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getting jobs once in states

good luck Ana -what can I tell you - I can give you one advice through-if you leaving with your husband don't drag your children into this adventure -leave them with your family back home -at least for awhile -this is gonna be your hardest test in life -I personaly wish you all the best
Quite Interesting bmx88: A different Experience

My wife won dv2008, we got our (wife, child and myself) visas in sept 2008 and activated this month (feb 2009). When in the US we applied for SS numbers and return to Europe after about 8 days. I have started applying for jobs as a lecturer and have got two positive responses (from a university and a college).

I do respect the views of bmx88 and his very rich experience about the situation in the States but i beg to differ on the claim that skills and qualifications do not matter. With my experience, i think once you have the right qualification and right skills getting a job in the US should not be a major problem. In addition, my host and other known guys whom we visited and have visited me are not too negative about the situation as being presented here - perhaps the the individual situation ie jobs, qualifications and the state they work could also account for their cool perspectives.

Anyway, bmx88 cautions should be taken seriously and all preparations (psy and finan) made to absorb any adversities. But the truth should be told with care - for the sake to inform not to scare.
agree with you-but I also have offers for the job since december last year -everything is fine but they keep me ''delayed''-simply contract is not ''in the mail'' -I spent hours on the phone talking to various people but nothing came out of it -everything is on ''stand by'-''they'' are happy to talk to me and they think I'm a right guy for the position etc. but .......nothing .My advice don't make a move till you actualy get the contract -writen and endorset by the University where they need you -also when you get it read it 10x and try to figure out is your job covered 100% with benefits and rights (in the case of the future job loss is there any severance pay by the respective Uni. or medical costs coverage etc.-this is for the sake of your family)check for anything going in your favour and question all things going against your interest.
A point to be noted here. BMX88, I assume that you are from Europe, where I believe the quality of life is much higher than the United States. But if you are from Asia or Africa, then it's a no-brainer.
A point to be noted here. BMX88, I assume that you are from Europe, where I believe the quality of life is much higher than the United States. But if you are from Asia or Africa, then it's a no-brainer.

This is a bit of a blanket statement. There are many countries in Asia, and there are some in Africa were quality of life is not that bad - Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, South Africa, Namibia, Botswana etc.

There are still jobs out there. They are harder to find so you'll have to make an extra effort. I'm 25, got a job 4 months after arriving, only having really looked for work properly for about 2 months. I have 6 months unrelated work experience that I had to do as part of my Bachelor of Science degree (Environmental Health field). And I recently received another job offer, so its definately not that bad. Hopefully it starts improving soon!
agree with you-but I also have offers for the job since december last year -everything is fine but they keep me ''delayed''-simply contract is not ''in the mail'' -I spent hours on the phone talking to various people but nothing came out of it -everything is on ''stand by'-''they'' are happy to talk to me and they think I'm a right guy for the position etc. but .......nothing .My advice don't make a move till you actualy get the contract -writen and endorset by the University where they need you -also when you get it read it 10x and try to figure out is your job covered 100% with benefits and rights (in the case of the future job loss is there any severance pay by the respective Uni. or medical costs coverage etc.-this is for the sake of your family)check for anything going in your favour and question all things going against your interest.

bmx88 thanks. Of course it is a general rule (to all informed guys) that before accepting any job offer one will have to examine the conditions attached before you make a decision. I also believe that if one has the right skills and right qualification one will not hang on a single offer or be allowed to be left in brackets for this long - sit up and look for alternative jobs. Joesoap101 experience is also important in providing the right picture for prospective guys - getting a job anywhere in the world requires strategic efforts, the case of the US, to me, is not different and even better in some degree than some parts of western Europe.
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I know this situation people must take a total effort to find a job. Most career are about IT that are scarce. What do you think about other career such as Accounting area?
Wot about nursing..Registerd nurse.I knw u ave 2 get registrd 2 work there.But can 1 get a job as a caregiver ...
What about the jobs of Hotel and restaurant ? I work at chinese restaurant of five star hotel here in Taipei as the captain about 5 - 6 years.I hope I can find this kind of job in USA.How much is the minimum salary for this kind of job ? I think it's about 2000 US$ a month.
hi Glistenpearls,
exacty you will not find job in the next day, but see the how this thread is negative,
give hopes to people.-----------------> hopes to people -------------> you can do it

