I still couldn't find job. Now after 10 years I'm unemployed mother and housewife, my husband lost his job too and the only nice thing in my life is this winning.I know what's happenning there and you are right what you're saying but tell me is there something worse than these things I mentioned above ? I have 2 children who are depending on me and yet I'm still depending on my parent's retirement benefits. Isn't that a big shame?! I know that in my country we won't find job for shure, maybe in the US is the same situation but at least there is some hope-thing that in my country don't exist.It seems to me that people from different countries are looking different on the crisis in the US.Good Luck to all.