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getting jobs once in states

If you're still young, concentrate on going to school in the U.S rather than looking for jobs. Millions of Americans are going back to school or even stay in school to continue to a higher educations. I think you should do the same.

You can always look for part time jobs, student loans, scholarship, grants, and even financial aids to help pay the tuition and cost of living. From there, you can observe the job market, and hopefully the economy and the job market will get better once you finish school. This way, you'll have some time to adjust the live in the U.S and to think about what you want to do.

Thanks ! Gerindo

I think caretaker job is not suitable for me because I hate cooking,washing and old people ! Ha...Ha... :D

I think I will find hotel and restaurant jobs in USA if I can get US immigrant visa ! My father's good friend is in Denver,Colorado.He opend chinese restaurant there about 5 years.He welcome me to come to his restaurant and work because I have some experiences in this kind of job.He said he will give me US$2000 a month including accomodation + food .I think it's good ! What do you think ? Please answer me ! I want him to send me a job offer letter to show to the US consular when I go to interview ! Can you tell me about job offer letter ? I don't know very well about that !

Yes,I made up my mind that I will study and work in USA when I reach there !

My case number is 2009AS25### .So,I think my interview will be in June or July.I'm nervous now ! God please help me !!!

I only have high school diploma.Is it a problem for me ? For money,how much money should I show ! About US$10000 ??? I have an apartment in Taipei but the house loan didn't finish !

Moreover,I'm worry that US economy is very bad now.But,I don't want to give up !!! I will try my best !!!
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David give it try by all means but do not expect much -to be honest with you even in the best of times US was not an easy country to conquer-compared with my European experiances (I lived in 6 different countrys in EU in the last 22 years ) USA was most difficult in every respect -everything here was a pain in the .....I said somewhere that this country is in fact very closed to outsiders -that this is land of immigrants and opportunities its just a myth and very old one to that (maybe in 50s and 60 s t was like that but not now and not for loong before that ).just be careful not to loose contact with your country -save your money with the banks back home (don't save in dollars in the US banks )-do not invest into anything here (stocks or bonds ) -you just gonna loose everything -also do not buy a house or car or try to invest into some sort of business oportunities (here in order to make 100 000 dollars profit you have to invest a million minimum and to risk a lot !!!!)-also there is a lots of pressure here to make easy money through some ''tried systems etc.'' but only people getting rich like that are very same people who are in fact trying to sell you one of those ''get rich'' scams .most of the jobs here are paid very little -mind you average social security payments in most of the countrys in the EU is around 1000-1100 dolars a month (when I was unemployed back home I was getting 70% of my last salary every month from the social security services which was around 2300 euros for period of 8 months till I got the same job with another company)-here to fnd a job which pays you that money (2300 euros = 2900 dollars) you have to be extremly lucky
David give it try by all means but do not expect much -to be honest with you even in the best of times US was not an easy country to conquer-compared with my European experiances (I lived in 6 different countrys in EU in the last 22 years ) USA was most difficult in every respect -everything here was a pain in the .....I said somewhere that this country is in fact very closed to outsiders -that this is land of immigrants and opportunities its just a myth and very old one to that (maybe in 50s and 60 s t was like that but not now and not for loong before that ).just be careful not to loose contact with your country -save your money with the banks back home (don't save in dollars in the US banks )-do not invest into anything here (stocks or bonds ) -you just gonna loose everything -also do not buy a house or car or try to invest into some sort of business oportunities (here in order to make 100 000 dollars profit you have to invest a million minimum and to risk a lot !!!!)-also there is a lots of pressure here to make easy money through some ''tried systems etc.'' but only people getting rich like that are very same people who are in fact trying to sell you one of those ''get rich'' scams .most of the jobs here are paid very little -mind you average social security payments in most of the countrys in the EU is around 1000-1100 dolars a month (when I was unemployed back home I was getting 70% of my last salary every month from the social security services which was around 2300 euros for period of 8 months till I got the same job with another company)-here to fnd a job which pays you that money (2300 euros = 2900 dollars) you have to be extremly lucky