Yes,don't give up everyone.Try your best !!!
20 00 is very low vages here -it won't cover much -thats less than 2000 a month -you have to calculate tax deductions -just to find disent place is gonna cost you around 1000 a month minimum .if you have a job like that in Taipei I think it will be mistake to go to USA now .
to be reigistered caretaker its a very good job here -there is a lots of old people here who need help (in big cities )-comprehensive social system looking after old/retired people do not exists here in the usa so as a result elderly are left to care for themselfs (if they can )-so if they have some money they usualy pay for help out of their own pocket so maybe you won't need to register as a nurse or caretaker to get that kind of jobs (I'm pretty shure no one will check you out -I just know some people from latin america -they work as caretakers without any registration and mostly without legal papers )-all you need is some contacts or even just put the advert in the papers or respond to advert left -its a good job and its in demand due to culture of ''abandoment ''which is pretty much in effect here in the usa -here if you are old usualy even your own family won't take care of you -they don't won't to spent the money on you or they left (children)long time ago and don't have any contacts with you anymore (they could be living on the other side of the continent) so caretaker for elderly is in demand pretty much and job offers are not affected by the crisis
accounting jobs are also in demand -they are not well paid but again due to complicated tax system they have here accounting is ''safe '' job since everyone needs them at least during ''tax season ''(january -april)-but you need to be certified for us tax laws procedures and such and also ''us accounting '' systems and regulations -maybe you will need some extra studies on top of those that you already have
20 00 is very low vages here -it won't cover much -thats less than 2000 a month -you have to calculate tax deductions -just to find disent place is gonna cost you around 1000 a month minimum .if you have a job like that in Taipei I think it will be mistake to go to USA now .

Thanks for your reply ! ;)
to be reigistered caretaker its a very good job here -there is a lots of old people here who need help (in big cities )-comprehensive social system looking after old/retired people do not exists here in the usa so as a result elderly are left to care for themselfs (if they can )-so if they have some money they usualy pay for help out of their own pocket so maybe you won't need to register as a nurse or caretaker to get that kind of jobs (I'm pretty shure no one will check you out -I just know some people from latin america -they work as caretakers without any registration and mostly without legal papers )-all you need is some contacts or even just put the advert in the papers or respond to advert left -its a good job and its in demand due to culture of ''abandoment ''which is pretty much in effect here in the usa -here if you are old usualy even your own family won't take care of you -they don't won't to spent the money on you or they left (children)long time ago and don't have any contacts with you anymore (they could be living on the other side of the continent) so caretaker for elderly is in demand pretty much and job offers are not affected by the crisis

Can you tell me how to find caretaker job in USA ? How much is the salary ? Tell me more details please ! I want to know !
David I mentioned that I have known peole working like that -salary is hard to estimate -I think around 3000 a month is a minimum -more refferences you have and recomendation it will be easier to get a better pay -now usualy you have agencies for that kind of services but as I said you can pass without that if you go ''solo''- check news papers and pass the leaflets with your phone number etc. I would not recomend putting anything on the internet -you will probably just waste your time and getting junk mail in retunr and all kinds of shady offers instead real jobs offers + old people don't go to internet looking for caretakers .
Can you tell me how to find caretaker job in USA ? How much is the salary ? Tell me more details please ! I want to know !

My best friend in the U.S is a caretaker. She's pretty old, late 60s, but She has been a caretaker in the U.S for almost 15 years. She came to the U.S 15 years ago and got her green card 2 years later after working as a caretaker. Now She's a U.S Citizen and getting ready to retire.

From her experiences and her income, finding a job as a caretaker in the U.S is not difficult. You just need to know where to find them. Hospital, retirement homes, retirement communities are the first best place to find them. You can even start posting an add in the local newspaper, and I'm sure there will be people contacting you. You just need to find the right location to post the add. Here in Florida, it is the best place to do so because this State has the biggest retirement community in the U.S. Almost every city in Florida has a retirement community, and it gets bigger as you go down to South Florida.

As far as income..it is so so. Don't expect to make a lot of money working as a caretaker. The income as a caretaker would be around $20,000 per year. It will be depend on your skills and experience. If you can cook, clean, know CPR, registered Nurse, etc, the salary will be higher.

Think of caretaker as a semi maid and semi nurse. You stay in someone house during the day, taking care an old person or a disabled person. You help him/her eat, take a bath, shopping, cook, clean the house if needed, etc.

There is also a special training to be a caretaker here in the U.S, it would help increase the income if you have that special training. Certification is not required to be a caretaker but it will help to get the job.
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What about the jobs of Hotel and restaurant ? I work at chinese restaurant of five star hotel here in Taipei as the captain about 5 - 6 years.I hope I can find this kind of job in USA.How much is the minimum salary for this kind of job ? I think it's about 2000 US$ a month.

If you're still young, concentrate on going to school in the U.S rather than looking for jobs. Millions of Americans are going back to school or even stay in school to continue to a higher educations. I think you should do the same.

You can always look for part time jobs, student loans, scholarship, grants, and even financial aids to help pay the tuition and cost of living. From there, you can observe the job market, and hopefully the economy and the job market will get better once you finish school. This way, you'll have some time to adjust the live in the U.S and to think about what you want to do.
just one piece of advice -avoid using hotjobs yahoo. or monster com. sites for job seeking -you won't get any job offers through them only some junk e mails and offers for shady business oportunities and outright scam mails related to advance fee for this and that