buddy i agree with most of your osts, tell me how i can immigrate to your country;)
same as for any other i guess -you need a job offer -aim at scandinavia and you won't be disapointed -if you want to invest some money eastern europe is ground zero for you -as for medical care -you have that for free in all of the eu countries and in most of the eu you have pension once you pass certain age (65) weather you worked or not at all during your life -in germany you need to work just 1 day (one day ) and your qualify for state pension (not much -I think around 400 euros =600 dollars) -also in most of the eu countries you have right to get help with accomodation (local welfare) if you don't have the money for rent -in Italy it could be decision of the court for you to live on the certain address for free for years for example and only way someone could get you out of your place is to go to court himself .in france also you have rights to stay on if you lose your job etc.
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taxes are higher in eu on the other hand!! for years that was a ''trump'' card everytime when someone was talking about difference between us and europe -like here in the us you can make so much more money etc. and save whereas in europe you can't etc. but this crissis has shown i think that us system is actualy veru hazardous and built on endless speculations (financial and social foremost which are almost bordering on lab experiments )-whereas europeam system is based more on solid social fondation derivated from rich history and experiance in governing (here in the usa you will be suprised to find out how many politicans are openly corupted -governor of illinois was sacked due to corruption scandal for example just about a month ago -also in ny state you have drug addict for a governor etc .).i found interesting that europe has run into problems and this crissis by trying to mimic us finacial system and blind implementation of its postulates (so called us ''liberal capitalisam'' )
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I received a job offer letter from my father's good friend who is the boss of chinese restaurant in Denver,Colorado.The salary is US$2000 per month including accomodation and food.Is it a reasonable salary ??? Please answer me !!! Thank you !!!
I received a job offer letter from my father's good friend who is the boss of chinese restaurant in Denver,Colorado.The salary is US$2000 per month including accomodation and food.Is it a reasonable salary ??? Please answer me !!! Thank you !!!

You could get by on that, keep in mind you will only get about $1,650 after all taxes are deducted. Not having to pay for accommodation would enable you to live on that.
you have state tax too + medical insurance .free accomodation is bonus and free food also -you gonna be alright -its very very low salary but you cAn pull it off for awhile -but if you get stuck in that job you have only one option -save as much as you can and think about investing money back home (Taiwan)-in the US it would take you DECADES to save some money to buy a house or start you own business ON THAT KIND OF SALARY
you have state tax too + medical insurance .free accomodation is bonus and free food also -you gonna be alright -its very very low salary but you cAn pull it off for awhile -but if you get stuck in that job you have only one option -save as much as you can and think about investing money back home (Taiwan)-in the US it would take you DECADES to save some money to buy a house or start you own business ON THAT KIND OF SALARY

Thanks ! I agree with you ! I already have an apartment in Taiwan.So,I don't need to worry about that.I only want to study at US university and want to earn better salary in USA and save money as much as I can ! If I have green card,my school fee will cheaper.That's why I really want green card.Moreover,I really want to live in USA than Taiwan.Maybe living expenses in USA is more expensive than Taiwan.But,I don't care much about that ! This is my dream that I live,work and study in USA ! :)
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Glistenpearls,,,,you`re so good thanx for the detailed info.
You just got to believe in what you can achieve no matter where you are or where you live.... I got tired of my friends telling me to give up trying to get a software engineering job once I got here some of them offer me jobs at the places where they work (mechanics,, restaurants, hotels, cable tv) 40 days after starting applying I got a job as a SQA engineer in DC trough Dice (no scam) an them a couple of months later as a Software Developer trough net temps (no scam) got a few interviews trough monster and carreerbuilder too.

Is really up to the person I had a fluent level of english when I got here and also the desire and will to pursue what I wanted to do. Just believe in yourself I guess is the cliche phrase here (even with a recession). Dont give up is only up to you but off course if you won the visa lottery you also know that you need a touch of luck too.